Friday, May 31, 2019
The Second Noble Truth of Buddhism :: essays research papers fc
The Second dread Truth - Samudaya"The Truth of the Origin or the Cause of haplessAccording to the philosophy of Buddhism is the Second Noble Truth "Samudaya", the truth of the origin or the cause of harm. Buddhists also believe that the origin of suffering is attachment.The Second Noble Truth invites us to understand the principle, that the origin of suffering is attachment to transient things and the ignorance thereof. Transient things do not only include the physical objects that surround us, still it also encompasses ideas, and, in a greater reason, all objects of our perception. Perhaps it could be said that ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our mind is attached to impermanent things. Some of the reasons for suffering ar, desire, passion, pursuit of wealth and prestige, striving for fame and popularity, or in short craving and grasping. We create our own suffering through our egotistical craving and desires. Because the objects of our attachment a r impermanent their loss maybe inevitable and so suffering will follow.The Second Noble Truth has three aspects of attachment to desires. These three types of desire be the desire for sensual pleasure (kama tanha), the desire to become (bhava tanha) and the desire to get rid of (vibhava tanha).It is human nature to want more, more of what we like and to have give out than what we have. This desire is not just for ourselves but for our children and the people we care about. It is in these desires that we can find the source of our suffering. We crave for the formation of states or realms of being that are not currently happening.As human beings we believe that the way of happiness is through sensual pleasure. We have five senses which respond to the world and through which we respect a lot of pleasure. For example we obtain great pleasure from the taste of food, masking lovely sights, the feeling of a sea breeze or internal pleasures. It is said that trying to satisfy our cravin g for pleasant experiences is like drinking saltwater when thirsty it only increases our thirst. Even by means of the sixth sense in Buddhism, there is great pleasure to be had in fantasies and mental states of excitement, infatuations and so on. Our technological society extends all types of ways to extend our sensual pleasure, from viewing and listening to DVDs, CDs, TVs and many other high-tech options.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Belonging :: Ukraine Traditions Culture Society Essays
BelongingThe ideals embodied in the word community deal with the scientific description of specific human cultures. plot traveling throughout the city of Warren, Michigan, you are bound to notice one of the many signs stating the following Welcome to Warren, the third largest city in Michigan. In the center of this large city dwell approximately seventeen thousand humans of Ukrainian descent. With this many people you would need Cobo H all(prenominal) to throw a get-together however, we all seem to congregate happily at the Ukrainian Cultural Center. Throughout the Ukrainian Cultural Centers twenty years of existence, the Center has faithfully serviced its patrons with libraries of knowledge, a museum, great food, and a social shoes to gather, the Odessa Lounge.The Ukrainian Cultural Center serves as the hub of most activities for Ukrainians in the metro Detroit area. You might say that I grew up in the place, nurtured by the members of Ukrainian decent who have served me homoge neous surrogate parents. Its a large community, but Ive grown to personally know most of the members and their families. The Center, as it is called, is not just a place to learn about me heritage, attend lectures, concerts, weddings, social and cultural activities. For me the Center is a place of belonging where everyone knows my name, just as the words to the song in the TV sitcom Cheers.The Ukrainian Cultural Center is situated south of Interstate 696 on the west- side of Ryan Road. This brown brick building does not timbre extremely elaborate or fancy, but rather, has the appearance of a large house. The building faade is complimented with sweet almond colored trim and brown shingles, the kind found on many homes in this residential area. The buildings pitched roof further adds the look and feel of a large family home. The elaborate landscaping intensifies the large house effect as well as hiding the road that runs across the battlefront leading to the massive four hundred ni nety-space parking lot in the rear. Masking the road with stones, shrubs, and several pine, maple and crab apple trees makes it look attractive and inviting from the front.Upon ledger entry the building, you automatically know it is not a typical banquet hall. It has the look and feel of another country. The display at the entrance is filled with Ukrainian artifacts, like embroidered pillows, decorated pysanky, wedding wreaths, and other objects reflecting Ukrainian ethnicity.
William Faulkners A Rose For Emily Essay -- essays research papers
Rather than stating the true meaning of his works, William Faulkner generally uses symbolism to portray the depth of his tales. Throughout the story A uprise For Emily, time is a continuous theme that is portrayed through symbols. The past, present, and future are represented by different people, places, and things. One of which such symbols, the main reference point herself, represents the essence of the past through her father, her house, and her lover.Historically, the Grierson name was one of the most respected names in Jefferson. Throughout his lifetime, Mr. Grierson played various roles in the community to hike the reputation of his name and to earn his family a great deal of honor.He also, however, had and air of superiority about him. His attitude toward women, as evident in the preaching of his daughter, reflects his old-fashioned ways and his inability, or his lack of desire, to move on into the future. Throughout Miss Emilys childhood, her father believed that none of the young men were quite right-hand(a) enough for Miss Emily. Mr. Grierson did not allow his grown daughter, even at the age of thirty, tomake her own decisions. Moreover, he did not feel it was her place to deed of conveyance on her own behalf. Miss Emily willingly accepted her role in the household. The name and the attitudes that Mr. Grierson passed on to his daughter Emily symbolically opposed the change that was going on around them. ...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The American Dream Today :: Essays on the American Dream
What is the American Dream, and who are the people most likely to pursue its often gnarly fulfillment? Indeed, the American Dream has come to represent the attainment of myriad of goals that are specific to each individual. While one person might drive a purchased home with a white picket fence her version of the American Dream, another might regard it as the financial ability to act upon his own business. Clearly, there is no cut and dried definition of the American Dream as long as any two people detention a different meaning. What it does universally represent, however, it the opportunity for people to seek out their individual and collective commits under a political umbrella of democracy. In the fifties, the age of suburbia, the American Dream was epitomized by the ability to own a home, live in safety and in a community of like minded souls. The great exodus from the cities to the suburbs defined the American idea of the good life. The American Dream was and alw ays will be something that makes America great. It allows those with aspirations to make them come true. In America whole needs is a dream and the motivation to carry out that dream. Ambition is the driving force behind the American Dream. It allows any one that has an aspiration, a desire, a yearning, to carry out the individual dream. It knows no bounds of race, creed, gender or religion. It stands for something great, something that every one can strive towards. A dream can be a desire for something great. In America, the American Dream allows dreams to become realities. According to Websters New World Dictionary, the American Dream is defined as An American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and especially material prosperity. To live this dream is to succeed. It allows anyone, rich or poor to have the opportunity to succeed. It is the ability to come from energy and become so me thing. To succeed at any thing you do, you must have patience and persistence. It requires hard work, persistence and a desire for something better. To have these qualities and the desire and ambition to carry the moutis part of the American Dream. The Joy Luck Club is a prime source for everything that is represented in this dream.
Analysis of Lust, by Susan Minot Essay -- Lust Essays
They turn casually to look at you, distracted, and get a mild distracted surprise, youre gone. Their blank look tells you that the lady friend they were fucking is not there anymore. You seem to have disappeared.(pg.263) In Minots story Lust you are play by play given the sequential events of a fifteen year old girls sex life. As portrayed by her thoughts after sex in this passage the girl is overly casual virtually the act of sex and years ahead of her time in her awareness of her actions. Minots unique way of revealing to the reader the wild excursions done by this fresh promiscuous adolescent proves that she devalues the sacred act of sex. Furthermore, the manner in which the author illustrates to the reader these acts symbolizes the likeness of a list. Whether its a list of things to do on the pass or perhaps items of groceries which need to be picked up, her lust for each one of the boys in the story is about as well thought out and pregnant as each item which has carel essly and spontaneously been thrown on to a sheet of paper as is done in making a list. This symbolistic writing style is used to show how meaningless these relationships were but the deeper meaning of why she acted the way she did is revealed throughout the story. Minot cleverly displayed these catalysts in between the listings of her relationships. One of the primary(prenominal) factors of this was the neglect of her parents. It was not stated directly but the fact that her parents did not know what was g...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Willy Loman is No Tragic Hero in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death of a Salesman Essays
Willy Loman is No Tragic Hero in Arthur Millers Death of a SalesmanIn Arthur Millers look for about Tragedy and the Common Man, he argues that the publics man is as appropriate a subject for tragedy as the very highly fixed kings and noble men. Mankind keeps tragedy above all forms because they are given the same mental abilities as the nobles. In Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman is a common man and a middle class worker, enough saving to provide food for his family. So if the sad hero can be a common man, does Willy fit in that category? Even though he is a common man he fails to live up to the standards of being a tragic hero because he never accepts nor admits to his own errors. He, therefore, loses his dignity. One of his biggest errors is his failure of be a good father. Willy Lomans character is capable of making errors. He believes he is a very successful salesman and well liked. He also thinks that the company likes what he is doing. He once said, Im the New England man. I am vital in New England (Miller pg. 32) Because of his false belief about his success Howard fired him. After he got fired charley offered him a job, but he refuses to accept, because he is too proud and jealous to work for Charley. His actions were wrong because at no time was a successful salesman. He is non a causationful character. Willy lives in his fantasies where he is the man. Who goes out to another place and comes out rich, he is love by everyone and admired by his family. In real life, he is lazy and does not live up to his own ideals. As Aristotle explains, a tragic hero must be one of noble character and must fall from power and happiness.( but Willy neither has a noble characteristic nor does he fall from power because he does not have a position of power. According to Miller, a tragic hero is someone who dies for personal dignity. Willy does die for his dignity. Those who act against the scheme of things that degrades t hem.(Miller. Tragedy of the Common Man) Willy, in his ideas and action of committing suicide, fits in that category. In act 2, Willy reveals his desires to come through back Biffs respect by committing suicide.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Rhetorical Devices in Great Gatsby
Gatsby Essay Honors English II Asura Louise Osborne In the 1920s, the world was full of new inventions, dances, and drinks. The standards of even the close to rigorously structured social classes were changed, allowing the ample to cut loose and throw elaborate and entertaining caseies. Every day, the world was changing for the better. Author F. Scott Fitzgeralds work The Great Gatsby reflects these ideas, communicating through non-homogeneous rhetorical devices that the world is a magical place, and that even in times of sadness, anything is possible. Prior to the fill out Age, growing up was associated with a loss of happiness and hope.During the 20s, however, this standard seemed to change, pushing the perception of adulthood into something magical and frivolous. Fitzgerald reflects this in the archetypal portrayal of a city, describing it as in white heaps and sugar lumps. sportsmanlike is an archetype for purity, innocence, and hope. It illuminates the hope that the young adults living in the 1920s felt, as well as the innocent parties they danced at, innocent not because of what took place in them, precisely because they were blissfully unaware of the harsh realities that existed elsewhere in the world.Happiness is as well as communicated in the use of the word sunlight, because the sun is an archetype for energy and hope. Through the avatar of the city rising up, it is illuminated that the roaring twenties came from seemingly nowhere, almost like a fairytale. The magic of the upper classes world was also represent in the hyperbole, all built with a wish. In reality, the city merely began as a wish, but Fitzgerald portrays it as something that sprung up from a thought.Potentially the most illuminatory literary device is the imagery in the sentence its wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world. The picture painted is one of excitement, hope, and perhaps most importantly, the creation of a wonderful world borne from fancy. In t imes of loss, a traditional coping mechanism is bargaining. This is generally portrayed as If I do such and such, so and so will come back. It is usually a time when the bargainer believes in part that anything is possible. F. Scott Fitzgerald dives into that idea when Jay and Nick become part of a funeral procession.One way he communicates the idea that anything is possible is in the juxtaposition of behavior and death, A dead manin a hearseheaped with blooms His diction also illuminates this concept through the use of the word blinds, suggesting that most people are blind to the presence of possibility. In addition to diction and juxtaposition, Nicks response to seeing blacks in an affluent setting also illuminates that Fitzgerald is communicating through him, Anything can happen nowanything at all. Even in the presence of a somber holiday, the world is still coming up with new possibilities.The world is ever changing, which is one thing that makes life on Earth so exciting. A ll of the changes that are present today really began in the 1920s though, a time of new ideas and hopes. F. Scott Fitzgerald led Americas run head-first into the Jazz Age, and gave future generations a peek inside what life was like at the time with his novels. In his book, The Great Gatsby, he uses many literary devices to illuminate the concepts that life is magical, and that even in times of sadness, the world is filling itself with new possibilities.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
International Trade Law
Law chosen to g everywheren a trans displaceions is clearly state the legal consequences of their contractual activities for pattern the right, obligation, and remedies for involve parties, and they can choose the righteousness of grumpy country or international uprightness to govern their contract. multinational trade law (CISG) includes the appropriate rules and customs for handling trade amidst states and it forms part of domesticatedated law if the involve parties atomic number 18 from the catching state of CISG.With help from Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) for filling gap in the coverage of issues by the CISG which is the validity of contract, effect of contract on property and goods, exclusively or non-sale aspects for distribution musical arrangement, and inability of sell for death or personal injury cause by the goods on every person. The domestic law that governs the transactions in Malaysia is the adopt map 1950 and supplement from Sale of Goods Act (S OGA) 1957 (revised 1989) which is based on the English Sales of Goods Act.As a Malaysian lawyer, I recommend you choose the Contract Act 1950 and SOGA as the governing law because the business you based is on Malaysia home soil and it creates a familiar factor to you. Besides that, Contract Act 1950 and SOGA already govern the basic contract of goods and contract of insurance but they did non cover the contract of carriage. However, because of Malaysia still coiffures the Hague Rules by virtue of the Carriage of Goods By Sea Act 1950 (Revised 1994), you have to choose the Hague Rules to govern your contract of carriage even though there atomic number 18 prominent weaknesses.For contract of carriage, there is quantity term used on trading call as International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS), and Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) and Free On Board (FOB) are the generally used term in the trade. So, I recommend you to practice FOB even through your product price will slightly humili ate due to bargain from buyer, but the make up will reflect on save at the transport of the products. Besides, the main welfare is you do not bespeak to make arrangement on carriage and thus this will reduced the burden to you as a sellers responsibilities.Policies and regulations have the very obstruct relationship because regulations are come under the policies. The policies and regulations at Malaysia are based on an open and encourage motive, so, normally you can smoothly doing your business on export the product out of Malaysia to foreign countries. This is see through the durian is one of the fruits that identifies by the Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) (NAP3) as substantial role in creating competitiveness of the Malaysia fruit and vegetable industry in the ASEAN.However, you fate to take care about various policies and regulations of your dealing countries which are ASEAN countries and chinaware in order to gain the benefits from all your dealing expor ter countries which are actually on the free trade area as ASEAN Free trade body politic (AFTA) and also ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA). Firstly, former(a) than the list of preferential tariffs products that under the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme , the 40% rules of rootage are also one regulation that need to comply with in able to benefit from preferential market access.So, you need to obtain a different certificate of origin from Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to trade at both free trade areas. Besides certificate of origin, there are regulations for the prize of trading goods on AFTA and ACFTA. Start from sign of AFTA and ACFTA, the ASEAN countries and China fruits market move to more open market as can see through the fruits fibre control have been replace to which is more harmonize and standardize call as Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measurers (SPS).This is to prevent countries to protect their domestic agricultural producers f rom imports with stringent phytosanitary measures which are non-science based, discriminatory and non-transparent. So, you now can be more efficiently and effectively on export your product to these particular countries. ? Answer 2 International agreement different to domestic contract that only contracting within the familiar home country itself, it is more complicated in contracting with various countries and sometimes may be in unfamiliar countries.So in contracting International agreement, there normally required for more trade documents that covers wider range that classified under four main groups which is Financial, Commercial, official, and Transport and insurance documents. Compared to International agreement, domestic contract normally required fewer types of documents especially only commercial and insurance type. This is because domestic contract only contracting the goods move within country territory and did not cross over he national boarder, so documents like presen t of origin in Official group of documents, bill of landing (BOL) or airway bills (AWB) in Transport group of documents are not needed. Term of wages decide on International agreement is more complicated than for domestic contract in reasons of more person involve in the retribution parade for International agreement. This process can explained though the general example of payment term which is letter of credit (LC) that involve bank parties assistance by act as a middle man in the payment process.The next main difference between both is the risk face by each other. International agreement is exposed to a number of risks such as buyers risk, transport risk and transfer risk that may be also faced by domestic contract. However, these similar risks faced by the domestic contract will be lower in term of cost factor and some other risks such as exchange rate risk and country or sovereign risk will exclude to domestic contract that only contracting at local currency and local polici es.Besides that, the transportation and delivery aspect essential follow the international standard for example the standardized dimensions of shipping pallets for International agreement, but this requirement is not so strict for the domestic contract. Product packaging and labeling aspect is also not so concern by domestic contract because it normally travels across short distance. However, for International agreement that the goods travel at considerable distance, export packaging must be suitable for the particular mode of transport in order to provide maximum protection.There are four different types of contracting methods available which is negotiating a complete contract, choosing international law to govern the contract, agree on standard form or terms, and standard industry contracts. Negotiating a complete contract is not suitable to you because your business was just at the beginning stages of entering the new market, so there are many unknown on the others domestic law that will cause unfair status in the contracting, thus this will also incurred even more time in making the final agreement.For your situation that deals with many countries, standard industry contracts seem more suitable to you but there are still not any single association that promulgated the standard contracts of durian even though there are already mature grow of durian industry in ASEAN. Then, Standard terms contracting method is suitable to you not only because it is a speedy and convenient way of contracting, but it also benefit to you as an fferor that has priority in the snuff it shot doctrine in the courts. Besides, the objective of choosing international law to govern the contract is to provide more comfortably for other parties to enter the contracts, rather than selecting particular domestic law. So, as I recommend you to choose the Malaysia law as governing law, this method is clearly not suitable because it controversy to governing law that you chosen.The object clauses can create legal and practical problems to you in term of quality and specification of the goods you export. Certificate of origin is basic requirement for export goods to other countries, and as discussed before, you needs to obtain a certificate of origin Form D from Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for trade on AFTA, and Form E for trade on ACFTA in order to fulfill the CEPT scheme.In other simply meaning, you must to obtain the certificate of origin in order to enjoy the benefit of tariff in the free trade area and simply act as a passport that show approval to entering particular market. The fisticuffs aspect of goods specification creates the problem on the transport of durian to other countries by the strong odour of durian leaking out from the poor packaging.So you need to practice the suitable packaging method for your export durian especially your fresh durian that exported by air shipment. Besides that, you must prepare for the future of sustai nable packaging that reflect in the designed in a holistic way and be made from responsibly sourced materials that are safe and effective end-to-end its lifecycle, meet criteria for performance and cost, meet consumers choice and expectations and, finally, it has to be recovered efficiently after use.For the price clauses, you better determine the price that can change over time subject to review and modification because there are fluctuate in the currency exchange among all the different countries that will cause gigantic lost if there are big differences between the current currency and the currency that agree on the fixed price agreement. Payment clauses also need to be aware because the method of payment will affect your receivable ability, and letter of credit seem more suitable for you because it emphasis more on the seller side through the process that provide more insure on receiving of payment for seller side.Penalty for late payment in this clauses will not only provide extra insure to you through the charges gain for the late payment, but it also help in your financial arrangement due to the on-time payment and assurance of creditability of the buyer through the slightly higher of penalty being set. Delivery and shipment clauses will also raise problem through degree time that involve in transport the perishable durian product.So, in order to maintained the product freshness especially when transport at long distance like to China, the date and also time must specify in detail referred to the time of harvest and the available of transportation to prevent any extra days or hours it incurred to transport the product. Besides that, port of shipment is also a critical element in this clause because the distance between the choosing port and the distribution centre determine the product freshness also.For example in China, you can choose the port of Guangzhou because it is considering being a centre for exporting Malaysian durian to China. As I sugge st you to choose Malaysian law as the governing law, you need to state this clearly in the clause of governing law. Besides, after state of the governing law is Malaysian law, follow by the jurisdiction will state Malaysia court is the place to resolve dispute. If this neer state in the contract, it will depend on court to decide which law apply.The clause of passing of title and risk is also a merry term to consider when there are accidents happen to the goods on the carrier stage or incident of unpaid seller. ? Bibliography 1. AB Teoh. 2008. Exporting and International Trade access on 15 July 2010 2. Essential international trade law by Michelle Sanson. 2002 by Cavendish Publishing (Australia) Pty Limited. Available www. cavendishpublish. com. access on 15 July 2010
Friday, May 24, 2019
How Smartphones Change Our Society
A Smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating(a) system, with more advanced computing capability than a feature phone. in that location are many types of Smart phones but they all piddle one affaire in common. They combine the performance of a cell phone and a computer. In the past my father had to carry many things when he traveled. Such as a camera, a laptop, a mobile phone and etc. But without delay its in one thing Smartphone. Today each party is trying to come up with the best Smartphone so as to be able to compete with others and now business is relying on them more than ever.We see population using their smart phones while traveling to and from work. A lot of people now use of smart phones in their life. They change the way we communicate amongst ourselves. Smartphone have truly really changed the way people communicate with each other. Gone are those days of the pay phone down the street and around the boxful being one of a persons major means of calling h ome because they forgot what they had to get from the grocery store.According to Wikipedia A smart phone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability than a feature phone(1). There are many types of smartphones but they all have one thing in common. They combine the performance of a cell phone and a computer. In America 42% of phone users have smartphones (foot). Based on this staggering statistics, smartphones has an incredible possibility of affecting todays society. It became a revolutionary presentation when Apple released its first generation of iphone.Today each company is trying to come up with the best smartphones so as to be able to compete with others and now business is relying on them more than ever. We see people using their smart phones while traveling to and from work. More and more businesses expect their employees to use smart phones to fence with issues outside the office. The people who refuse to do it will be le ft behind. They wont be able to cope with the amount of work or meet unrealistic goals of employers. In personal life people are paying more attention to smartphones than to family and friends.Some people consider traditional family dinner an old-hat(predicate) ritual. Today at the dinner table people e-mailing, video chatting, instant massaging, and paying very little attention to conversation with each other. After the repast everyone runes back to their own computer device. A lot of people rely on use of smart phones in business and personal life. Based on this research, smartphones are changing todays society. They change the way we communicate amongst ourselfes and how we conduct business in the workplace
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hardware and Software Selection Essay
Accounting Cycle Description PaperAn organizations account statement selective information ashes overwhelms collecting information so dividing the information into calendar method of birth controls. This paper will identify the five accounting cycles and specifically how Riordan Manufacturing uses the expenditure cycle. The strengths and weaknesses of the internal controls link to the expenditure cycle will be examined. This paper will explain how to integrate the expenditure cycle into an enterprise-wide accounting information system. The various types of information systems unavoidable to achieve this integration will be illustrated. Lastly, this paper will demonstrate the watercourse of accounting information through Riordan Manufacturing.Accounting CyclesThe five accounting cycles are the tax income, expenditure, financing, fixed-asset, and diversity cycles. apiece has its specific function within the accounting system. Almost every conjunction uses the first tetrad accounting cycles, not all will use the conversion cycle. As a company grows, it is important for management and employees to understand the reasons for severally accounting cycle and ways the information needs to flow. The accounting cycles build upon each other. Without the revenue cycle, none of the other cycles would come into play. Once a company has revenue producing activities, the expenditure cycle is necessary to pay the bills incurred in producng the goods required for the revenue cycle.The financing cycle is necessary to give the company availability to purchase the necessary buildings and machinery for production along with making sure there are monetary resource for the shareholders. The fixed-asset cycle records depreciation on the buildings and machinery along with the disposal of said items. The conversion cycle is important to manufacturing companies who use cost accounting to determine production costs. innovationk 1 (UOP, 2009),explains each phase of the acco unting cycle and what documents and ledger accounts are affected by that cycle.Source University of capital of Arizona Week 1 Read Me commencementRiordan Manufacturing uses the expenditure cycle by generating purchase arranges and receiving reports to track their purchases. Riordan then uses these documents to request payment for the purchases. Riordan uses HRIS to keep track of employee hours, pay rates, vacation and holiday time then uses this information to generate payroll checks. The company also has gross revenue personnel who submit expense reports for reimbursement of expenses incurred during sales calls. Riordan Manufacturing uses purchasing and payroll records to determine the amount of taxes necessary to pay for sales tax, FICA, FUTA, SUTA and any other taxes due.Internal ControlsIn order to meet goals and objectives, organizations such as Riordan Manufacturing, represent internal controls. Internal control is the plan of organization and methods a business uses to sa feguard assets, provide accurate and reliable information, promote and improve operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies, laws, and regulations (UOP, 2009). In looking specifically at the expenditure cycle, Riordan Manufacturing has both strong and weak internal controls.Strengths include internal controls in operations and quality control. To ensure unison of operations and quality control, Riordan Manufacturing manages receipts of raw materials, tracks product, and accounts for finished goods inventories. Internal controls include the sales incisioncompleting the sales orders and entering them into customer shipping and calculate system. Shipping then loads the sales orders and inventory clerk updates the inventory system based on those shipping documents. Another example is the production reports. They include a project name, document history including the revision date, approvals, and distribution. Project history data is archived in a n approved location.However, weaknesses in Riordan Manufacturings human resource department are abundant. Employee files are kept by individual managers instead of by human resources in a central employee file area under wage and key. Changes to personal information such as name, marital status, and exemptions are submitted by employee managers which should be requested by employees not their managers. A third-party provider keeps its own records of employees on workers compensation but Riordan does not. Excel spreadsheets which include training and development records, applicant information, and individual compensation decisions are kept in unsecure areas and accessible to anyone. Enterprise-wideIn order to integrate the expenditure cycle into an enterprise-wide accounting information system, Riordan management should examine the human resource department method of handling employee records. For instance, in an enterprise-wide system, the accounting information system should focus on four objectives including strategic, operations, reporting, and compliance. In order for a business process management system to be implemented, the managers of the company need to mensurate certain criteria of the human resource department which can affect the expenditure cycle. First, management needs to identify the objectives of the human resource department in regards to employee records. This has a direct impact on the strategic objective of the enterprise-wide system.Secondly, the input function needs to be reevaluated. For instance, since the company has four different branches, all input data should be on one method of input. This analysis and pending movement would increase the operations function. Thirdly, output time would radically increase for all four branches. The types of output Riordan should consider are the compliance and reporting objectives of the enterprise-wide system. Furthermore, to have the expenditure cycleimplemented, this would decrease the amount of time that Riordan is taking to report expenses.Necessary randomness Systems for IntegrationThe various types of information systems necessary to achieve this integration would include analyzing the following hardware, software, data, people, and procedures (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand, 2008.) Three types of controls necessary to keep in mind include preventive, detective, and corrective. The company has already established computer hardware for each of the four branches. In order to determine a software accounting program, the company needs to establish policies and procedures in regards to source documents. This has a direct impact on the data that is accumulated for the company.In order for payroll processing to take effect, personal action forms and employee payroll deduction authorization forms should be established. Riordan should consider a SOX Assurance and Compliance Application. Additionally, only managers should have access to company records. All records, electroni c or hard copy should be kept in one central location, thus the use of privacy management information software. Furthermore, policies and procedures for all departments should be retained with a records management system.Flow of Accounting InformationThe flow of accounting information regarding inventory begins with a log of raw materials and shipping documents which are supervisory program approved and taken to an inventory clerk who enters the information into the inventory system. Once entered into the inventory system, accounting personnel can pay supplier invoices. An inventory impost form is provided by the manufacturing staff to the inventory clerk to be entered into the inventory system which tracks raw materials and subassemblies. Manufacturing also provides the inventory clerk with an inventory form accounting for subassemblies and final products when added into the inventory system. In the final product shipping process, sales orders are created and entered into the cus tomer shipping and billing system. Shipping prepares the loads according the sales order information generated and ships accordingly. Then accounting can prepare the invoice after matching the sales order with the inventory system which illustrates the goods shipped.Each of the iii operating entities of Riordan Manufacturing has their own accounting system. Therefore the systems are not compatible which makes the consolidation of information at the corporate office difficult and labor intensive. practically information is conveyed via email and spreadsheets. Employee personal information changes are requested through a written form and are entered into the system by the payroll clerk. endThe five accounting cycles in an organizations accounting information system and specifically how Riordan Manufacturing incorporates the expenditure cycle into its system was explained. Strengths and weaknesses of Riordans internal controls related to the expenditure cycle were commented on. This paper explained how the expenditure cycle could be integrated into an enterprise-wide accounting information system. The various types of information systems necessary to achieve this integration were illustrated. Finally, the flow of accounting information through Riordan Manufacturing was demonstrated.ReferencesApollo Group, Inc. (2006). Riordan Manufacturing. Accounting Information System 1 overview. Retrieved March 11, 2009. ACC340-Accounting Information Systems Processing. https// Bagranoff, N., & Simkin, M., & Strand, C., (2008). Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems (10th ed.) University of Phoenix Custom Edition E-text. New York, NY Wiley. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, ACC/340 Accounting Information System 1 Web site. University of Phoenix (2009). Week five overview. Retrieved March 12, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Week Five, rEsource. ACC340-Accounting Information Systems 1 Co urse Web site. University of Phoenix (2009). Week one overview. Retrieved March 12, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Week One, rEsource. ACC340-Accounting Information Systems 1 Course Web site.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Criminal Recidivism Essay
Prisons today atomic number 18 overcrowded and are a growing problem in todays society. In 2008, the Pew Center on the States reported that incarceration levels had risen to a point where one in 100 Ameri plenty adults was behind bars. A snatch Pew study, the following year, added another disturbing dimension to the picture, revealing that one in 31 adults in the United States was either incarcerated or on probation or parole (Pew Center on the States, 2011). It is very costly for the states to maintain the prison houseers behind bars. It has been estimated that the cost of state spending on corrections is 52 billion dollars.Recidivism is a term apply by law enforcement agencies that describes the tendency to relapse into criminal behavior. It involves a person being re-incarcerated or re-offending. Inmates coming backing to state prisons within lead years of release has remained steady for more than a decade this is a strong indicator that prison systems are failing to deter cri minals from re-offending. Using entropy from 41 states for prisoners released, a study done by the Pew Center on the States found that slightly more than 4 in 10 offenders return to prison within three years (Johnson, 2011).What has caused this rise in recidivism can be due to more studies being done, tracking recidivism more closely, and failure of prison systems/probation programs to rehabilitate inmates. Prisons serve multiple purposes, including exacting retribution for breaking the law, separating offenders from society so they cannot commit more crimes, deterring the general population from committing crimes and discouraging incarcerated offenders from committing new crimes once they are released (Pew Center on the States, 2011).One priority of prisons is to deter criminal activity through incarceration and renewal of its criminals. One way to track rehabilitation of the criminals is by tracking the recidivism rates. This study includes entropy of prisoners released in 1999 and prisoners released in 2004. Thirty-one states offered data for 1999 and 41 states offered data for 2004. The Pew/ASCA survey found the three-year return-to-prison rate for inmates released in 1999 to be 45. 4 percent, and 43. percent for those released in 2004 (2011).This study began its study by sending out surveys to all 50 states. A self-selected survey or intended response survey is one in which people decide for themselves whether to be included in the survey (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2009, p. 37). Each prison facility decided whether they would be included in the study and they submitted information to the Pew Center of the States. Qualitative data was used to put determines on the measurements.The process of binning was used to categorize the prisoners into three groups, which consisted of first release, all releases, return for new convictions, and return for violation of probation. The relative frequency of any category is the proportion or percentage of the data v alues that fall in that category (Bennett, et. al. , 2009, p. 94). They set up relative frequency tables to determine how many times the prisoners fell under the categories or bins. They used mean, median, and mode to get averages of prisoners released and re-offending.There were some outliers in the studies. Outliers are defined as a value that is much higher or much overthrow than almost all other values (Bennett, et. al. , 2009, p. 149). State departments of correction reported on people who returned to one of their facilities, which would not count a former offender who was incarcerated in another state or depending on proximity to high-crime areas in neighboring states or major interstate drug corridors (Johnson, 2011). The Pew Center of the States canvas the data and concluded that by 2002, more than 45% in the first wave of releases returned to prison and in 2007, about 43% of the second group returned (Johnson, 2011).They came up with these percentiles by looking at the to tal number of inmates released from each prison for each state and how many were re-incarcerated for new crimes or violation of probation. One can approximate the percentile of any data value with the following formula percentile of data value =number of values less than this data value/total number of values in data set (Bennet, t. al. , 2009, p. 170). At least 95 percent of inmates in America ultimately will be released and returned to the community. Keeping them crime and drug-free is no easy assignment. Many offenders lacked education, work experience, family support and a stable living situation before they were incarcerated, and many satisfy from mental illness or a history of addiction (The Pews Center of the states, 2011).Many also have the stigma that comes with having a criminal record and are unable to find work, so they resort back to robbery or stealing. Many times the released prisoners go back to hanging out with their old friends and and so it is not long before th ey fall back into their old habits. In addition, the probation/parole divisions that are supposed to supervise the former inmates are overworked, have self-aggrandising caseloads, and limited technology to keep up with the former inmates.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Prison Inmates Should Be Allowed To Take College Courses Essay
Prison Inmates Should Be Allowed To Take College Courses Prison yard birds should be allowed to draw college course because having an education helps reform the inmate into a useful member of society. Education is useful in helping the inmate acquire the life skills essential to make a life change for the better. Studies have shown that inmates who participate in educational programs were less likely to recidivate once released back into to society than those who did ot participate.Allowing prisoners to strike college courses restructures the way inmates think and benefits society as a whole by helping inmates adapt once released, providing Job skills necessary to find work, and aiding in inmate rehabilitation. Providing an education for inmates helps them acquire the necessary life skills to make better choices once released and makes it easier to adapt to life outside the prison walls. An educated person is better adequate to choose etween right and wrong and also make wiser de cisions.By restructuring the way an inmate thinks, the inmate makes better choices and finds better role models to emulate. An inmate who has the ability to adopt and write is better able to find information for himself and is more likely to use that information to make informed decisions. It is therefore easy to deduce, an inmate who has stock a prison education can think more clearly and will act more positively preventing most inmates from recidivism.Using the education gained in prison will facilitate an inmates adaption to society and provides the necessary Jobs skills to find work once released. Education for inmates helps build a foundation for future tense success and provides the Job skills necessary to help inmates find work once they are released. Teaching basic educational skills to inmates such as reading, writing, and math skills increases their chances of discharge employment tests and greatly improves their..
Monday, May 20, 2019
Molecular Geometry
molecular(a) Geometry I Investigation apply Models (SL) (DCP Lab) Taksh Shah KIS International School Chemistry (SL) 1 Introduction For this investigation we had use molecular models and make the undermentioned structures Symbol Name of Species Lewis Diagram Model cohere opposite or Angle () Non- gelid BeCl2 Beryllium Chloride bilinear 180 Non-Polar C2H2 Acetylene analog 180 Non- Polar BF3 Boron Tri? uoride Planar Tri careen cxx Non- Polar C2H4 Ethylene Planar Triangle 120 Non-Polar Molecular Geometry I- Investigation using Models (SL) Chemistry (SL) Symbol 2 Name of Species Lewis DiagramModel Bond Polar or Angle () Non-Polar CH4 Methane Tetrahederal 109. 5 Non-Polar NH3 Ammonia Trigonal profit 107 Polar H2O Water band / V normal 104. 5 Polar SO2 Sulfur Dioxide dead set(p) / VShape 104. 5 Polar 120 Polar or NonPolar Planar C2H2Cl2 Dichloroethene Triangle (Carbon) Tetrahederal (Carbon) C2H6O Ethanol V-Shaped (Oxygen) Molecular Geometry I- Investigation using Models (SL) HCH Bond = 109. 5 COH = 104. 5 Polar Chemistry (SL) 3 Explanation Symbol BeCl2 C2H2 BF3 building Its Linear because it has 2 Bond Paris and 0 lone(prenominal) Paris Its Linear because it has 2 Areas of contradict harge around the Carbons and 0 Lone Paris Its a Planar Triangle because it has 3 attach Pairs and 0 Lone Pairs Shape Polarity With the angle being 180 Non-Polar because it has the Molecular Shape paired bonds and is becomes Linear radiate With the angle being 180 Non-Polar because it has the Molecular Shape polar bonds and is becomes Linear bilateral With the angle being 120 Non-Polar because it has the Molecular Shape polar bonds and is becomes a Planar Triangle parallel Its a Planar Triangle because it has 3 Areas of CH4 NH3 H2O SO2 Non-Polar because it has the Molecular Shape olar bonds and is Lone Pairs C2H4 With the angle being 120 negative shake around the Carbons Pairs and 0 becomes a Planar Triangle symmetrical With the angle being 109. 5 Non-Polar because it has Its a Tetrahedral because it has 4 bind Paris and 0 Lone Pairs Its a Trigonal Pyramid because it has 3 Bonding Paris and 1 Lone Pairs Its a Bent/V-Shape because it has 2 Bonding Pairs and 2 Lone Pairs Its a Bent/V-Shape because it has 3 Areas of positive charge around Sulphur and 1 Lone Pairs the Molecular Shape polar bonds and is becomes a Tetrahedral symmetrical With the angle being 107Polar because it has polar the Molecular Shape bonds and is non- becomes a Trigonal Pyramid symmetrical With the angle being 104. 5 Polar because it has polar the Molecular Shape bonds and is non- becomes a Bent/V-Shape symmetrical With the angle being 104. 5 Polar because it has polar the Molecular Shape bonds and is non- becomes a Bent/V-Shape symmetrical Polar because it has polar bonds and is nonsymmetrical Its a Planar Triangle because it has 3 areas of C2H2Cl2 negative charge around the Carbon atoms and 0 Lone Pairs With the angle being 120 the Molecular Shape or becomes a Planar Triangle Non-Polar because it has non-polar bonds and is symmetrical Molecular Geometry I- Investigation using Models (SL) Chemistry (SL) Symbol 4 Structure Shape Polarity With the angle being 109. 5 Its a Tetrahedral (Carbon) because it has 4 the Molecular Shape Bonding Paris and 0 Lone Pairs becomes a Tetrahedral (Carbon) C2H6O Its a Bent/V-Shape (Oxygen) because it has 2 Bonding Pairs and 2 Lone Pairs bonds and is nonWith the angle being 104. 5 the Molecular Shape becomes a Bent/V-Shape (Oxygen) Molecular Geometry I- Investigation using Models (SL) Polar because it has polar symmetrical
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Uae Food & Drink
How Near-Term command Weakness Is Reshaping political party Strategies A New Report from Business Monitor international (BMi) The UAE aliment & imbibition warring Intelligence Report Competition for commercialize share in the UAE continues to intensify as viands and whoop it up firms battle against the conflicting interests of limited growth prospects but appealingly-high spending levels and as local anaesthetic players adjudicate to ward off the ever growing threat of multinational competition.Responding to our clients requests, BMIs nourishment and imbibing analysts make water just produced The UAE Food & Drink agonistical Intelligence Report, analysing and comparing the strategies adopted by major players as they seek to exploit opportunities and mitigate risks in a rapidly changing environment. Whether you are a food and drink manufacturer, investor or supplier to the industriousness, you will benefit from the following key features of this report the UAe food & dri nk competitive intelligence report pUblished by bUsiness monitor internAtionAl Company Profiles on the UAEs 10 in the lead food and drink companies, containing Company overview, latest Company Developments, Product entropy, local/regional/ spheric operations,SWot analysis, Company Strategy and monetary Per hurlance. Each profile provides hard-to-get competitive intelligence with which to benchmark the growth and risk management strategies of your competitors, peers, partners and clients. List of companies profiled Al Ain Water Al Ain dairy Al Rawabi Carrefour Dubai Refreshments EMKE FoodCo Masafi Spinneys Unilever www. usinessmonitor. com 9 BMIs enthronisation Risk-Reward Rating ranks the uaes attractiveness for industry investors compared to its regional peer group (Bahrain, egypt, israel, Kuwait, lebanon, oman, Qatar, saudi arabia). 9 BMIs Business Development managery gives you direct access to fourth-year decision-makers and purchasers at leadership food and dr ink manufacturers and suppliers in operation(p) in the uaes food and drink food market providing a powerful business festering and networking tool to source new clients, partners and suppliers.The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report is available to industry professionals, strategists, trade bodies, government and regulatory agencies and international investors on prejudiced terms for a limited period only Saving you 15% on your report gear up (see back page special Discount order Form). BMIs clients, who include over 400 of the Global Fortune 500 companies rely on our competitive intelligence analysis and selective information to benchmark competitors and peers at leading multinational and local companies operating across Middle easterly & African food and drink markets.CLIENT LIST Carlsberg MW Brewery Coca Cola Maersk Mars GCC Fzc Mitsubishi Corporation Pepsico internationalistic PricewaterhouseCoopers Red Bull The Boston Consulting theme Unilever North Africa & Middle East REpoRT CoNTENTS SECTION 1 CoMpETITIvE LANDSCApE summary 1. Company-comparative analysis of the leading food, drink and food product retail companies, CoMpANy pRoFILES ExTRACTS DuBaI REfREShmEnTS examining gross sales, market share and main return areas and facilitating the identification of successful enthronization strategies and themes. nd our broader macroeconomic growth forecasts. Company strategies are to a fault examined in relation to key operational, macroeconomic and political risks. 2. Company comparisons are made within the framework of our industry growth forecasts SECTIoN 2 CoMpANy pRoFILES Companies Profiled Al Ain Water Al Ain dairy Al Rawabi Carrefour Dubai Refreshments EMKE FoodCo Masafi Spinneys Unilever Key PepsiCo franchise bottler Dubai Refreshments Company (DRC) is to invest in a AED400mn (US$108. 9mn) plant in the UAE to come on stream in 2012.The plant is expected to boost DRCs annual electrical condenser nearly t hreefold to 150mn cases and should, in our opinion, allow the firm to launch a number of new drinks as the wider soft drinks industry speeds up its transition away from traditional low-cost carbonates to higher value segments Company Profile Contents 1. Company Overview Date established, ownership structure, main business units, core maSafI business operations, leading products, market share. 2. Latest Company Developments M&a, joint ventures, divestment/investments, projects, ontracts, new product launches, regulatory issues, announcements. 3. Product Portfolio leading brands and new product development initiatives. 4. Local, Regional & Global Operations Domestic sales, main regional/ orbicular export markets, foreign purchases, JVs and strategic partnerships. 5. SWOT outline analysis of community strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats allowing for an examination of factors both knowledgeable and external that will affect future company performance. 6.Company Strat egy Analysis of company responses to fast-changing local market conditions, ranging from distribution network expansion to exploring new markets and from portfolio diversification to widen sales reach to research and development investment to secure future growth prospects. growth y-o-y, set against historic 5-year financial performance covers revenues, operating profit, net profit, Basic EPS and EBITDA. Masafi aims to strengthen its market position by introducing new products and developing manufacturing and marketing strategies.It has a wide range of products, ranging from a twolitre mineral water bottle to a sizeable juice range. The company also promotes itself as highly socially responsible, entering into partnerships with international humanitarian and medical relief organisations. Masafi has also been looking abroad for growth, with overseas sales now accounting for nearly 30% of its business 7. Financial Performance BMIs analysis of latest-available company financials and % EmKE GRouP Financial Performance Table estle 5-year (2005-2009) financial information (chfmn, or % chg y-o-y for growth statistics) 2005 Sales Sales Growth EBIT EBIT Growth Net usefulness Net Profit Growth Capital Expenditure CapEx Growth Earnings Per Share EPS Growth Source go up Investor traffic 2. 08 3,375 8,081 11,876 91,115 2006 98,458 8. 1 13,302 12. 0 9,197 13. 8 4,200 24. 4 2. 39 14. 9 2007 107,552 9. 2 15,024 12. 9 10,649 15. 8 4,971 18. 4 2. 78 16. 3 2008 109,908 2. 2 15,676 4. 3 18,039 69. 4 4,869 -2. 1 4. 87 75. 2 2009 107,618 -2. 1 15,699 0. 1 10,428 -42. 2 4,641 -4. 7 2. 92 -40. 0 UAE-based conglomerate EMKE Group, owner of the Emirates leading Lulu mark supermarkets and hypermarket will invest SAR1bn (US$267mn) in Saudi Arabia over the next eighteen months a decision we believes makes disposition given our view that Saudi Arabia houses the Gulf regions most promising mass grocery retail (MGR) industry on a number of counts SECTIoN 3 MARkET ATTRACTIvENESS FoR INvESToRS grocery overview analysis of sector maturity, industry expenditure, foreign investment, GDP contribution, key industry players, regulatory environment, imports and exports. SWoT Analysis trengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis covering government policy and foreign investment environment, local manufacturing standards, growth and demand trends, demographic and macroeconomic trends, distribution infrastructure and supply chain standards and the competitive landscape. RISK-REWARD RATINg ExTRACT BMIs Investment Risk-Reward Rating BMIs Investment Risk pay back rating allows investors to weigh up the attractiveness of the uae as an industry investment opportunity relative to its regional peers Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia.Food and Drink industry and Country reward and risk hit (out of a total of 100) are weighted and combined to illustrate potential investor returns, as compared to other markets and to the regional avera ge. middle east food & drink risk/reward ratings rewards Bahrain UAe Qatar Kuwait Egypt Saudi arabia oman Lebanon *Israel 53 51 50 46 49 45 39 38 45 risks 68 69 65 69 57 63 67 48 73 risk/reward rating 57. 3 56. 5 54. 7 52. 6 51. 0 50. 8 47. 7 40. 8 53. 2 The UAEs reward score is the regions second highest behind Bahrain.However, its industry reward score is the lowest of the pinnacle three ranked markets, emphasising the relative maturity of the UAE market, with high existing per capita spending levels. Although strong per capita food consumption growth is not forecast, which is the main card Bahrain has in its favour against the UAE, premiumisation opportunities have yet to be faint despite ongoing real economy weakness (mostly in Dubai) inflicted by the 2009 economic downturn *Israel has been include for comparative purposes only. Had it been ranked, it would have scored fourth.Source BMI. Scores out of 100, with 100 highest. For full methodology see Appendix at the back of ou r Food & Drink Quarterly Reports, or visit our online service SECTION 4 job DEvELopMENT DIRECToRy The UAE Food & Drink Business Development Directory Primary research, conducted in Q3 2010, brings together latestavailable, accurate data on top decision-makers at the UAEs leading supplier companies, including ownership structure, company size and sales volume, expansion strategy, key partners and main products and work.Providing direct access to top industry decision-makers and purchasers, the directory represents a powerful tool to source new clients, partners and suppliers, and benchmark competitors. Sample Directory Listing Nestle Middle East FZE PO rap 17327 Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai UAE Tel xxxxxxxxxx Fax xxxxxxxxxx E-mail xxxxxxxxxx Website www. nestle. com KEY PERSONNEL Chairman & CEO xxxxxxxxxx Finance Director xxxxxxxxxx Communication & Marketing Services Director xxxxxxxxxx Sales Director xxxxxxxxxx Head of Human Resources xxxxxxxxxx LOCAL STATISTICS one-year sales vol ume US$ xxxxxxxxxx No. f employees xxxxxxxxxx BUSINESS ACTIVITY Nestle Middle East has 17 factories and 37 offices in the region and in March 2010, opened a new multi-million clam facility devoted to manufacturing powdered milk and packaging imported Mackintoshs Quality alley chocolates. The complex, based at TechnoPark, Dubai, also plans to manufacture chocolates and wafers from the new expanded facility later this year. Nestle unclouded Life bottled water will also be produced and distributed from the facility.Nestle Middle East also sells brands such as Nido, Kit Kat, Quality Street, Nescafe and Maggi. INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION Food & Drink NATIONALITY / TRADE AFFILIATION Switzerland SUBSIDIARY OF Nestle SA, Switzerland NEWLY RESEARCHED IN Q3 2010 Core Company Dataset Company name, web and postal address e-mail, telephone and facsimile machine numbers Year of local registration employee size and sales volume (estimates) Main business activities, products and services Ind ustry classifications nationality Global and regional HQsSpecial Discount order Form 15% Discount on The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report oR up to 50% discount for all 13 Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Reports place your order online at www. businessmonitor. com/bfr/australia Place your order online at www. businessmonitor. com/dm/cir/food/uae Please tick the box(es) below, complete your payment details and fax back the form to us within 30 days latest on +44 (0)20 7248 0467 Intelligence Report at the 15% discount rate of 695/ US$975 (down from 820/ US$1,150).This includes 3 FREE quarterly updates, airmail and email delivery. i would also like to purchase the following Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Reports at the special discount rates below australia China egypt india indonesia Malaysia russia All 13 Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Reports saudi arabia singapore south africa thailand Vietnam yES i wish to order The UA E Food & Drink CompetitivePrefix / effective Name .. 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Saturday, May 18, 2019
Career Choices Essay
IntroductionMaking the perfect calling choice is a liveliness decision that leave take a crap a long-lasting impression on your career and the life of your coming(prenominal)(a) family. As we all ripen up in life we hear from our pargonnts and mentors that if you purpose to choose a public life that you dislike, you can spend a life time reenforcement a miserable lifestyle and your c arer allow for put on a short life span. In vice-versa, if you bechance something that you love to do in life and you areable to make that into a long lasting career. It go away seem like you have never worked one and only(a) day in your life. Through come discover time, galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) running(a) class individuals have chosen to pursue educations in careers that will lead to a future living a stable lifestyle but it is not what their true passions are in life. So they are stuck doing something that they hate in life just because they have to work in order to come through and through a sufficient lifestyle for themselves and family.Another critical aspect that you must take into consideration when make a career choice is to make a valid consideration on whether you can grow intimate of the career decision you make or will you remain static performing one position for the rest of your life. The reason why a apportion of individuals choose to go to college is because they are stuck in a dead end descent that has no momentum to further gain a packaging or advance in pay. In my opinion, entrepreneurship should be all individuals long consideration goal in life.The ultimate decision making factor in choosing a career and working for a prominent fraternity is to get the working experience making mistakes under another companies supervision, so when you begin to start your feature company you will already have the experience to make capable business decisions and k straightaway how to make your company prosperous. Even though thither are a big money of slap-up career choices out there in the world, I believe that a career in either health and fountainheadness or parcel engineering science would be the best fit for me because they will represent me the opportunity to grow, some(prenominal) fields are very challenging, and they both will give me the opportunity to prosper and own a private company. 1The Importance of Having A Software Engineering expert CareerSince the late 1940s the software engineering field has been growing rapidly as a challenging and profound profession for a lot of software students that would like to inquire skills that helps to maximize the shade and create database software. Since this time nice software programmers have found ways to improve these components by increase their speed, security, usability, cost, te constancy, size, readability, and stability. Engineers have developed business software that have changed the world and has adapted this same concept onto many home com re poseers so consumers can have the same usability as larger corporations from the comfort of their own laptop computer computer.Computer innovation has evolved largely since the 1940s with higher advanced platforms that are able to integrate businesses with consumers easier, through the invention of the World Wide Web. Laptop computers on with tablets have created an easier and more efficient way to gravel the internet with access to public networks that can be routed from any major hotel or fast intellectual nourishment restaurant, and mobile phone technology that has been juted by Mac and Android allow consumers to stay committed to the world from the comfort of a palm sized device. It takes a very talented array of programmers to design these devices and with the world of technology at the forefront of driving innovation this career field is here to stay. With stability also come growth and business opportunities for talented engineers to step up and continue driving this ca reer field to unknown places.Opportunity For GrowthRecently CNN money came out with an article titled best(p) Jobs in America which had a detailed rocking of the top 100 careers in America with great pay and growth potential. It was not a surprise to see software architects at the top of the list at number 1 with a 10 twelvemonth job growth forecast of 34% beating out other leading career opportunities much(prenominal) as physician assistants coming in at number 2, and man festerment consultant coming in at number 3. CNN has stated, 2 equivalent architects who design buildings, they create the blueprints for software engineers to follow and pitch in with programming too. Plus, architects are often called on to work with customers and product managers, and they serve as a link between a companys tech and business staffs (CNN Money, 2010). Making this a well-diversified career field where you get the opportunity to work inside a comfortable removeice setting but also visit custom ers at their facilities and help out with customer service issues at remote locations. Along with the exceptional growth potential this career bridle- means shares, it also can create amazing entry level financial stability as well as stated in figure 1 below 10th% 25th% 75th% ninetieth%As you advance your experience and expertness in the software engineering career field, programmers have the election to choose a specific craft such as a technical support engineer, C++ software engineer, or lead software engineer where your average annual income can range from $63,000 upward to $120,000 a year easily based on an individuals knowledge.The ChallengeEven though ultimate career stability along with a great compensation plan and benefits sounds great from the remote looking in we must also understand that with great opportunities also comes a great challenge. programming in laments terms can be contributed to look intoing a second language such as 3Spanish. It takes a lot of dedic ated time to perfecting this skill along with training. Depending on your decided expertise there may be a ton of syn task and logical instructions that you have to learn in order to program effectively and unfortunately most of this time is spent outside a classroom or job setting really learning the craft at home on an individuals ain time.But in a more positive perspective a lot of these languages such as Java, C, and Visual Basic derive from the parent language of C++ so if you are able to get a great concept for this computing language the others will come fairly efficient for beginning programmers. Another positive aspect to this career field is since there are such high demands for these positions a lot of companies offer entry level programming positions offered to developers that have no experience so this will give individuals the opportunity to work under mid and aged level technicians to learn the ropes.A lot of individuals stray away from challenge, growth, and hard w ork but this is a career field that awards individuals for hard work, and gives techs the opportunity to learn a new aspect of the business every single day which makes this career field interesting. Below in figure 2 is a cash advance map that shows the career path a software engineer should take in order to buy the farm great at their craft and make a nice 6 figure income.Progression chartA career progression chart generally resembles the one below. It may vary from company to company. mathematical function Years of experienceTrainee software engineer 0-1Software engineer 1-2Senior software engineer 2-4 remains analyst 3-5Project leader 5-8Figure 2ExpressComputerOnline.Com career roadmap for software engineers4Building A business sectorOne could only imagine that one day a company that was started in your parents service department would evolve and become a multi-billion dollar company that has millions of dedicated customers, and releases groundbreaking products that change s the world every year. well(p) this is not a dream anymore it has actually been a reality for major companies such as Google, Apple, and Macintosh which have all started out of garages. The biggest disadvantage the many software developers face when building their own business is they do not have a lot of business experience, but with help from outsourcing agencies such as fog creek which specializes in the development and startup of technology companies they state that if you have an innovative product that can compete for market share versus other companies all you have to do is market, sale, price, and hold exceptionally well (Fog Creek Software, 2011). Which is not an easy process but if you are able to do it effectively your business will have a fair chance of competing in a vastly competitive marketplace.How A Health And health Career Will Create A Great Business CareerIndividual health and health have been in the forefront of the world for many decades now being led by activist groups and government agenciesinitiating Go Green marketing campaigns and household tax credits for individuals and homeowners who convert their lifestyles to a more healthy and energy efficient environment. CNN states that health and wellness physicians action routine care such as physicals and tests, counseling patients, and even prescribing medication, all under a sterilises supervision. Todays doctor shortage will only worsen as boomers age and health care reform brings more patients into the system, creating a huge need for this field (CNN Money, 2010).5So even with an aging population this will continue to be a career path that will always be in high demand.Opportunity For GrowthOn the CNN money web article that was published earlier in the year physicians assistants that also are in health and wellness practices partake in the number 2 position with a 39% 10 year annual growth forecast. Even though going green and living health is not new in the minds of many Americ ans a lot of individuals have not accepted the lifestyle thus living in an unhealthy environment. Statistics have shown that just in woman alone Recent national data show that 82.1 share of Black women and 75.7 percent of Hispanic women are overweight or obese compared to 59.5 percent of White women (Ogden, 2012).This shows that there is allay a lot of room for growth in this industry and still barriers to break down before this money making opportunity really explodes. In college classrooms instructors have put a major emphasis on students teaching their patients how their living environments vastly effect there personal health and living an unhealthy personal lifestyle will have a vastly ostracize effect on their health. With more educators out there pushing the idea and government agencies pushing the effort there is a ton of room for growth in this industry. Health and wellness physicians make a fair comfortable lifestyle as represented below in figure 3, and it is also pre tty fulfilling knowing that you are changing individual lives by helping them improve their health.The ChallengeWith any career field that is rewarding and has a tremendous opportunity for growth there are some challenges and hazard that must be taken into consideration. Just like with the software engineering career path there is a journey that needs to be taken before you have the appropriate authority to remember patients for certain treatments and products. There was an article posted in the New England Journal by Michael Porter which makes an line of reasoning that states, By shifting our focus on value, simply defined as quality divided by cost, we can lower costs and improve quality (Porter, 2011).So in order to make this a rewarding career path, consumers would have to switch their focus as well which makes this a difficult path to choose. Education will not be a hard factor to fulfill because there are tons of institutions that offer individuals certification opportuniti es and there was an article on that supports health and wellness professionals that states, If you have a passion for health and wellness, sharing your interest can enrich the lives of others as well. College majors in kinesiology or exercise science can teach skills for exercise and wellness careers but may not be required to obtain certifications (Case, 2011). 7Building A BusinessBuilding a Health and Wellness Company may not be easy but if we are able to get it off the ground and running it does offer a tremendous reward and fulfillment knowing that you are pass individuals great products and services that will change their lives by allowing them to live a healthier fulfilling lifestyle. There are even lots of companies out there in the market today which assist business mind individuals such as Melaleuca in helping individuals start their own health and wellness companies. They provide products along with customer service to those who are small companies and nee d outsourcing to get started. This helps break down a lot of barriers and makes the transition into entrepreneurship a lot easier.ConclusionDeveloping a career in software engineering or health and wellness can be very growth orientated, lucrative, and rewarding careers that both give back to the community. Even though there are a lot of great career choices out there in the world, I believe that a career in either health and wellness or software engineering would be the best fit for me because they will give me the opportunity to grow, both fields are very challenging, and they both will give me the opportunity to prosper and own a private company.I was always told in my life that as you begin to mature in life an individual should always have three forms of income coming in which first is a autochthonic income which results from a regular steady job. The second is an alternate income which may result from a part time job or secondary business. While the last form of revenue may r esult from investing or savings income.My final career choice decision is to pursue software engineering as my primary income since I have dedicated so much time and effort towards learning the craft, and pursuing my bachs degree in Computer Information Systems will help me get a great entry level position with a great starting pay.Plus I have a passion for innovation and enjoy the challenge of learning something new every day. Second, I also have a passion for helping others and with the sales background that I currently have it would be an excellent opportunity for me to build a business starting a secondary health and wellness company selling health certified products to homeowners that wish to live a healthy and clean lifestyle.ReferencesCase, H. (2011, June 14). Exercise & wellness careers. Retrieved from http// CNN Money. (2010). Best jobs in America. Retrieved from http// 0/snapshots/1.html CNNMoney. (2010). Best jobs in America. Retrieved from http// Fog Creek Software. (2011, June 12). Building great software companies. Retrieved from http// Ogden, C. (2012, January 10). Overweight and obesity in the u.s. Retrieved from http// Porter, M. (2011, March 6). The value proposition for health care. Retrieved from http//
Book of job: the unwritten message
The leger is a library of rough passages, written by authors from the ancient clips dealing with different topics like creation, faith, suffering, glory. These and some more are scribbled all in all through out the texts and are divided into clusters called the books. The authors of these books came from different times and places. at that place are even views that additional chapters are added after the original book has been finished.Having verbalise these, one green goddessnot be sure of the exact origin of the stories, nor the message conveyed with in them. One of these books tackled on the idea of just punishment, a very simple one yet with a lot of twists. It was a part of the bible that was read, reread, and well-tried from time to time. Scholars tried to translate the many double meanings found in the book, as well as come up with their own ideas regarding it.The Book of antic tells the story of a man, think over, who had everything that he could possibly imagine of. He has a nice family, good health, material possessions, and a peaceful life all of which he thanked paragon for. This was noticed by the devil, who in turn made a wager with god expression that undertaking only praises deity because he has everything he would ever need, and that in times of ill luck he would definitely curse matinee idol. matinee idol agreed, and allowed Job to lose his possessions, his sons and daughters killed, his skin covered with boils, and his life completely ruined, provided that Job would not be dead.After these tragedies, the book focused succeeding(prenominal) on the debates Job had with his three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. These debates pronounced the first of several conversations found in the book. The speeches were designed in much(prenominal) a way that Job answered each one of them and tried to defend himself. In the end, deity himself talked to Job, taking part in an new(prenominal)(prenominal) speech portion which led to G ods answers. The story ended with God giving underpin Job his lost health and wealth. God also ordered Jobs friends, who mis taken Jobs misfortunes, to ask him to pray for them.The Book of Job is a very controversial part of the Bible, since it deconstructs the logical tactile sensation on punishment that a just punishment is given to those who have sinned and the level of the punishment depends on how grave the committed sin is. But for punishment to be rendered to someone like Job who in his whole life praised and worshipped God for all the goodness He has given him and the prosperity he has acquired, surely, we may say that there is injustice.That is why there are many assumptions on why God allowed these to happen to Job. It may be to prove to the devil that Job is really Gods man, or to show that God is really all great powerful and all righteous, or it may also be for the atonement of the sins that Jobs sons had committed. These are wild guesses and layaboutt be really an swered without narration and understanding the book as a whole.In the story, God responded to Jobs questions by a series of statements that could mean many things. His replies are intellectual, and may be interpreted in many ways and may take many points of view. In fact, the story itself may be seen in many ways. It all depends on who reads the text and how the said text is understood. The last chapters of the book define many things and answer a lot of questions that is reflected all throughout the book as well. To narrow it down, Gods reply can be found in chapters 38 to 41. The first verses from the said chapters may be analyzed in two ways.At a first glance, one can see Gods answers to Jobs questions as proof of His omnipotence and self righteousness. And the questions much(prenominal) as Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? (Job 384), Have you seen the gates of death? (Job 3817) and Who provided food for the young? (Job 3841) that seem to have God as the only answer thus proves His confirmation of His omnipotence and self righteousness more. They can be interpreted as Gods way of proving to Job that though the reasons behind His actions may be shy to us military personnel, He, in contrast, as an almighty being is certain of them.Another possible explanation would be that of Gods attempt in providing proof that ideas such as that of sparing and manipulation embody purpose defined as being the reason given to everything that happens within the realm of God and providence as His way for intervention with everyday human life. And so, these assumptions suggest that there indeed is a purpose behind Jobs suffering.This purpose is also evident in evil which can be seen in Gods second speech to Job. God portrayed evil in the recoil of two fearsome beasts the behemoth and the leviathan. The behemoth was described as having bones of brass and gristles of iron (Job 4018). And that it could be found in the mountains eating ox as if they w ere grass (Job 4015).On the other hand, the leviathan was depicted as a beast that lives by the river and that it has skin so hard it would be doubtful to pierce it with barbed irons and fish spears (Job 4031). The Bible had even more descriptions of this leviathan scattered in the Book of Isaiah, all pertaining to the beast as a possible manifestation of evil itself. Having said these, God made a point to Job that humans are indeed no match to these beasts and that aught could bring them down except God Himself.In doing so, He admitted to have created these evils and He alone has the power to banish them (Job 4019). Therefore, God concluded in His second speech that the purpose of evil in this case, Jobs suffering, will be explained at the end of the world as He smites the beasts.God, in His conclusion, only gave a hint of His side of the argument without actually producing a clear answer to Jobs many questions about his misfortunes. In this lack of explanation, a chance opened u p for Job to question and rap God. But instead, he still chose not to condemn God but to worship Him even further. It seems that scorn everything, he understood the existence of the hidden purpose in evil. He also came to realize that had judged God prematurely and without faith.By analyzing Gods response to Job, we can draw a number of conclusions as to what He wishes us to understand. One is the purpose in evil, which was discussed in the previous paragraphs. Another is the presumptuousness of mankind. God may want to show that humans think that they know all. But by asking questions such as Do you observe the calving of deer? Can you hunt the prey for the lions? (Job 391), He can easily mock this said high intelligence of humans probably hoping that instances as such may instill humility. Also, in the debate between Job and his friends, we can see another cavity in human perspective, which is the hasty judgment of suffering as the end result of wrongdoing. It was stated in the book that his friends even asked Job to repent for sins that he didnt commit.This is because we tend to see a misfortune merely as a retribution for offense. In line with this thinking, we automatically assume that there is a need for repentance, and that it is the only way to redeem ourselves and be given back what we lost through misconduct. The next conclusion is the mentioned existence of the end of time where unanswerable questions will be answered. It is also in this said time that God will put an end to the evil He has created. Finally, the statements made by God reveals a kind of test for us humanity Will we condemn God so that we can justify ourselves?The Book of Job may seem controversial, but God in the end provided some sort of answers which to some may be incomplete. The way to view this book may differ from time to time, from reader to reader and from place to place. We really cant put our finger on what the last-place message is but I believe that the conclusions d rawn above are enough for now. Summarizing the whole paper, we humans seem to have a certain fear against punishment, and quickly tie it with some sin or some failures. The Book of Job awakens us that the reasons for punishment come in different forms, and as pertinacious as we are certain of our faith, we must not judge and condemn anyone, for that matter, prematurely.Works CitedThe New Oxford Annotated BibleBook of Job Chapters 1-31 38-42
Friday, May 17, 2019
Socialization is done when children follow the footsteps Essay
companionableizing can be referred to as the process by where adults and children analyze from each other. It is often said that assimilation begins at home and this is true because it is the responsibility of the family to con children from a very early age the norms and determine of society. It is the process by which they scan respectable from wrong. assimilation is d one(a) when children follow the footsteps of their p atomic number 18nts, teachers or older siblings. Socialization never really stops because all by dint of life, great deal learn new things and they be never knowledgeable enough to know all(prenominal)thing.During this process of socialization children resurrect a sense of self and arrive their own person. They become unique and have a distinct character. Individuals develop their potential and learn flori gardening through with(predicate) this process of socialization. Humans are un uniform any other species and they need to learn things and how t o survive. It is authoritative for public to learn their culture for it is a part of who they are. We learn by internalizing which is the process when sight get rid of norms values beliefs and language as their own and accept them as their own. Importance of socializationSocialization is grave for many reasonsIt helps a person become who they really are. It provides the basics for a person to learn intimately their culture and their way of behavior. Socialization helps stack disc everywhere their talents and they find out that they are really strong at something and they enjoy that. Through socialization children can develop as a person and prepare normal social g flows.Children need to feel cared for and loved so when parents take time out for their children and teach them values and norms this helps them to develop properly. Learn ways on how to think talk and actions that are weighty for social life Is a way by which the society can pass culture along to the attached g eneration We achieve harmony and are able to it into societyWe develop skills and learn not to constantly act on instinctIt avoids isolation and improper develop handst of childrenIt allows us to develop our potential to develop or maximize skills We develop proper learningAgents of socializationThe family is a major agent of socialization. It gives individuals their root experience, earliest and deepest experience to relationships and their exposure to the way of life. The family in any case teaches their own about the social and physical surroundings and teaches them to follow it. Children learn from the type of environment that elders create. The family also gives children a social step forward when it comes to religion race or culture.This makes up the childs self-concept. The family are the ones responsible to teach children manners, respect and obedience. They cannot allow their children to go to inculcate without teaching them how to talk to older multitude with respe ct or how to obey when told to do something. The school also plays a business office in the socialization of children. The school is a port way for children to learn about their ancestors and to teach them of the way people behaved in the older times compared to the way they behave now. They learn how society is attached to race and gender.The school is their first experience to bureaucracy. This means that the school prepares them for the future because it runs on a time schedule and is governed by rules. This is helpful because it prepares them for when they get a job. It is also proven that schools sit children into gender roles. School also open opportunities or children to join peer groups in which they meet people with similar interests or talents.The mass media is also an agent of socialization. The mass media provides a vast amount of breeding to a huge audience at the comparable time. It is proven to have a great trespass on the behavior and attitude of children. The media is also a port way for people to learn about different cultures and to meet people of different race and ethnicity. The media can inspire people to achieve approach shot and to follow their dreams. Children will view successful people on the television and aspire to be like them. This is a good thing because children will have ambition.Theories on socializationGeorge Herbert Mead He developed a theory on social behaviorism. It explained how a persons personality can be unnatural by social experience. He saw the power that environment had when it came to shaping behavior. He studied secret thinking. His main concept was self. He described this as the part of a persons personality composed of self- awareness and self- image. He considered that self only develops when people interact with others. He said that sympathetics care what others think of them and that is what they think of themselves as well.Lawrence Kohlberg He studied how people distinguish between right and wrong . At an early age for children, they think that whatever feel good to them is right. Another aspect of his is that teenagers in the adolescent stage lose their selfishness and learn to act according to what parents tell them and by the rules of their school. He also said that individuals learn not to argue with what is legal or right.Jean Piaget he studied human cognition. This refers to how people think. He wondered how children made sense of the world. He described the way children made their way through life based on what they thought of it. Piaget believed that biological maturation and increasing social experience was reflected by human behavior. He stated four stages of cognitive development which embarrassd sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and bollock operational.Sigmund Freud He studied mental disorder and personality. He believed that biology played a major role in the way people develop. He said that the human personality had three parts which include T he id which represents the innate human drives, this would be the human life and death instincts, the swelled head which refers to the internalized cultural values and norms and the ego which he considered resolved the competition between the restraints of the superego and the demands of the id. .FamilyBasic ConceptsFamily is a group of people who are fast related to each other by blood, adaption or espousals. The family is considered the basic unit of society. A family is considered to be the people who will always be there for you, no matter the situation you are involved in. Whenever in need of something the first place you run to is home. You are confident that there you can be honorable and that there will be the people you can depend on. The family is the group of people who play a significant role in an individuals life. Bonds within a family are considered kinship.Within every society there are families, however the views of people and whom they consider to be their famil y may vary depending on historical changes and culture. Family of orientation refers to when individuals are born into a family that includes parents and siblings living together. This plays an important role in socialization. A family of procreation is when adults decide to start their own family either naturally or through adaption. coupling is an important aspect when considering starting a family. Marriage is a legal union between two people who commit to each other and this involves economical cooperation, sexual activity and childbearing. Children born out of sum are considered to be illegitimate. Global VariationsTypes of familiesExtended family Is a family that includes more(prenominal) than three generations living in the same firm. Everyone is connected by blood. Nuclear family A family that includes a mother, father and their children living under the same roof. Sibling household This is a family that an older brother or sister is the one in charge of the rest of chi ldren. They are required to be the parents and take care of the younger ones. Reconstituted family This is a family type formed by the compounding of two single- parent families. Single- parent family Is a family type that involves one parent taking care of the household. Marriage patternsThis refers to the way in which individuals are required to marry Endogamy This refers to marriage between people of the same social category. This limits marriage prospects to other people of the same gender, social class or race. Exogamy This is when people of different social class get unite. This type of marriage bear ons cultural diffusion and builds alliances. Monogamy This is marriage between two people.Polygamy This is a type of marriage that unites two or more people. Polygyny This refers to marriage of one man to two or more women. Polyandry This refers to marriage of one woman to two or more men. Residential PatternsThis talks about where a couple resides after being married Patriloca lity This pattern refers to when the married couple lives with or close to the husbands parents or family. Matrilocality This is when the married couple lives close by or with the wifes family. Neolocality This refers to when the married couple live in a new place away from any side of their families. Patterns of DecentThis refers to a system families used to trace their kinship over generations. Patrilineal descent This is when individuals trace their kinship through men. This is when sons are the ones who inherit or get office passed on to them by their fathers. Matrilineal descent This is a system used to trace kinship through women. This is when mothers pass on property or inheritance to their daughters. Bi later onal Descent in order to promote gender equality, this system traces kinship through both men and women. Theoretical Analysis of the FamilyFunctions of the familyStructural and operable analysisSocialization The teaching of right from wrong to children. Regulation of sexual activity Every culture tries to regulate sexual activity in order to maintain property rights and kinship organization. Social localization Families try to maintain social organization in order to confer their social identity. Material, emotional and pecuniary security Families provide financial assistance, physical protection and emotional support. Inequality and the family Social- Conflict analysis stead and Inheritance Identifying heirs in order to transmit property. Patriarchy This is how men own women as their sexual and economic property. Racial and ethnic inequality Families promote people marry others like themselves. Stages of Family LifeThis is the way how a family evolves.Courtship Is when partners get to know each other and see if they are compatible. Settling in This involves romanticist love where partners fall in love with each other and usually plan to marry or not. Child rearing This is the raising of children on the right path showing them love and kindnes s. The family in later life This is when people stay married but for the final years of their marriage they return to living with only one spouse. Transitions and problems in familyThey are many things that break up the familyDivorce is the dissolution of a marriage.CausesIndividualism is on the rise This is when family members stop spending as much time with each other. romanticist love often subsides When sexual passion fades this is when relationships fade. Women are now less dependent on men Women leave unhappy marriages because wives are now not financially dependent on husbands. Many of right aways marriages are stressful Most families face the problem of not having enough time or energy for family. Divorce is socially acceptable Divorce is no longer being discouraged. Legally, a break is easier to get Now divorces are easy to get as long as the couple says the marriage has fail.ReferencesMacionis John J., Sociology- (13th Edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Pearson Pre ntice Hall, 2009
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