Sunday, May 17, 2020
Motivation As A Dynamic Process - 1153 Words
Introduction: Motivation can be described as directing individual needs and approaching the situation at hand. Stress can be described as substantial imbalance between demand and response capability which in turns relates to Arousal, which is blend of physiological and psychological activity. â€Å"The key to handling pressure is to enjoy it when you’re confronted with it rather than worry about it too much†¦ I’m not overwhelmed by it. I probably was when I was younger – Steve Waugh†(former Australian cricket captain) (HODGE, 2004). The participant, who is 36 year old, 113.3kg, Maori, he wants to achieve his own goals or try to sticking to them. This particular participate does have trouble staying true to his goals that he had set out This report looks at Motivation, and Stress and Arousal and how this applies to the sport psychology, also to the participant and how it relates to one another. †That according to the social-cognitive approach, motivation is considered as a dynamic process, including affective, cognitive and value-related aspects (Biddle, 1997; Roberts, 2001. It has been proposed that the quality of motivation is not one-dimensional, but multiple motives may affect a person’s behaviour at the same time†. (Rottensteiner, VOL. 46 -N.3- May-June 2015) Discussion: Motivation: can be described as direction of individual needs and also the particated approaches the situation at hand. Without sufficient motivation, the participated he will not perform well inShow MoreRelatedThe Role of the Teacher: Motivating the Learner Essay946 Words  | 4 Pagesmay find more meaning and application in the lessons. 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