Thursday, January 31, 2019
Witchcraft And Effects On Lite :: essays research papers
beguilecraft is a phenomenon that has captured the minds of millions since the beginning of history. These so-called witches have caused fear, hatred, interest, widespread panic, and a variety of some other(a) emotions in other people from all over the world. E rattling society and civilization on this planet have all some form of witchcraft in their history. Witchcraft itself has a deep history of its own causing it to be recognized in literature and modern society. First, witchcraft has a very fascinating history, which is fairly important to discuss. Because much of its history is shrouded in bigotry and has not properly been recorded, its exact history is hard to explain. It is easier to see witchcraft as a mindset or belief than an organized institution. accord to Montague Summers, witches can be described as heretics and anarchists, most of which follow the head teacher of demons, also known as the Devil. Obviously Mr. Summers, along with many ot her people, takes a pessimistic judgment towards the realm of witchcraft. Among these anti-witch enthusiasts was total heat VIII, who was the first male monarch of England to pass Statute against the practice of witchcraft. many a(prenominal) kings who ruled after Henry VIII also created statutes against witchcraft. James I made adept in 1604, which was repealed over a century later in 1736. Throughout the centuries in England, strict laws and numerous trials were held against suspected witches. Some of the more notable trials imply the Chelmsford trials in 1566, 1579, and 1589, the trials in Lancashire in 1612, and the Staffordshire trials in 1597. Some cases even essay people posing as witches resembling Thomas Darling, John Smith, and William Perry. numerous books had been written at the time about the subject of witchcraft like Demonology, Discovery of Witches, Discovery of Witchcraft, and Dr. Lambs Darling. (Wysiwyg//7/http// e_england.html) Second, witchcraft is recognized most the world through its appearance in literature. Many well-known examples of a wide variety of witches can be found throughout literature. Many of these literary works include The Wizard of Oz, which not only has one witch but two Glenda the Good Witch and The Wicked Witch of the West. These two witches seem to represent some of the many candidates of witches. Glenda takes on the view of a fairy godmother, a type of witch that only has salutary intentions and poses no harm to anyone. But, wicked witch poses as the stereotypical halloweenish view of a witch an old, ugly, ill-hearted, broomstick riding, spell-casting, evil, maniacal woman.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Personal Narrative- Playground Memory :: Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative- Playground MemoryLooking tail end on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it preferably difficult to pick on that leaves me with the fabled warm and fuzzy feelings. As the daughter of an Air Force Major, I had the pleasure of traveling crossways America in many moving trips. I have visited the senseless trees of the Sequoia National Forest, stood on the edge of the Grande Canyon and have jumped on the beds at Caesars Palace in Lake Tahoe. However, I have discovered that when reflecting on my childhood, it is not the trips that come to mind, instead there are flesh break through from everyday doings a deck of cards, a silver edge or an ice cream flavor. One memory that comes to mind belongs to a day of no particular importance. It was late in the fall in Merced, California on the playground of my old elementary school an befog day with the move up blowing strong. I stood on the blacktop, pulling my hoodie over my ears. The wind was causing miniature tornados we called them dirt devils, to swarm around me. I stood there, honoring the leaves kick up and then settle. My friends called me over to the wooden playground skirt by a sea of mulch chips. The bridge squeaked furiously to a lower place our weight. An unannounced game of tag started and we found ourselves weaving in and out of the wooden fortress and the trees that surrounded it. My shoe became untied and I took a time out to tie it with a method that no one uses here. We heard an adult voice it was time to go in. We lined up single file, supposedly in alphabetical order but no one ever does. I like that, I never liked being in the back. While waiting for everyone to line up, I looked up at the trees that line the walkway. Despite the time of year, I noticed tenuous flowers growing on the trees.
Assessing Organizational Culture Essay
Almost every transcription, whether public or clannish, on motif or in practice, has a acculturation that fairly dictates its everyday functioning. The call civilization has many definitions but in this discussion it is demarcated as sh atomic number 18d beliefs, ranges, symbols, and behaviors. Culture binds a workforce together and is its control mechanism, or purpose, to facilitate its functioning. These items be powerful driving forces in the success of an organisation and their value to the community they serve whether it is a public or private entity will affect the success of any organization.While cultures are base in some organizations more prominently than in others, thither are those organizations where the culture of that specific organizations ideal stands out above others. Police departments, military units and religious organizations all have a strong, change culture that engineers its base and permeates its entire existence. Many times people out of doo rs of those professions do non actualise the mentality or job fealty a person from one of these bider fields shares with his/her co-workers.An example would be the duty and honor commitment of a United State Marine, peculiarly when considered by a person who was anti-military the Marines belief or core value system is not chthonianstood. The medical examination profession and more specifically hospitals, butt against a familiar goal that simply stated, is the bearing and healing of the maladjusted or injured. For the most part, the medical staff employed at a hospital is there for that specific purpose. The medical field brings together a vast array of someones from resistent backgrounds and cultures.But once they become a doctor, hospital absorb, surgical technician, etc. they take on a stark naked life and thereby absorb a new culture into their lives. Subcultures, as defined by organizational theorists John van Maanen and Stephen Barley, are a subset of an organiza tions members who interact regularly with one another, identify themselves as a distinct groupand routinely take action on the basis of collective understandings unique to the group (Cheney, 2011, 78-79) The organizational culture in a hospital is based on the premise that the hospital is there to provide a place for the care and healing of the sick or injured.Organizational theorist Mary Jo Hatch puts forth that there are fivesome (5) Degrees of Cultural Integration and Differentiation (Cheney, 77) identified as follows Unitary, divers(a) (Integ wanderd), several(a) (Differentiated), Diverse (Fragmented) and Disorganized (Multi-cephalous) (Hatch, 1997, 210). A hospital in its purest form would be well represented as a Unitary culture because the staff as a whole all have the analogous values or beliefs. But individual staff or in time medical units may fall into any of the other cultures identified as well.A particular unit, i. e. cardiac telemetry floor, may be a Diverse (Fra gmented) unit due to a group of nurses who do not think their critical task requirements in the identical way and as a result the level of affected role infections or deaths rises, causing unrest among the staff, supervisors, patient families and resulting in legal ramifications thereby fragmenting the staffs solidarity. Social psychologist Edgar Schein theorize a theoretical model that shows an organizations culture is reinforced on three levels artifacts, values and norms, and assumptions and beliefs.Artifacts are usually the most common and visible sign of a specific culture. Schein puts forth that things such as treat uniforms, terminology, surgical protocols and more, actually and accurately represent the basic horizons of organizations culture. The values and norms aspect of his theory, while not always visible, potentiometer be seen through behavior of the individual or group it reveals what is in-chief(postnominal) to the group and how they treat each other within th eir organization. Each aspect of the profession may have an operating procedure or environment nique to that area of specialization, but still have the same values and norms for their actions.In a surgical room, sterilization of the environment is much more authoritative than it would be in a patients room on a medical/surgical floor, but they still have the same belief in keeping an open wound as absolved as possible. While values in the medical profession do not vary as a whole, values do define accepted behavior and action. Genuine assumptions and beliefs are nurtured by a persons or organizations values and norms. Values vary only slightly in the versatile medical professions and facilities.Depending on the medical specialty area, operational norms and methods may differ according to training priorities, equipment and environment unique to that specialty. For instance, the hospital in-patient wound care team may have the same desire to treat a patients wounds as a home health nursing team, but the methods of treatment or medications used may be different. Differences array to surface when a patient is sent home on a negative pressure wound therapy system, i. e. a wound V. A. C. , that aids in the healing of wounds via suction (http//www. kci1. com/KCI1/vactherapy).Many home health nurses does not have intercourse how to properly change the intricate dressing or fully understand this equipment or the damaging results that can occur if not changed properly. Faulty assumptions are therefore made based on the beliefs of the home health nurse of what should be done for the patient. When that happens, problems arise in this particular scenario that could result in the patient being brought back to the hospital for a further layover of hospitalization due to a breakdown of their wounds or even the founding of new wounds as a result of improper V. A. C. placement.The overriding culture of the medical field is based on the Physicians trust of First, do no harm (author uncertain but it is based on the Hippocratic Oath which states to abstain from doing harm). This belief echoes throughout the medical field all over the world. And while there are individual exceptions or exceptions in areas such as animal research for the betterment of mankind or the ethical issue of abortion, the creed has gone same(predicate) since the time of the ancient Greeks and before. Scheins three (3) levels of artifacts, values and norms, and assumptions and beliefs, are explicit in every clinical setting.With further exploration, Hatchs five (5) Degrees of Cultural Integration and Differentiation will also be found, albeit not everyone will be seen on every hospital floor or unit. Medical facilities are a kaleidoscope or a microcosm of many subcultures under the roof of the main culture of being a place for the care and healing of the sick or injured. Without that organizational culture giving instruction to all of the subcultures involved in this humani tarian career field, the death rate for minor injuries and diseases would compound exponentially.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
George Mackay Brown’s short story ‘Andrina’ Essay
George Mackay Browns utterly stratum Andrina has an element of mystery which leaves the lector in peculiarity and carrys Andrina an extremely pleasurable read. Andrina is an old watermans granddaughter who visits him as a ghost when he dies however he does not know she is his granddaughter or that she is a ghost and is dreadfully upset when she leaves him. I think the main reason wherefore George Mackay Brown is so successful in qualification the story an enjoyable read is due to the complex organise of the story, the screen background and also its colligate to a mystical fairytale.The story of Andrina has a strong interesting social organisation of a story inside a story. The out story is in the present tense and concerns the old leghorn in his daily routine. The inner story is in the past and tells of the old boater boy when he was younger and of a love affair that he had. This structure makes the story intriguing as the ref at first does not know who the char acters in the inside story argon and thus it has a great sense of mystery surrounding it.Another interesting deliver of the structure is the fact that it is rotary in that it relates to the seasons. The story opens in the spend where the skimmer is ill and emotion that he has lost his good admirer and helperer Andrina. It moves on in the inner story, where the sailor tells of his love affair with Andrinas grandma. The summer conveyed happiness and helped hand over the tactual sensation that they were deeply in love. The love affair ended in the autumn when wildlife died out and the sailor discovered a terrible secret about Andrinas grandmother and then left over(p) the island. When spring returned in the outer story the sailor discovered Andrina was a ghost and why she had left. This let him understand and gave him the feeling of apprehend to move on. This structure is used to portray the inner feelings of the sailor and in my view is very effective.As well as the cyclic al structure, the earths elements are also referred to throughout the story. This reflects on the sailors old days and he often tells the reader of memories and links to the sea. One example of this is at the opening of the story when the sailor is describing Andrina She lights my lamp, sets the peat harass in a blaze, sees that there is enough water in my bucket that stands on the wall niche. here(predicate) the peat links to the element of earth and preempt and water are also menti angiotensin converting enzymed.This helps the reader relate to where the seaman lived, in George Mackay Browns homeland of Orkney. The land here is windswept and the descriptions of the elements help the reader relate to how bare it is. The story could not have worked in any other background signal. Another interesting point in this ingeminate is the description of Andrina in that she lights my lamp. This is symbolic and shows how she gave the old sailor light and hope and also comforted him. She is referred to with this symbolisation throughout the story, which gives her the image of a kind, sweet-scented figure. In the third paragraph she is also described with I judge her with the first cluster of shadows which has alliteration of the soft s sound. This gives the reader the impression she is sweet and innocent.George Mackay Brown literary skills are excellent in creating the proper atmospheres to portray various situations. When Andrina did not stick he used short sharp sentences to convey how shocked and distraught he was She did not come followed in the next paragraph by She did not come once again The repetition here shows how he was lamenting his loss and wondering why she may not have come. In another section of the story, the sailor had a bad dream where he had flashbacks to previous events in his life. Here the author used short and long sentences to convey to the reader the timidity that he was going through. This technique also highlighted sentences such as It was a black night. which made the ordeal seem even more lightless and terrifying.The story of Andrina, and especially the story inside Andrina, has many comparisons to a fairytale, which helps give it an element of mystery. It has the classic main theme of love and the ideal setting of summertime. Not only is the language archaic, but it is also very simple, equal in a fairytale, such as but on unrivaled particular day in early summer this boy from one croft and this girl from another distant croft looked at each other with different eyes. The sentence structure is very simple which makes it easy for every reader to understand.The tremendous perilous secret thing that the girl had to tell the boy also strengthens the mystery theme as the reader is, at first, left wondering what it is. The language in this section is very poetic, with lines such as lingering enhancement of twilight This gives the reader the impression the situation was completed and they were both very hap py. In this section the reflection of the sea are also used, an example of this being Far in the north-east the springs of day were beginning to surge up. This quotation conjures up twain images, one of the two peoples love growing stronger and secondly of the sea surging and crashing about.The combination of setting, structure and atmosphere make Andrina an excellent read. The story could not have interpreted place in anywhere apart from Orkney and the windswept emptiness gives the story an eerie atmosphere. George Mackay Brown has the ability to put the story together and make the reader ponder afterwards on what actually happened to Andrina. The question of whether Andrina was real or whether she was just a figment of the sailors imagination is left for the reader to interpret in their own way, which means the story has a steadfast effect for everyone.
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Christian Century
This member is written by Jimmy Carter, the thirty-ninth President of unite States (1977-1981). The article was published in The deliverymanian Century on folk 20, 2005 in page No.32-35. This article was retrieved only for the purpose of academic spare-time activity and to gain more understanding from the article astir(predicate) Christian living. In this task, the article written by Hon.Jimmy Carter, is macrocosm analyzed with all the payable respect and honor to Sir.Jimmy Carter with a request to grant permit for the article analysis.Former President Hon.Jimmy Carter is readly associated with Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia.The discussion is concentrate particularly about Christian diversions and what are the negative effects that Christian ministries are faced with in the present day perform society.It is a coarse challenge to church leadership as well to the ministerial deform that is carried in Christianity. In letter to Galatians, St.Paul indicated tha t the three churches established in Lystra, Iconium and Derbe to whither St.Paul began the first missioner journey, where there was huge congregation in the beginning, began to sustain divided radically from the cartel due to the rise of other requirements from leaders for acceptance and retention of fellowship which lead to chaos and disagreements among churches.This is a great threat and does not hold good for missionary work as well for Christian believers about churches unity. Basic fundamental mistake was being committed by church leaders in Galatia who were departing from the gospel of Christ and were interested in adopting facets of Jewish law and circumcision. The denominations are man-made viz., Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterians, Mennonites, Quakers and Catholics.thither are also other issues in the article about fundamentalism, women preachers and about leadership of church. St.Paul Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our master copy Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same foreland and the same purpose(1 Cor 110).Authors (Jimmy Carter) favorite ledger verse Be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as idol in Christ has forgiven you (Ephes 432).Article is reflecting on present day leadership in versatile denominations of church, women leadership in the church and whether such situation existed in the days of St.Paul. The thesis of the Author is, view and practice what St.Paul did in taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to various places and building congregations and not Christian radical knowledges or depicting high quality of men over women.Jesus Christ gave equal importance to women at par with men and never degraded women at any draw of time throughout Jesus missionary work. It was also stated here that women who would like to preach the gospel of Christ must(prenominal) Any woman who prays or prophesies with her head un screened disgraces her head it is one and the same matter as having her head shaved. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hairFurther the author states that as St.Paul stated When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to shaft nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified (I Cor 21-2) The essence of the gospel should be that we are saved by the grace of God through organized religion in Jesus Christ and this is sufficient to carry on faith and religion and there is nothing much more important than this both to God or to Christians and believers of Jesus Christ.The article is in close association with New Testament especially with St.Paul missionary work that was much passing spirited in Galatia and in Corinth. Paul through various missionary letters motivated friends, church leaders and even congregation in those times. Christian religion is one of the orbs most everyday religion and there are many Christian churches around the world in various denominations. It is important to carry the unity and integrity of Christian religion whereas politics in Christian denominations, racism, gender differences and other cordial issues should not be included in gospel work or in church leaderships.Churches are basically human institutions wherein Christ believers capture in faith, carry gospel work and develop social and communal harmony which is the sole motive of any religion. St.Paul confronted several problems in missionary work and in carrying the gospel of Christ and St.Paul did not give up and instead motivated associates towards evangelism and stated its importance.This article is an excellent piece of writing, that must really be an inspiration to those who are endeavoring in gospel work and those who are actively participant in building up of spick-and-span churches in various places.ReferenceJimmy Carter (2005) , Back to FundamentalsAccessed May 9, 2008http// entitle=3249
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary
Early life Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary was born into a mid-low class Malay family whose house was with erupt necessities and luxuries. His highest education was only until form five, and he never went to university. A whole lot of his knowledge and deliver was gained through his own entrepreneurship experience during his youth time. Due in part his familys mediocre-to- deplorable background, Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary had to step into the functional world in his early life, while pursuing his primary and junior-grade studies.Syed Mokhtar helped his mother planting and merchandising vegetables in the market and also selling roti canai. His numeric knowledge was used to help his father in doing chance(a) book keeping. After finishing school, Syed Mokhtar helped his father in breeding dismay disdain but only to see the business washed away(p) by foot and mouth disease. Nevertheless, he took over the business and leave over by selling meats. He then move on to packaging the meats and st art selling them wholesale. His determi people paid off and the business started to take off.Career Syed Mokhtar and Zainal started his business in Kedah in the 1990s relations in rice. More success followed and he moved to rice affair business. He worked even harder after awarded the rice barter license from Lembaga Padi Negara, and was subsequent awarded successions of supplier contract establishment-linked corporations as partner with Zainal Hatim Hj Ambia Bukhary. As his determination starting signal to skyrocket, he quickly moved to expand into diversification of other businesses.His contiguous big move was in the logistics business, with initial goal to transport their trading materials. Today, his business empire has grown into areas such as plantation, property development, construction, engineering, agency generation, infrastructure and ports. He owns 51. 8% share in Malaysian excavation Corporation via his wholly owned company, Syarikat Impian Teladan Sdn. Bhd. Ta n Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal Hatim personally owns SKS Ventures, which was awarded the task of grammatical construction the site for 2100MW coal-fired power station at Tanjung Bin, Johor.Tan Sri Syed Mohktar has a 32% share in PERNAS through his own company, Syarikat Ratu Jernih. Syarikat Perdana Padu Sdn. Bhd. and Corak Kukuh Sdn. Bhd. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal are get on Members of Syarikat Bina Puri Holdings Berhad, whereby, on his own, he has 7. 34% share. Apart from these, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal has varied cheer in a number of companies, both in Malaysia as good as abroad. Charity His philanthropic values were nurtured from the age of 23 when he started a small business dealing in rice.When he original his first monthly in watch of RM1,500, his mother had told him to donate half of it to the poor. 3 From 1996 to 2006, his foundation has contributed close to RM1bil to charity, although his total income is probably in multiples of that figure. He has humanit arian projects in Asia and Africa, including rebuild the lives of Afghan refugees, Pakistans ears tsunami victims and is now working to establish an AIDS hospital in Uganda.Among the foundations initiatives are the Albukhary Tuition Programme for poor underachievers and the Albukhary Scholarship Programme for poor high achievers. Recognition In appreciation of his enormous services and contributions, he was bestowed with several awards, which among others, include the Panglima Setia Mahkota (P. S. M. ) by His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, which carries the title Tan Sri and the Dato Setia Mahkota Kedah (D. S. D. K. by HRH The Sultan Kedah, which carries the title Dato. On 10 January 2008 or 1st Muharram 1429 Hijra he was announced and awarded as Tokoh Maal Hijrah by The Yang Di Pertuan Agong of Malaysia in recognition of his contribution to nation building and also Controversies A number of companies controlled by Syed Mokhtar have come under attack for developm ent activities on greenfield sites. For example, the clearance of mangroves for the development of Johor fashion has led to some criticisms from local environmental groups. 4 He has also been place as a major beneficiary of political connections that have given his subsidiary companies monopoly control over crucial Malaysian sectors, including rice, power and ports. Started out in the bowl of Malaysia as a rice trader. Later got government backing. Today controls Malaysia Mining Corporation (MMC) has stakes in Malaysias Johor Port the countrys largest self-directed power producer Malakoff and natural gas distribution company throttle Malaysia. Has invested in MPH (a book retailer in Singapore and Malaysia). Hes contributed to a number of Islamic schools, mosques and Islamic arts.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Body Piercing and Management
Of the some growing trends, body stinging has become very popular. With this practice fair more popular everyday, many people be frightened external because of sanitary and health reasons. To most peoples surprise the business of body piercing is a safe and clean procedure. Body piercing is a number of self-expression, such as tattoos and hair styles. Piercing be more wide accepted among business today than a couple years ago. Even-though they ar becoming more acceptable in society today there is still a misconception of the safety, antisepsis, and health issues involved.Many people fear the sterility of the piercing help, ergo they dont complicate the piercing. In actuality piercing is very safe. The hurtler has to engage many steps in ensuring the safety of the piercer and the uncomplaining. After filling unwrap the tight-laced paperwork, the patient has to check of the location of the piercing. There are many spots over the human body where peerless can get pier ced. Some of the common spots to get pierced are the privileged and outer ear, the nose, the bridge of you nose, the cheek, lips, tongue, eyebrows, nipples, naval, and the genitalia.If one was to get their tongue pierced, the piercer must decide whether or not it is piercable. If the tongue has a large under-webbing it cannot be pierced. at a conviction the tongue is deemed piercable, the piercer sterilizes all of his equipment. A common set-up for a piercing is as follows two pairs of surgical gloves, many gauze, a needle, dock, rubber-band, surgical clamp, toothpick, and the jewelry. All of these are placed in a metal cartridge and placed inside(a) a sterilizing machine.The machine heats and compresses distilled water and hence blows steam into the cartage sterilizing everything inside. During this time the patient is instructed on the procedure and washing his verbalize with bioclean. Bioclean is antibacterial mouth cleaner that destroys 99% of all mouth bacteria. During t his time the piercer scrubs his turn over with an antibacterial soap, and places one pair of gloves on. The patient sticks out his tongue and the piercer makes a horizontal and vertical make on the tongue if a mild antiseptic dye.The clamps are placed on the top and direct bum of the tongue and double checked, to en original that the needle will not pierce a vein. At this time the piercer discards his current pair of gloves and dons the second. He wherefore places the needle on the tongue and pushes it through. Once the needle has passed through, he then places a cork on the end so no one is harmed. The needle is push the rest of the way through with the jewelry. The needle and cork are placed in a sealed biohazard container to take care proper disposal.The clamp is removed and placed in an antibacterial solution. The other(a) half is then screwed on and the piercing is over. All the gausses and swabs with no kind are placed in the trash, and any items with blood on them are placed in a biohazard bag. At this time the piercer informs the patient on the proper care and maintenance of the piercing. In an interview with Richard, a piercer at Factor V in Charleston, SC, he states that the most insalubrious and dangerous time for a piercing is seven days afterward. tribe dont follow directions and end-up with an infection. Most piercers pass out a pamphlet with the proper care directions on it. The piercing process is safe when done by a professional. The customer is responsible for the piercing once the piercing process is over. The procedure is so safe that one doesnt even lose judgement due to the piercing. Some swelling may occur and pain in very minimal because no nerves were hit. Piercing can be a healthy and fun way express oneself, when done in a clean and experienced environment. But one has to make sure that proper care is given to the piercing.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Demonstrative Communication Essay
Communication is an exchange of in public figureation, verbal pr written message and is the guide of sending and receiving message. () With chat there must be a vector and a recipient for it to take place. In this paper I will win examples how effective and ineffective epideictic conference tail assembly be positive or negative on situations. Also I will explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. unreserved communication is nonverbal and unwritten communication thought facial expression or body language. Effective ways for a sender and receiving system to submit in a demonstrative way would be to send the full message. Sender would want to make sure the receiver comprehends and understands the sender. For example Kinesics refers to the many an(prenominal) behaviors of the body() these would include posture, motilitys, and facial expressions. To make a positive gesture genius could give the sender devil thumbs up letting them hold out th ey did a great job. Letting the sender know they understand the message. A negative gestures would be a frown or to raise an eyebrow. This would provide feed behind to the sender letting them know you disagree. Effective communication is a two way street for the sender and receiver.Ineffective ways for sender and receiver to communicate would be if the sender was demanding or ordering the receiver for something, and persuading or lecturing them. For example, using words like you must this may make the receiver think you are being demanding and they may resent you. lecture the receiver is another negative way to communicate with them. This may fetch them to feel like they are wrong. Hepatic is a powerful form of communication. This would include giving the sender a pat on the back letting them knows you understand and everything was great. A native communication result would be a slap in the face. This would lead to many problems.Demonstrative communication between the sender and r eceiver will be positive if the sender does not overload the receiver with to much information at one time. If the receiver provides active listening or reading, this will allow the receiver to engage in what the sender is trying to get across to them. Demonstrative communication can also be negative if the receiver has a lack of eye contact or crossing of the arms. Things like this posit the sender one may not be interested in their message they are trying to get across.Provide feedback is a fiber of responding and giving the sender insurances that you are listening and understood what was being said. With demonstrative communication for example, one can respond by providing feedback like, What Im hearing is This lets the sender know you are listening to the message.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Life Cycle of Bacteriophage
Life calendar method of phage. Bacteriophage Bacteria eating virus is called bacteriophage. Life passs There ar 2 types of life racks that occur in the bacteriophage 1) Lytic Cycle 2) Lysogenic Cycle 1) Lytic Cycle In lytic cycle, virus that is the bacteriophage causes lysis of the host kiosk. It is virulent phage. 2) Lysogenic Cycle In lysogenic cycle, the bacteriophage does not cause lysis of hosts cellular telephone. It is avirulent phage. Lytic Cycle. Landing, Penetration and AttachmentTo infect a cell, a virus must first enter the cell through the plasma membrane and (if present) the cell wall. Viruses do so by either attaching to a receptor on the cells step up or by simple mechanical force victimisation tail fibers. Attachment is done with the help of receptors. Control The virus then(prenominal) releases its genetic material (either single- or double-stranded RNA or DNA) into the cell. In doing this, the cell is infected and can also be targeted by the immune system. This intercourse is called master-slave tattle.Biosynthesis The virus nucleic acid uses the host cells machinery to make large amounts of viral components. For DNA viruses, the DNA transcribes itself into messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules which are afterwards use to overlook the cells ribosomes. The first polypeptides that are translated destroy the hosts DNA. In retroviruses , an enzyme called reverse transcriptase translates the viral RNA into DNA, which is then translated again into RNA. Assembly New viruses are formed by the assembly of the different parts of the virus.After approximately 25 minutes, 200 new viruses are formed. Release Bacterial cell divulge and the newly formed viruses are released from the host cell. Now, they are ready to plan of attack new bacteria. Lysogenic Cycle. Landing The first step of lysogenic cycle is landing of the virus on the hosts cell. This is done by tail fibers. Attachment It is done with the help of receptors present on the surface of the bacterial cell wall. Penetration For the penetration the tail fibers of the bacteriophage publish special enzymes for the lysis of bacterial cell wall called, lysozyme. Then by the concretion of tail fibers and sheath viral DNA is injected into bacterial cell. Incorporation viral DNA after penetration becomes incorporated (inserted) into bacterial DNA. This state is called prophage and this relation is called host-guest relation. Bacterial Division Bacteria divides and the daughter bacterial cell receives the viral DNA. These bacterial cells having viral DNA are resistant to viral attack. knowledgeableness During lysogenic cycle when viral DNA detaches from bacterial DNA, and take control over bacterial DNA. Now, lytic cycle begins.
Autonomous Cars Essay
Imagine a world where you can get in your motorrailway car without the worry of driving alongside drunks and teenagers. The once fictional hallucination of riding a driverless car is now becoming a reality, with umteen large companies including Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, BMW, Audi, and Google, currently investing in the development of this contraption. What is a driverless (or autonomous) car? It is an automobile run by an autopilot that allows passengers to travel safely and speedily to their destination with minimal to no human control. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) predicts that by the year 2040, our passageways forget be populated with autonomous vehicles, with up to 75% of all cars be driverless (Newcomb, 2012). As human civilization advances technologically on a daily basis, we ar becoming less hooklike on people and more dependent on robots, which many check as positive. Self-driving cars are a step in the right anxiety for confederacy, a nd ought to become available to the public as soon as accomplishable for a more efficient and secure driving experience.The primary consult with steeration is safety hence the most obvious and largest benefit to the refilling of regular cars with self-driving cars is the decrease in traffic collisions. Ninety percent of our passageway accidents are related to bad driving behavior driving recklessly and speeding under the influence of alcohol, changing lanes without signaling, driving on the backbreaking shoulder and passing through red lights. -Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Commander in main(prenominal) of the Dubai Police (Olarte, 2011). The majority of car crashes are caused by human errors, and if this offer is implemented, the matter of fatalities due to car accidents per year go forth dramatically plummet. In 2012, a Google driverless car had driven over 300,000 miles, with only two accidents being reported, both of which had been a humans fault (Ermson, 2012). self-directed c ars forget have quicker reflexes than humans, make more reliable judgments and go forth non commit silly mistakes such as texting whilst driving. As a confirming for reducing accidents, this mental institution could theoretically also unless the government trillions of dollars from each 1 year.A major issue for drivers today is congestion. Picture Sheikh Zayed driveway at 6 AM on a weekday. When a car brakes, the driver behind takes a couple of seconds to react and stop. Now this goes on and on, causing heavy traffic and wasting everyones irreplaceable time. Autonomous cars are judge to have a altogether revamped traffic system, one lacking traffic lights and stop signs. Vehicles result be capable of communicating with each other by transferring crucial information via sensors, allowing them to predict their expected positions, minimizing the spaces between them. With the small distances between cars and the non-stop flow of traffic, a substantial measurement of tim e entrust be saved during trips and congestion will be considerably alleviated. Another burden to be lifted off of societys shoulders is the expense of takeing a car. A new public enamour system that operates entirely on driverless cars could be put into service.Hence possessing your own personal autonomous vehicle will be unnecessary and high-priced because the time wasted in a parking spot could be utilized to transport other individuals, and a subscription to a public transport system is a much cheaper alternative. Autonomous vehicles will also save owners insurance money because as the rate of incidents drops, vehicle insurance will be viewed as optional rather than obligatory. In addition, this innovation will save the costumer fuel money by reducing the oftenness of braking and acceleration, which has an adverse effect on fuel consumption. As expected with a very technologically advanced piece of machinery, when autonomous cars first assume the market they will not be af fordable for everyone. But given over enough time, the prices will go down and self-driving cars will slowly precisely surely replace regular cars. A while after the integration of this technology into our daily lives, at that place will be an inevitable privation of driving related jobs. But as the saying goes, when one introduction closes another opens, and these robots arent going to build themselves.The immediate effect will undoubtedly lead to a loss of jobs, but with the success of the production, in the long term new jobs will appear and consequently completely fresh industries as well. With this huge development in electronics, admittedly store mechanics and taxi drivers might postulate with income, but software engineers and programmers are going to be in demand more than ever, and thus sparing balance is heartseaseored. Now I know what youre thinking, isnt that unjust to those who are unable of attaining academic degrees? At first, maybe. But I intrust that give n enough time, the criteria required for intelligence and information based jobs will become less constricted. This is because the advances in software programming and other convertible areas of expertise will make related jobs uncomplicated. There are boundless examples of such occurrences in history, a notable one being the industrial revolution. Just like today, people back then were also dysphoric about losing their occupations to machinery. But the introduction of steam engines and the replacement of physical turn over with machine work pushed farmers towards other professions that were themselves created by the new technology, and thus there was an unprecedented blossoming in the economy.All the benefits I have mentioned, the remarkable road safety, the smooth and quick ride, the low expenses and many more exceed the very scarce negatives. Self-driving cars will revolutionize the auto-industry and will be a turning point in our lives. Soon enough driver licenses will cease to exist, and elderly people, children, and handicapped persons will no longer struggle with land transportation. The farming Institute of Columbia University predicts a cutback in the number of cars on the road in the US by a performer of 10 (Burns, Jordan & Scarborough, 2013). Four states in the US have already authorized the use of autonomous vehicles (Kelly, 2012), and for the good of all, I believe the rest of the world should follow suit. What can we do to create shared successfulness? The answer is not to try to slow down technology. Instead of move against the machine, we need to learn to wash drawing with the machine (Brynjolfsson, 2013).ReferencesBrynjolfsson, E. (Performer) (2013). Eric brynjolfsson The key to growth? race with the machines Theater. Available fromhttp// machines?quote=2137Burns, L. D., Jordan, W. C., & Scarborough, B. A. (2013). Transforming personal mobility. Manu script submitted for publication, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, Retrieved fromhttp// Mobility-Jan-27-20132.pdfErmson, C. (2012, August 7). Retrieved from http// driving-car-logs-more-miles-on.htmlKelly , H. (2012, October 30). Self-driving cars now legal in California. CNN. Retrieved from http//, O. (2011, April). Human error accounts for 90% of road accidents. Alertdriving, Retrieved from http//, D. (2012, September 18). You wont need a drivers license by 2040. CNN. Retrieved from http//
Monday, January 21, 2019
Myth vs. Reality
The Holy script has been dubbed as the all-time bestseller and most widely read book, with 2 billion printed copies around the world. It is composed of a disposition of ancient manuscripts that served as basis for any(prenominal) of the worlds religions. The out of date Testament (OT) of the leger has twenty-four books written in Hebraic (except for a few releaoceanges in Aramaic) and is often called the Masoretic text. At the time of Reformation, the Hebrew books were rearranged and some were divided and so became thirty-nine in all. Roman Catholics, same Protestants, divide the argueion into an Old and a sore Testament.The Roman Catholic Old Testament (OT) contains 46 books (most of them from the Hebrew sacred scripture). Some are called approved or authoritative others deutero fundamentonical, secondary, entirely nonetheless(prenominal) authoritative. Protestants term the deutero finishonical books The Apocrypha and consider them to be away(p) the Canon of Scriptur e. For its Old Testament, Catholics follow the list of books included in the Septuagint, a Greek version that was the lineage of the Latin Vulgate translation. The following map lists the agreements and differences amidst the order and content of the books of the Hebrew Scripture among Jews, Catholics, and Protestants.Some Eastern Orthodox communities include 1 Esdras, the Prayer of Manasseh, Psalm 151, and 3 Maccabees as fragment of their Old Testament fannyon. Catholics and Protestants are in virtual agreement on the 27 books of the New Testament (Flinn, 2007). No doubt, the Holy Bible is the introduction umteen religious doctrines. In fact, the Bible is constantly studied to entrust clerics not just with the basis of his doctrine but to a fault with an dateless repertoire of examples which served to illustrate their positions. Since the Bible contains both diachronic and literary texts, many people have their own interpretation of what they read in the Bible.Not to menti on, the Bible has been translated many times from Hebrew and Aramaic to Latin to present-day languages. In view of the discrepancies in interpretation and translation, the veracity of what has been written is constantly debated by many religious pundits. Are words written in the Bible legality or is just a collection of ancient myths? How can people detect truth in the Bible? In this paper, we will try to delve deep into the veracity and authority of the Bible as a factual source of historical and religious events. Baring the loyalty in the BibleIn an article, Bob George (2005) proclaimed that the Bible is the only source of truth about Jesus Christ and immortal. He argued that Christianity is root in historical truth because the Bible presents objective, concrete factsnot fanciful tales or mythical legends. George (2005) proved that persons, places, and times has factual basis. For example, he said that when Caesar Augustus was governor of Syria (Luke 22) he ordered a census of the empire, so Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem (Luke 24).John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, began his ministry in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (Luke 31). All these events can be traced bandaging with historical data available. Trembath (1987) agreed by citing theologian John Warwick capital of Alabama as he presented a deductivist historiography according to which the truth of the Bible can be inferred from the historical accuracy of the gospel authors in recording the manner of Jesus. Another theologian Edward John Carnell understood that the inspiration of Bible is what accounts for its systematic consistency of the Bible.For Carnell, the truth of the Bible rests on the fact that it is Gods rendering of both logic and history (Trembath 1987, p. 9). The Bible is a miscellany of genres story, history, law, prophecy, song, poetry, and letters, make up a religious encyclopedia which has for centuries been a prime source of reading finishedout the world. The different genres of the Bible tended to make it into a historical, homosexuale document whose truths might be relative rather than absolute. This is why some enlightened scholars began to interpret biblical language as symbol or allegory.They assumed that although the literal meaning of biblical stories might be rooted in historical scene, these stories nevertheless conveyed deeper universal truths. However, biblical inspiration has sometimes been misunderstood as simply synonymous with inerrancy or immunity from hallucinationa view that creates impossible difficulties for those who cherish the Bible. One should prefer to discuss truth rather than immunity from phantasm and, even more importantly, estimate that truth is a result or consequence of inspiration.Despite a robotic view of inspiration that highlighted the role of the Holy Spirit as dealer author and hardly allowed for the sacred writers being genuine huma n authors. This is why, pope Leo XIII in his 1893 encyclical letter Providentissimus Deus clarified the distinction between biblical inspiration and truth the Bible is inspired, and therefore it is true (Ocollins & Farrugia 2005, p. 111). Defending Inconsistencies It cannot be denied that errors and inconsistencies can be found in the Bible. Like for instance, the account of the worlds creation being ideal in a week (Gen.1 1-2 3) looks incompatible with the findings of cosmogony and the theory of evolution. The psalm and other OT books reflect in places the view that the earth is a tied(p) disc and the sky above is a solid vault back up by columns at the ends of the earth. Add too the fact the Bible gives us conflicting accounts of the same episode. How did the Israelites elude their Egyptian pursuers? In describing the escape through the Red Sea, Exodus 14-15 offers three versions. Moses stretched out his hand and &8212 as in the Cecil B. de Mille movie depicted &8212 the w aters piled up like walls to let the Israelites pass through.Then the waters flooded back over the Egyptians (Exod. 14 16, 21, 22, 27, 28). In a second version, an east wind proved decisive. It dried up the sea for the Israelites, while the Egyptian chariots got stuck. Then God stopped the Egyptians with a regard and threw them into the sea (Exod. 14 21, 25-6). Finally, an angel of the Lord and the column of cloud no longer went in front of the Israelites, but behind them. As a result the pursuing Egyptians could no longer take hold of their quarry, who thus gayly escaped (Exod. 14 19-20). Then who killed GoliathDavid or Elhanan (1 Sam.17 2 Sam. 21 19)? Did the site of the Jerusalem Temple cost David 50 shekels of liquid or 600 shekels of gold (2 Sam. 24 24 1 Chr. 21 25)? In short, factual inconsistencies and errors of a historical, geographical, and scientific nature turn up frequently in the scriptures. Faced with such evident factual, moral, and religious errors, OCollins and Farrugia (2005) explained the biblical truth in recalling three interconnected points the intentions of the sacred authors, their presuppositions, and their modes of expression.Thus, the authors of the opening chapters of Genesis could be defended. They intended to teach a event of religious truths about the power and goodness of the Creator God, about the sinning of human beings, and so forth they did not intend to teach some doctrine of cosmogony and cosmology. They simply did not aim to describe coherently and in scientific detail the origins of the universe, our earth, and the human race. In recalling the second feeler of Jesus, Paul did not intend to communicate a timetable of its arrival but to encourage a full and urgent commitment to Christian animation.In sum, it is cheating(prenominal) to accuse biblical or any other writers of falling into error by ignoring the difference between the points they really wished to communicate and those that lay outside any such intent ions. Second, OCollins and Farrugia (2005) justified that some biblical authors show that they shared with their contemporaries certain false notions about cosmology and astronomy. But, their acceptance of a flat earth, for instance, remained at the level of their presuppositions it was not the tooth root of their direct teaching.The Bible was not artificially protected against geographical, cosmological, and astronomical errors to be found in the presuppositions of the sacred authors. Similarly the view that genuine human life ends at destruction formed a presupposition for the drama of stock and not the direct teaching of that book. At a time when death was believed to end all, how could an innocent person interpret and cope with massive pathetic? Job did not debate with his friends whether or not there is life after death, but whether undeserved suffering can be conciliate with the existence of an all-good and all-powerful God.Third, OCollins and Farrugia (2005) cited Pope P ius XIIs1943 encyclical letter that pointed out how alleged errors are often simply no more than legitimate modes of expression used by biblical writers In many cases in which the sacred authors are accused of some historical inaccuracy or some inexact recording of certain events, on interrogative it turns out to be nothing else than those customary forms of expression or register style which were current among people of that time, and were in fact quite legally and commonly used (OCollins and Farrugia 2005, p.113). Conclusion Bishop J. W. Colenso wrote that he did not see any conflict between divine revelation and human reason, and the Bible had to be approached scientifically and logically. Colenso assumed that scientific reasoning is privileged, not in opposition to Gods revelation but as itself a gift of God. Thus, it depends on the reader of the Bible is back up to employ whatever resources are available &8212 mathematical skills, history, philosophy and relative religious texts, in the firm belief that truth is one and belongs to God (Sugirtharajah 2001, p.144). In detecting the truth in the Bible, we should take into consideration context in which biblical language had been spoken. It was recognized that the meaning of words or stories might depend on the broader cultural environment in which a given text had been produced. Furthermore, it was supposed that meanings might have been lost or blurred in the course of history as cultures changed to make them less apparent. Finally, we should all remember that truth is subjective.When semantic, systemic, logical or empirical truths fuck off into conflict, theorists urge that we believe that truth as such has no cognitive valuethat we literally should not care whether our beliefs are true or false, but only whether they enable us to achieve more crucial goals such as happiness and well-being. Thus, we should believe that the Bible speaks the truth because it can serve as our moral and spiritual guide t o attain a spiritually sound and happy life. References Flinn, F. K. (2007). The Bible. Encyclopedia of Catholicism, Encyclopedia of World Religions. New York Facts On File, Inc.George, B. (2005). Conservative Christianity Is a scriptural Relationship with God. In M. E. Williams (Ed. ), opponent Viewpoints Constructing a Life Philosophy. San Diego Greenhaven Press. OCollins, G. & Farrugia, M. (2003). Catholicism The Story of Catholic Christianity. Oxford Oxford University Press. Sugirtharajah, R. S. (2001). Bible in the Third World Precolonial, Colonial, Postcolonial Encounters. Port Chester, NY Cambridge University Press. Trembath, K. R. (1987). Evangelical Theories of Biblical Inspiration A Review and Proposal. Cary, NC Oxford University Press, Inc.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Eulogies: Eulogy and Philosophy Collection Article
enlightening Speech Outline Eulogies Introduction Attention Getter Life is not unspoiled nigh the number of days we live, or the number of contacts we absorb. Our lives screwing have got an immeasurable and undetectable affect on others. Motivational Link At somewhat point in our lives we could write, read, or however hear a eulogy ab forth someone that we once knew. Purpose Statement by means of the context of my presentation it is my purpose to enlighten you on the qualities that make these bringinges so memorable.Preview Statement In order to gain a better understanding, we must(prenominal)iness first examine the history of where they originated, then we consume notice digest on where and how they ar used today, and fin everyy discuss the elements used when writing one. be It is signifi cannistert to know the history of eulogies as it gives us an insight of where they originated to why we use them. The origin of the eulogy. The word originated from the Greek la nguage, and from the words word/ speech of valuate It was first known use was in the 15th nose candy. This is according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online that was update in 2013.There have been many known eulogies throughout history, from Shakespe ar (1616) to Michael Jackson (2009). The purpose and they way they are composed are no different. This is a part of history that is does not castrate barely grows. Sign Post Now that we have discussed the history of eulogies, where they originated, let us look at where and how they are used today. A eulogy can be performed at all kinds of celebrations. Most commonly we think of eulogies being given as part of a funeral service. They determine place in either a funeral home and can be preformed during or afterward a wake.A wake is the period of visitation of the deceased. A eulogy may also be performed during the main service. Also there can be brio funerals for those who are severely ill or elderly which are used to expre ss words of love and gratitude before they pass In the novel Tuesdays with Morrie Copyright 2006, the professor named Morrie preferred to have a living funeral, so that he could hear all the wonderful things his family and colleagues had to say about him. As good as praising individuals who will be extremely soon, eulogies can also be a time to praise those who are still living and have something special to celebrate.In cases of retirement, promotions, birthdays, or even weddings. However, some religions do discourage, or do not permit at all during the time of service to maintain respect for tradition and their higher post/ beliefs. a. In catholic mass the priest are prohibited by the rubrics of the mass. Eulogy is not part of our catholic tradition, and it doesnt belong in a catholic funeral mass November 2010 Religion and Philosophy Collection clause Lets Bury the Eulogy As we did learn in the history that the word eulogy is Greek for word of praise, the catholic take these w ords in another content. we come to bury Caesar and not to praise the wretch, as Shakespeare says, because the only one we praise in liturgy is deliverer Again November 2010 Religion and Philosophy Collection article Lets Bury the Eulogy Sign Post Since you now know where and how eulogies are used today, now we can discuss the components used when writing one. A eulogy is most often delivered by a family member, friend, or even colleagues. The individual who is giving the speech is also the one who wrote it. When preparing and giving a eulogy there are many different components one must consider.There are so many different ideas to consider provided if you can focus and remember these five, preparing and delivering a eulogy will be easy. find on which approach is appropriate for you some writers take the serious approach, spot others bring humor. It doesnt matter which one you use but it is important to have a conversational tone as if you are talking to friends. The speaker need s to consider their audience. Does not matter what occasion focus on the positive aspects of the person talking about, even if they do have flaws.Be specific, by making it personal with a story not lacking(p) to just list qualities about the person or achievements they have made. As the writer and speaker you want to be concise and well-organized, so standardised in any public speaking make an outline, and brainstorm areas that you can talk about, as well as being interesting and forfend rambling. You will want to rehearse, reread the eulogy you have written out load. These will help with making sure it sounds appropriate and if you need to change it. ConclusionSummary Statement Through examining history, present day usage, and the components of preparation, we have developed a better understanding of eulogies. Leaving Statements The next time you are at a funeral or special occasion and someone gets up to give a speech of praise, you will know what it took for them to write it, as well as have full appreciation to what they are doing for that individual they are speaking of. Tieback You dont know what the future holds for you, but you, you can make a difference and impact someone elses.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Ekushey book fair Essay
E actually stratum when you visit the Bangla honorary society field of force during the first few days of February, the place takes on a jolly air with throngs of people making their way to the annual Ekushey Book Fair. The whole place is lined with concord st solelys displaying books from every major publisher in the country, catering to the tastes of absolutely every reader. As you walk in, you argon greeted by street artists offering to paint a little something on your face or hands to commemorate the occasion. As you walk almost the grounds, you come across little children and young people alike, sporting a bit of face art to add to festive mood of the setting.This second of February apothegm the inauguration of the Ekushey Book Fair for the year 2012. The place was jam-packed with people. The line at the entry to the reasonably stretched to the end of the road to the Bangla Academy grounds. People from every age group could be seen, waiting to sting inside and browse through the books that await them. The Ekushey Book fair has get d let bingle of the major cultural festivals for the Bangalis, a way to celebrate the prosperous and varied literature that our Bengali language boasts.Every year, the Fair launches a host of books by various authors, both up and plan of attack authors as well the established names. This year, it is reported that about 4,000 new books ordain be unveiled in the fair, enchantment the number was 3,334 last year. 15 year old school student Audhora Kamrul was excited to arrive at the fair. She says, I love coming to the Ekushey Book fair every year. My love of books makes this an burden that I eagerly wait for every year. I have been coming here(predicate) with my father since I was a little kid and I have loved it since then. The Bangla Academy premises atomic number 18 transformed into a giant book store with stalls lining the entire atomic number 18a, stuffed with all kinds of books. The area plays host to ever y publisher in the country, each with their own stall to showcase the books that are on the market and being launches at the fair every day. A huge number of titles hit the book fair each day. The new arrivals include stories, novels, collecting of essays, poetry, research books, books on child literature, five autobiographies, on the liberation war, dramas, books on learning, translated titles, history books, science fictions and others.The choice is endless. Seminars, symposiums and cultural functions are held every day on the honorary society stage wherein eminent litterateurs and academics take part. Information about new books will be displayed on large screens at the venue for the convenience of the visitors. virtually to 630 stalls have been set up, allotted to 425 organisations and publishing houses. This year, the fair saw a rise in the number of visitors and the crowds seemed to just roll in.The fair is an prospect for book lovers, authors and intellectuals to congrega te and share views, to have an opportunity to prototype all the different types of books available in the market in one place, as well as meet ones literary heroes since the fair is a famous haunt for authors during this fourth dimension. Kamran Islam, a student of Dhaka University, says, The fair is a big(p) place to just hang out with friends on an change surface and may be buy a few books. Its a lot of fun. Previously, I had the opportunity to run into some of my favourite authors. It is a thrill like no other to run into one your heroes while strolling through a fairI love reading and purchase books, and for me this fair is a great celebration of that. For Kashfia Quayum, a recent polish from the English Department at North South University, this is her first metre at the Book Fair and she seems to be enjoying it a lot. I seaportt had a chance to visit the fair before. The last time I was here, I was just a kid and remember very little of it. This time, I am enjoying it a lot. Its a great way to learn about the literature of my own country and cause knowledge on the reading trends when it comes to Bangla books. I bought a lot of books today.hopefully this will be the start of a great love combat between me and the literature of my mother tongue Apart from the great collection of literature on display, the fair also hosts some of the more traditionalistic treats such as street artists stationed outside the fair grounds, offering an opportunity to have your portrait done while you sit. The festive air around the grounds along with colorful stalls and knick knacks being sold here and there gives the fair an aura of a giant party that anyone is pleasing to join. According to the book sellers this year, the sales seem to be on the rise.They are hopeful that book sales will be much collapse this year since the crowds seems to be much bigger. Amongst the new arrivals, Samorik Shashoner Doshoke by Anu Muhammad, Prithibita Ke Kahar by Mohit Kamal, Chhot ravonger Purbapor by Sirajul Islam Chowdhury, Amra Kew Basai Nai by Humayun Ahmed, Ratuler Raat Ratuler Din by Muhammad Jafar Iqbal, Rabindranather Chitrashilpa by Ahmed Rafique, Stupid A positivist by Hafiz Al Faruque, Rochanabali (2nd part) by Sumsuzzaman Khan, Shrestha Kabita by Taslima Nasreen, Manush by Ismat Ara Eva are some of the prominent books.
Discuss the Role that Alfieri Plays Essay
Arthur moth millers A View from the Bridge is a modern cataclysm set in 1950s Brooklyn nigh a mans obsession with his niece, and what that obsession ultimately brings about. Eddie Carbone, a hard- working dockworker is the tragic hoagie of the piece who struggles with how he feels about his niece, Catherine. Miller manages identify and raise umpteen themes concerning the people who lived in the area in which the dramatic event was set, themes such as family, justice, respect and death, themes that played a big part in community during that era.Alfieri is the narrator of the play he is like a sort of Grecian chorus in the sense that he divides the scenes with monologues, he also explains to the hearing the themes and adds depth to the play. From the very root word of the play Alfieri hints towards tragedy, he does this a some times in his prologue, for example, he says I am inclined to nab the ruin in things, This tells the audience or readers straight away, at the beginn ing of the play that Alfieri arouse see that Eddies story is going to termination in disaster. Towards the end of the prologue, it is clear that Alfieri can do nonhing to invalidate the play from tragedy.another lawyer, quite differently dressed, heard the same bearing and sat there as powerless as I, watched it run its alone-fired course. The quote explains that nobody could do anything to change what is going to happen. It also hints that note is going to be spilt and someone is going to die. When Marco and Rodolfo rootage arrive they effect very differently, Marco enters the house greets everyone and shows Eddie a lot of respect and thanks him, whereas Rodolfo does not show any gratitude toward Eddie at all. The stage instructions show that Eddie, whenever he asks a question about them, he goes to Marco and totally bypasses Rodolfo.Eddie shows hostility towards him from the very beginning, for example, when Rodolfo starts singing Paper Doll, Eddie interrupts and warns him that by singing it could raise suspicion about them because singing is different and as Eddie says Because we never had no singers here and all of a sudden theres a singer in the house, yknow what I mean? Eddie begins to act differently, jealous that he is no longer acquire all the attention in the house, instead, Rodolfo is getting all of the attention from the women, he doesnt like this so he stops him from singing and uses the excuse above to regain control of the household.The first time Eddie meets Alfieri to see if there is any legal action he can take against Rodolfo to get him away from Catherine. He is now fabulously jealous of Rodolfo and Catherines relationship, this is because of his incest feeling for Katy, Alfieri tells him about how he feels is wrong during their face-off We all love somebody, the wife, the kids- every mans got somebody that he loves, heh? But sometimes theres too much. You know? on that points too much and it goes where it mustnt. Eddie cann ot admit these feelings, and gets annoyed that he cant do anything without immigration officers finding out about Marco and Rodolfo because it would inquire betrayal, and that creates conflict within him. On one hand, he could betray Marco and Rodolfo and go against every thing he stands for by telling immigration, but on the other he could leave things as the stand and sit backside to watch Catherine get married to Rodolfo and push his feelings aside. It is because Eddie cannot push his feelings for Katy aside that he dies, whatever he did he could not let her grow up.As Alfieri said, he did love her too much in the wrong way. This play could have ended many a(prenominal) ways without violence, for instance, if Eddie forgot about his incest feeling or if Marco could have forgiven Eddie and apologised when Eddie demanded for his name, maybe the characters would have acted differently, but because they did not this play demonstrates many examples of betrayal, justice, honour, deat h and many other themes. Alfieri provides link between scenes and helps the audience construe Eddie and in a way the way he thinks.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Marketing and the Apple Watch Essay
market occurs at heart an ecesis when consumers require, wants and demands ar met with the supplant of a harvesting (Kotler & axerophthol Armstrong, 1991). The concept is system of rules wide, and particularly all(a) important(predicate) when new intersections argon introduced within a market. guest rate is an important aspect of selling, as it aids in exploring what the consumers perceived need and wants are. Customer survey can be defined as the benefits gained, and sacrifices made in guild to leveraging a harvest. The main sources of jimmy created by the organisation are functional/instrumental rate, experiential/hedonic comfort, typic/ communicatory judge and cost/sacrifice take to be. In this paper we bequeath be looking towards the fore coming orchard apple tree Watch as an ex antiophthalmic factorle. trade is an extremely broad concept. Therefore when attempting to define the term, the diverse meanings it has for many antithetic people and groups mu st be acknowledged. (Kotler, Shaw, FitzRoy, Chandler, 1983). The term at its core relates to a lot much than just the selling and advertising of carrefours. The desired aim is for products or services to be revealed in a stimulating manner for twain indirect and direct nodes of the organisation. The common misconception of the term merchandise is that its core share is to simply sell a product or service. nevertheless, marketing as a business philosophy is adopted byout the whole organisation, and through all levels of management (Keelson, 2012). It is an approach where the guests wants and needs must be the elementary concern throughout all business decisions.Kotler et al (1983) explores the term progress by arguing that marketing is the process of using activities and institutions that en equal to(p) communication, preservation and the exchange of offerings that provide value for a wide array of customers, as well as society at large. foodstuffing has whatever ex treme notions attached to it the first and foremost organism human needs, relating to people whole tone deprived by not possessing goods or services (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991). military personnel needs are intricate and come in abundance, and from these perceived needs human wants are established. Human wants are largely dependent on the needs of humans, as they are molded by individual cultures and development (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991).Once an individual desires a product and has the capacity to purchase it, these wants are converted to demands. Most importantly within the process is the exchange, observe as the underlying principle of marketing (Woodall, 2004). Relating to procurement, acquiring the favourable product from a person whilst offering something in return. A product is essentially anything offered to the market in order to satisfy their perceived needs and wants (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991).In this case the apple Watch will be discussed. The product o r service will be directed at a specific market, which comprises all potential and actual emptors (Kotler et al, 1983). The orchard apple tree Watch is be targeted at the general public, but more specifically a hyper centralize towards previously established Apple users and fans with a propensity for superior goods. These notions are important components of marketing as they provide information for the organisation to detect what goods and services to offer.Marketing is hugely important to any organisation, regardless of coat or type of product and service on offer. The aim of undergoing marketing is to deliver a standard of living to people, providing them with products for when and where they need them (Kotler et al, 1983). The concept of marketing is more often than not propelled by revenue businesses want to make sense to their profits by satisfying customer needs. Without properly executed marketing functions in place, where the customers needs, wants, and demands are not aligned within the transaction, then the organisation has little chance of achieving a competitive advantage, as well as gaining value for themselves. (Keelson, 2012). Using the example of the Apple break, which has been in production for some time, Apple have been assembling their ideas, whilst observing the results of other rival companies relinquish similar versions of the product. Apple have been carefully honing in on the customers needs and wants, and are finally ready to release the end product to expectedly earnest consumers.Customer value essentially is the perceived benefits concluded by the customer, derived from obtaining the product held up against the sacrifices world made to acquire the product (Weinstein, 2012). Organisations creating value, furthermore customer value is progressively being seen as a fresh and up to date source of competitive advantage (Woodruff, 1997). Because of this, the mental hospital of customer value is an incredibly significant cent ral concept within marketing (Patterson & Spreng, 1997).However there is not one single agreed upon interpretation that whitethorn be employ for customer value, as well as no distinct definitive theory or framework used to emphasize customer value (Weinstein, 2012). Adopting the way in which organisations are able to create value, Smith and Colgate (2007), have developed an innovative framework where quaternion types of value created merely by the organisation are acknowledged these being functional/instrumental value, experiential/hedonic value, symbolic/ tellive value and cost/sacrifice value.Functional and instrumental value refers to the buyer buy the product and having it complete the function it is knowing to do (Smith & Colgate, 2007). to a greater extent so concerned with the products attributes, performance and outcomes. In order for the Apple watch to attain this value, the smart watch has to possess all features including accurate time, Wi-Fi, and user-to-user connectivity in a way that is easy to operate and understand, as well as reliable for the consumer. This assessment of value may divert between individuals. The experiential / hedonic value is more removed from the product itself, and more related to the sensations we receive from the product.More specifically linked to the feelings and emotions we receive, as well as suitable experiences for the customer (Weinstein, 2012). Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple has coroneted the Apple watch as the most personal and intimate product yet (Apple, 2015), with the watch alerting you of notifications through a small shudder to your skin. Continuing with sensory value within the watch, Apple have worked with utmost fashion designers and stylists to ensure the product looks great, as well as let go of a wide array of styles suitable for anyone. Furthermore, the smart watch being one of Apples most aesthetically pleasing products to date, it is believed that consumers will purchase due to pleasur e of possessing it (CNET, 2015). This sense of joy and experience holds ablaze value for the buyer.Symbolic and expressive value is duly concentrated on the degree in which the customer will bestow or assistant psychological meaning to a specific product. Moreover in damage of self-identity, and whether the product enables the buyer to express their personalities, as well as attaching tender meaning (Smith & Colgate, 2007). There are a large variant of Apple watches that may be purchased with differing prices and styles. This gives the buyer plenty of choice, and an ability to express themselves in terms of design in colours, shape of watch, and wristbands. Addressing self-worth and self-identity, aforementioned the watch comes in many styles with divers(prenominal) price tags, the 18 carrot halcyon apple watch could appeal to a person wanting to epitomize prestige, and status, and therefore make the buyer feel good about themselves. However personal meaning is incredibly specific to individuals, and for marketers this can be rattling difficult to achieve.The cost and sacrifice value related to the things we give up in order to obtain the product, involving time, money, personal investments and the risks feignd (Slater & Narver, 1994). Apple has provided a wide array of prices ranging from AU $499 to $24,000 (CNET, 2015), meaning that people are able to choose the dollar amount they pay. As this is Apples first attempt at marketing a product designed to be worn, the actual purchase experience will vastly differ. Apple employees have been trained to be much more customer focused, enquire questions and making the buyer feel comfortable (Apple, 2015).However the product has a high level of personal investment, and risks attached to the actual purchase of product. As the watch remains a part of the modern digital electronic world, there is always the chance that technology will revolutionize readily and the product will be outdated. Moreover alon g with purchasing the watch, the buyer must have one of the latest versions of the IPhone in order for the spin to be compatible, this limits the market of people buying the product. Whilst the Apple watch may carry a lot of symbolic, and expressive value, there are lock in a lot of risks and costs attached to the product.The relationship that exists between marketing, and customer value is apparent. Organisations are aware that suitable marketing needs to involve more than just promotional hype. It needs to be intertwined with providing real value to customers. Prior to the actual release of the Apple watch, the brand has been able to find a balance between employing large-scale ads on television as well as high class magazines to gain attention and to chide interest from the public, whilst lock up educating consumers on the uncapped features and functions that the watch possesses.Woodruff (1997) alludes to customer value having long acted as a vital principle within moder n day marketing as a means to not only gain customer satisfaction, but brand loyalty as well. Organisations employ different philosophies of marketing as a way to bring on what the customers needs and wants are, to gain a more complex understanding of what customers value (Slater & Narver, 1994). By having an organisation comprehend their specific target markets, the obstetrical delivery of customers anticipated satisfactions can be completed in a more efficient and effective manner.In conclusion marketing and customer value are intertwined with each other in terms of achieving organisation success. The consumers needs and wants are delivered through an exchange of product that provides real value to the customer. The consumer will then weigh up the product in terms of costs and benefits. The apple watch has perceived customer value, with the product providing symbolic / expressive value, as well as functional / instrumental value to consumers. However as with any product there are still risks associated with purchasing the product, as well as sacrifices having to be made.ReferencesApple,. (2015). Apple Apple Watch. Retrieved 1 April 2015, from https//,. (2015). Apple Watch Release Date, News, Price and specs CNET. CNET. Retrieved 22 March 2015, from http//, S. (2012). The evolution of the marketing concepts Theoretically different roads leading to practically same destination. Global convention On Business And Finance Proceedings, 7(1).Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (1991). Principles of marketing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. apprentice Hall.Kotler, P., Shaw, R., FitzRoy, P. & Chandler, P. (1983). Marketing in Australia. Sydney Prentice-Hall. Chapter 1, 3-27.Payne, A., & Holt, S. (2001). Diagnosing Customer measure out Integrating the Value Process and Relationship Marketing. British ledger Of Management, 12(2), 159-182.Slater, S. F., & Narver, J. C (1994). Market orientation, customer value, and superior performance. Business Horizons, 37(2), 22-28.Smith, J.B. & Colgate, M. (2007). Customer value creation A practical framework, diary of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15(1), 7-23.Weinstein, A. (2012). Superior customer value. Boca Raton, FL CRC Press.Woodall, T. (2004). Why Marketers Dont Market Rethinking Offensive and Defensive Archetypes. Journal Of Marketing Management, 20(5-6), 559-576.Woodruff, R. (1997). Customer value The next source for competitive advantage. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 25(2), 139-153.Kotler, Philip, and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall, 1999.Perreault, William D., Jr., and E. Jerome McCarthy. Basic Marketing A Global-Managerial Approach. 13th ed. Boston Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
King Devanampiyatissa Essay
During the reign of queen mole rat Asoka of india,Srilanka was ruled by king Tissa who was the second son of kung Muthaseeva. King Asoka and King Tissa were very close friends. Kung Tissa displace commissioning to meet kingAsoka with several gifts. The leader of that chemical group was Prince Maha Aritta who was the nephew of King Tissa. This delegation was ceremoniously received by Emperor Asoka. This delegation spent round 5 months in India. King Asoka sent back alarge collection of cherished onaments required in a coronation as a gift. It consisted of swords and of import ornaments. in like manner the following message was sent I have surrended myself to the terzetto gem. Oh my friend, you too submit yourself to the triple gem. The King was very much proud of(p) with the message the envoys brought back. He held a second coronation with ornaments King Asoka had sent. Also the King waz given an honorary title Devanampiya that was used by Mourya rulers ti which Emperor Asoka belonged. From that day king Tissa was called Devanampiyatissa The most important outcone of the friendship of the twain kingswas the introduction of Buddism to Srilanka. King Asoka sent several missions to preach buddism to this country. Mihindu Thera who was the son of kung Asoka brought Buddism to Srilanka by and by 3rd Dharma Sangayana Along with Mihindu Thera came Arhat Thera named Ittiya, Uttiya, Sambala,Baddadala anf Sumana a young monk and Bhanduka on a pposon full moon day at Mihinthale. Mihindu Thera preached the Chulla Hattipadopama Suthraya to king and his group . Upon listening to the sermon the king and the people readily embraced Buddism and surrendered to the triple gem.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Talking Styles
Ashley Broad sort COM cc Instructor Lindsay Hallead April 8, 2013 Talking Styles I feel the score that was shown from the LSM was accurate. I used a portion of the text messages between me and my husband to assoil the test. Before the test I felt we had a great tie-in when we communicate. We quarter buoy communicate verbally and non-verbally very well. We have had great discourse since the beginning and over the few years we have been together our talk has dumbfoundn. Communication I dont feel that it whoremonger be measured because it changes all the era.Communication is based upon a plenteousness of things. It can contemplate your mood and the atmosphere that you are in at the time. Your LSM score is 0. 79 Compared to separate IMs that we have analyzed, your LSM score is slightly below average to give you an idea, most LSM scores for IMs range between . 75 and . 95, with an average somewhat . 84. The more that the two people are paying tending to each(prenominal) other in their interaction, the higher the LSM. LSM is higher in ongoing conversations much(prenominal) as IMs, teleph wizard calls, or face-to-face conversations.LSM is lower in emails, letters, or other less direct interactions. The more similar the topic and the mental capacity of the two authors, the more the LSM score should be similar. Do not get wind this feedback about LSM too seriously. It is still in the experimental phase. Several factors can lead to LSM scores that are too low. Some problems include as well few words by one or both authors genuinely different genres of writing between the two people An extreme come up of misspellings or IM shortcuts (words such as 2 for to or b4 for before).If you cerebrate this was a problem, correct these problems and see if your numbers change. Some of the best way to interpret your own feedback is to run different LSM scores with IMs or emails to and from other fri breaks. Or track LSM scores with the same person over time. on e time you start comparing your numbers, you can get a better sense impression of your average LSM numbers. (http//www. utpsyc. org/synch/feedback. php) I do not count that language manner unified is a comprehensive way to predict the quality of interpersonal relationships.Interpersonal relationships are more on the inside that what the language style matching can measure. Interpersonal relationships also change like communion. You may grow closer to the person you have an interpersonal relationship with or end up hating the person you have an interpersonal relationship with. There are many things that can happen to change an interpersonal relationship. I remember the article Shared Talking Styles Herald New and Lasting hook is somewhat true and somewhat false. There are a lot of things in this article that I have a hard time believing are true.I think a test about communication isnt always accurate because of the circumstances that could affect the test. Unconscious verbal coordination of this sort, dubbed language-style matching by the researchers, signifies not how much two people like each other but how much each is paying attention to what the other says, Ireland and her colleagues propose in an upcoming Psychological Science. (Bower, B. 2010) I can see the truth in this statement because giving un-divided attention when communication is very important.If someone isnt really paying attention to the other person talking then the conversation is more so one sided. It is also very disrespectful. A second experiment found that among 86 young-adult couples in committed relationships, those who used similar writing styles during 10 age of instant-messaging chats with each other were particularly likely to stay together over the next three months. (Bower, B. 2010) This is one of the parts of the article that I father a little fishy.It is speed dating so that tells me that there is besides about ten minutes of conversation going on and I just dont see how any test can show how long a relationship will last. I believe that a relationship lasts because the people in it want it to last so therefore they work for it to last. Reference Bower, B. (2010, Shared talking styles herald new(a) and lasting romance. U. S. News & World Report, , 1. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/821694533? accountid=32521 Language Style twinned score http//www. utpsyc. org/synch/feedback. php
Eating Disorder Research Paper Outline
Take A Bite On This At 10tion Getter February 4, 1983 was the day that opened the eyes of America to the view of the change effects of arouse disorders. This day marks the death of the very renowned singer of the time, K argonn Carpenter. Looking glamorous and confident on the outside, most did non complete she was suffering from Anorexia Nervosa (B5). doneout her teenage historic period, she was with child(p). In 1967, weighing cxl pounds, Kargonn was put on a water diet by her doctor. This brought her raft to 120 pounds (B6).Even though she was now at a reas wizardd weight, she was still insecure due to her large essence of celebrity peers who were the ideal, spot little weight. Taking dozens of thyroid pills a day and throwing up the unforesightful intellectual nourishment she ate, by 1975 Karen weighed 80 pounds. Her eubstance became so weak that during peerless of her per reachances in Las Vegas, she collapsed on stage (B7). She was then finall(a)y admitted into the hospital, where it was confirmed she was 35 pounds underweight. Shocked by this, Karen consulted with doctors and therapists to do anything she could to return back to a florid weight.However, it was too late. Due to the excess laxatives and starvation, Karens body could not scan any more(prenominal) (B8). Her death was a surprise to America, unaware of the dangers of ingest disorders. Defintion of melodic theme/terms Types of Eating disorders The three types of alimentation disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and fizzle Eating. Anorexia Nervosa An eating disorder in which a person sees themselves as overweight, until now when they are unbelievably skinny. An anorexic might exercise excessively and lust themselves to lose more weight.Bulimia Nervosa An eating disorder in which a person eats large amounts of food, followed by dangerous measures to control his or her weight. Examples of this are excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting (purging), and the abuse of diuretics and laxatives. Binge Eating An eating disorder in which one consumes enormous amounts of food at a time, without the self-induced methods of later admitting rid of it. One suffering from this go away ordinarily eat by themselves out of embarrassment, and will feel like they prevail lost control.I) The way the media prints eating disorders is a respectable problem A) much and more teens are alter by eating disorders every day. 1) The field of study Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) has an estimate of 35 meg Americans who are affected by anorexia, binge-eating syndrome, and binge eating. (F1) 2) Eating disorders affect 3% to 5% of the American female population. (B3) 3) 1% to 3% of teenage girls in middle and racy school are affected only by bulimia, temporary hookup 1% to 4% are affected in college. H3) 4) The director of the Renfrew Center of southerly Connecticut, named Burnell, states that one percent of American women are affected by anorexia and quintette percent are bulimic. The Renfrew Center is an eating disorder clinic in Wilton. (F6) 5) sum to Britains National health Service, over the past three course of studys children eight years and younger drop been admitted to the hospital for anorexia. From age atomic number 23 to six 98 have been admitted, and from age seven to eight, 99. (A1) B) With more photograph to the media, more begin to suffer from an eating disorder. ) Dr. Anne Becker, the owner of the Eating Disorder Clinic at Harvard Medical School, did a study after TV was released to the island of Fiji in 1995. After three years, there was an enormous rise in eating disorders, where around 74% of the females said they felt too fat. This culture apply to believe you gained weight was a compliment. (B4) 2) Using the self-improvement program Media Smart, doctors Simon Wilksch and Tracey wade conducted a study of 13 year olds on how to help teens shit a better self-image of themselves.After three years, the students who watched the program did not have an increase of body concerns, while the ones that did not watch it, had an increase. (E2) 3) Sarah Murnen, a prof of psychology at Kenyon College in Gambler, Ohio, did a study on how forge magazines affected body image. Her research reviewed 21 studies of the medias affect on more than 6,000 girls, 10 years or older. The results showed that the more the girls were candid to the spirt magazines, the more they struggled to have a positive body image. L2) C) The media should decrease its amount of influence on having the perfect body because more and more passel are affected by eating disorders due to the large intrusion from celebrities, the imperativeness, and advertisement. II) Many people run across up to celebrities as lineament models, while most are portrayed as having the ideal, skinny body. A) While umpteen look up and want to be incisively like them, celebrities are depicted in a way that is unreal and abnormal. 1) Coll een Thompson, an expert on eating disorders, explains, Many teenagers need a role model and some(a)body to look up to.Unfortunately, too many of them choose fashion models or actresses as role models, they paste picture of them all over their rooms, and some will resort to dangerous methods of weight control to try and look like their idols. (J1) 2) Research shows that the more exposed to models and pictures in the media, the more one is to believe they have to look like that. This happens even though women get it on pictures have clearly been airbrushed, Tara Diversi, dietitian and co-author of The Good Enough Diet, explains, The shrewd brain knows its not real, but the emotional brain doesnt. (C3) 3) These girls are anomalies of nature. They are freaks of nature. They are not average. They are naturally thin and have incredibly long legs compared to the rest of their body. Their eyes are wide coiffure apart. Their cheekbones are high, explains Kelly Cutrone, the owner of Peopl es Revolution. This is a very ordinary company that displays fashion shows all over the world. She then goes on to secern, If we get a girl who is bigger than a 4, she is not going to fit the clothes. Clothes look better on thin people. The fabric hangs better. (L3) 4) We know more most women who look good than we know closely women who do good, protests Audrey Brasich, a former teen model and author of All make Up A Girls Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype and Celebrating Real Beauty. (L4) 5) Barbie would be at least tailfin feet, nine inches tall weighing 100 pounds is she was a real human. (K1) 6) Statistics from a poll conducted by NEDA, show that 64% of adults believe that media is the cause of eating disorders. Out of this amount, 69% are females, and 58% of males back up it. F7) 7) Out of every noetic illness, anorexia has the highest mortality rate, usually in the form of suicide. (F4) 8) Around 5% to 20% of anorexia patients will die. (H9) B) Celebrities themselv es suffer from eating disorders. 1) genus Melissa Dehart, a former television reporter, suffers from anorexia and once dropped to 56 pounds. Entertainment this evening has followed her tarradiddle since 2003. (F14) 2) Kate Dillon, a popular model, admitted she got the idea to purge from watching a television movie.In the mid-1990s, she quit modeling when ordered to lose 20 pounds. She only weighed 125. She is now a plus- size model. (F16) 3) tally to Beth McGilley, a Wichita Kansa psychologist specializing in eating disorders, trauma, and working with athletes, those suffering with eating disorders need, on average, five to seven years of treatment (K2). 4) The Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD0 state that anorexia treatment cost almost $30,000 a month and $100,000 for outpatient treatments.Insurance usually does not cover any of this. (F8). 4) According to NEDA, out of the 35 million affected by eating disorders, ten million women and one million men suffer from anorexia and bulimia, while the early(a) 25 million suffer from binge eating. (F5) 5) Oprah Winfrey did a huge story to the highest degree a woman who weighed 38 pounds from Rudine. She dies in 1995. (F15) 6) In 2006, the capital of Spain fashion show banned any models that did not fall into a healthy weight range. For example, a 5-foot-9 woman would need to weigh at least 125 pounds. L1) III) The press does much research and much rail at on the increasing number of those affected by eating disorders. A) The press is a large contributor to the research done on the distinct disorders. 1) In 2004, the National Center of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion conducted a poll of different methods students used to lose weight. Nationwide, 13. 3% did not eat anything for 24 hours or more, 9. 2% took diet pills, powders, or liquids, and 6% took laxatives or vomited. (F9) 2) 95% of all people on diets will gain back all of their weight within 5 years. D1) 3) In Au stralia, 50% of girls and 33% of boys believe they are overweight, even though they are considered healthy. (E1) 4) Out of all anorexia patients, 90% to 95% are women, while the other small percentage of 5% to 10% is males. (H7) 5) Out of all bulimia patients, only 20% are males, while the other 80% are females. (H4) B) Considering its large amount of help in research, the press also contributes a large amount to the number of those suffering from eating disorders. ) Tara Diversi says, Being overweight reduces your life expectancy by three years, but being discontent reduces it to nine years. (C4) 2) Proven by a recent U. S. survey, 97% of women say an everage of 13 things they dislike about themselves every day. (C1) 3) More than 85 million American adults suffer from obesity and binge eating. (F12) 4) Out of every mental illness, eating disorders contribute to the highest death rate, topping off depression and schizophrenia. (D2) 5) famishment is performed by almost eleven mill ion Americans who suffer from eating disorders. F10) 6) The serious effects of anorexia are abnormal heart rate, low blood pressure, press release of bone density, weak muscles, dehydration which can lead to kidney failure, fatigue, hair loss, modify skin, and formation of hair all over the body to help support it warm. (H6). 7) The serious effects of bulimia are electrolyte imbalances from the loss of potassium and atomic number 11 from the body, gastric rupture during bingeing, tooth decay and staining from the stomach acids of continuous vomiting, and mo bowel movements from laxative and diuretic use. H2) IV) Advertisements have a huge affect on ones eating habits. A) Advertisement has a majuscule affect on obesity. 1) According to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation and researchers at Indiana University, kids 2 to 7 years old view wheezing food commercials 12 measure a day and around 4,400 times a year. Children 8 to 12 watch around 21 a day, with around 7,600 a year . Teens view these commercials around 17 times a day, with around 6,600 per year. (G1) 2) Out of all the ads viewed by 2 to 7 year-old children, 32% of them are about food and drinks, 25% for 9 to 13 year olds, and 22% for teens. (G6) ) Out of all kid commercials on food, 34% is about candy and snacks, 28% on usually sugared cereals, 10% on fast food, 4% for dairy products, 1% about fruit juices, and nada for fruits and vegetables. (G7). 4) According to the Kaiser Family Foundation and Indiana University study, which recorded more than 40,000 ads, 9,000 were about food and drinks. (G5) 5) If any parent tried to talk to their kids 10 or 20 times a day about healthy eating, theyd be considered the biggest nag ever, and yet thats how many meritless food messages kids are seeing on TV every day, interprets Margo Wootan of the Center of Science in Public Interest. G4) 6) Every year more than ten billion dollars is worn-out(a) on advertising food and drinks for children. (G3) 7) Obesit y affects more than 66% of all Americans. (B1) 8) Around 25 million or one-third of teens and children are rotund or overweight. (G2) B) Negative body image is greatly affected by advertisement. 1) Dove sponsored a study of 445 women, in which 15% admitted they were worried about their image affecting their jobs, while 20% said they dread about their body almost every day. (A2) ) A study done on 2000 women in the UK proved that womens first impression of other women is their size and weight. (C2) 3) Cocaine, Adderall, and other caffeine-related diet drugs are very commonly used in order for women to lose weight. (B2) C) Advertisement influences girls in both good and bad ways. 1) Ellen Rome is a spokeswoman for the Chicago-based Academy for Eating Disorders, as well as a pediatrician in Cleveland. She states, The media reflects and exacerbates the problems.These teen girls watch and read and spy and emulate. (F13) 2) We do not run photos of anybody in magazines who we believe to be at an unhealthy weight, explains Glamours Cynthia Leive who concludes that the media has a huge influence on womens body images and should represent women of all different sizes. (L5) V) Discuss the incoming (Visualization). A) The rates of eating disorders will go down. 1) More will not feel the need to have the perfect ideal body. 2) Without celebrity role models looking flawless, most will not feel the eed to look just like them B) More people will have better body images of themselves. 1) People will have more confidence without the need to be so skinny. 2) More will understand their body weight and underframe is fine just the way it is. C) Society will be more accepting. 1) People will not judge others as much because the locating quo will include a variety of body shapes. 2) With the celebrities and press influencing less on being perfect, more will accept what others look like. shout out to Action Research more on the causes and effects of eating disorders * sum up abo ut this information of how the media influences this to representatives in your community, state, or Congress * Write garner to popular magazines, newspapers, or television shows explaining how they are affecting society * diffuse the word by protesting or bringing up the topic at public events in order for more people to be exposed to this * Get others to help by voting for those who agree that there needfully to be a change in how the media exposes the perfect body
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