Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Skid Row
Skid Row Skid Row Skid Row By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Is it â€Å"skid row†or â€Å"skid road,†and what’s the proper usage? The expression â€Å"skid row†is the common term in modern usage, but it’s thought to derive from an earlier term associated with the logging industry. In Washington State and other centers of the lumber industry, loggers built roads out of logs and then skidded newly cut logs down these â€Å"skid roads.†As time went on, saloons and brothels sprang up along the skid roads and the term took on the meaning, â€Å"a district abounding in vicious characters and the practice of vice.†When the expression migrated to urban environments, road became row, perhaps in imitation of established streets with names like Park Row and Tryon Row. During the economically terrible years of the 1930s, the term skid row was applied to city districts where the unemployed congregated: the Bowery in New York City, the Tenderloin district in San Francisco, and areas along West Madison Street in Chicago. New construction and gentrification have altered the old city conformations. Except in Los Angeles, the term â€Å"skid row†is usually used to mean â€Å"any run-down area of a town where the unemployed, vagrants, alcoholics, drug dealers, etc., tend to congregate†or â€Å"the lowest possible social and economic state of existence.†Alone among large US cities, Los Angeles still has a geographical skid row called by that name: The city maintains more than 1,400 bins on Skid Row to store belongings seized during street cleanups or voluntarily stowed by homeless people. - LA Times They rarely think of Skid Row, a 54-block area on the downtown’s outskirts that has the highest concentration of homeless people in the country. - The Daily Beast Skid Row’s homeless are estimated to make up 10% of LA’s downtown population. - The Guardian Skid Row is an area of downtown Los Angeles. As of the 2000 census, the population of the district was 17,740. - Wikipedia Skid row evokes a state of penniless, homeless, uncared-for destitution: Joe Roberts, known as the Skid Row CEO, went from living under a bridge in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside in 1989 to becoming a Canadian millionaire before he turned 35. Now it [a rundown lighthouse] had the look of a dowager who, through no fault of her own, had somehow found herself on skid row. Most [jail occupants] are addicts, skid-row winos, homeless people, or a mixture of all three. The Street with No Name is a 1948 black-and-white film noir. The movie, shot in a semi-documentary style, takes place in the Skid Row section of fictional â€Å"Central City.†This film [Dementia], with no dialogue at all, follows a psychotic young woman’s nightmarish experiences through one skid-row night. Another expression with the word skid is â€Å"to be on the skids†: to be in a state of decline. The idiom is often seen in the media in reference to some celebrity’s marriage: Randy Jacksons marriage on the skids. Kardashian is said to be beside herself with loneliness and boredom, resorting to food binges to cope with a marriage on the skids. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesHomogeneous vs. HeterogeneousEducational vs. Educative
Friday, November 22, 2019
SAT Historical Percentiles for 2010, 2009, 2008
SAT Historical Percentiles for 2010, 2009, 2008 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you took the SAT from 2008-2010, you may be wondering what your percentile score is on the SAT. Is a 2000 on the SAT in 2010 the same percentile score as a 2000 in 2008? Do percentile scores change over time? In this article, I will explain SAT percentile scores, how they change, and I'll provide the percentile scores for SAT combined scores and section scores for 2010, 2009, and 2008. What Are Percentile Scores? Percentile scores reveal how well you did in relation to other people. If you scored in the 99th percentile, then you did better than 99% of the people who took the test. If you scored in the 40th percentile, then you scored higher than 40% of the people who took the test. The College Board determines its percentile scores annually from the scores of college-bound high school seniors who took the SAT. The higher your percentile score, the better you did relative to other high school seniors. Do Percentile Scores Change? Generally, percentile scores for equivalent SAT scores stay the same from year to year. For example, a combined SAT score of 1800was the 81st percentile in2010, 2009, and 2008. However, percentile scores for the same combined and section scores can change very slightly. A combined score of 2100 was the 96th percentile in 2010, but it was the 97th percentile in 2009 and 2008. Similarly, a score of 640 on Critical Reading was the 88th percentile in 2010 and 2009, but it was the 87th percentile in 2008. The SAT does try to utilize its scoring system so that equivalent SAT scores are indicative of the same percentile scores and skill level, regardless of when the test was taken. The purpose of the SAT is to provide a valid way to compare students. A score of 1700 from April 2015 is supposed to be equivalent to a 1700 from both May 2015 andMay 2007. How Should You Use This Data and Why Is It Important? Your percentile score is the most straightforward way to determine if you got a good or badSAT score. If you scored higher than the majority of test-takers, then you did well. However, when you apply to a specific college, you're being compared to the other students who apply to that school. Most colleges publicize their 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores. If you want to be competitive for admission at a certain college, then your target score should be aroundthe school's 75th percentile score. Also, percentile scores help put your scores in context. There may not seem to be much difference between a 680 on the Critical Reading section and a 600 on Math, but that Critical Reading score is the 93rd percentile while the Math score is the 74th or 75th. Raising each section score by 100 points would raise the Critical Reading percentile ranking by 6 points but the Math by about 15. If you're considering retaking the SAT, your percentile scores can help you determine how you should prioritize your time. Similarly, a small composite score increase can have a huge impact on your percentile score if you received a middle score. For example, a 1520 is the 51st or 52nd percentile but a 1760 is the 77th or 78th. Raising your score 250 points can raise your score from average to among the top 1/4 of test-takers. Finally, seeing the percentile scores for multiple years shows how little variance there is between percentile scores for the same SAT composite or section score in different years. If you're worried about how an older SAT score stacks up with more recent scores, take a look at these charts to get an idea of how it compares. Frii Spray/Flickr Composite Score Percentiles, 2008-2010 Score 2010 Percentile 2009 Percentile 2008 Percentile 2400 99+ 99+ 99+ 2390 99+ 99+ 99+ 2380 99+ 99+ 99+ 2370 99+ 99+ 99+ 2360 99+ 99+ 99+ 2350 99+ 99+ 99+ 2340 99+ 99+ 99+ 2330 99+ 99+ 99+ 2320 99+ 99+ 99+ 2310 99+ 99+ 99+ 2300 99+ 99+ 99+ 2290 99+ 99+ 99+ 2280 99+ 99 99 2270 99 99 99 2260 99 99 99 2250 99 99 99 2240 99 99 99 2230 99 99 99 2220 99 99 99 2210 99 99 99 2200 99 99 99 2190 98 98 98 2180 98 98 98 2170 98 98 98 2160 98 98 98 2150 98 98 98 2140 98 97 98 2130 97 97 97 2120 97 97 97 2110 97 97 97 2100 97 97 97 2090 96 96 96 2080 96 96 96 2070 96 96 96 2060 95 95 95 2050 95 95 95 2040 95 95 95 2030 94 94 94 2020 94 94 94 2010 94 94 94 2000 93 93 93 1990 93 93 93 1980 92 92 92 1970 92 92 92 1960 91 91 91 1950 91 91 91 1940 90 90 90 1930 90 90 90 1920 89 89 89 1910 89 89 89 1900 88 88 88 1890 87 87 88 1880 87 87 87 1870 86 86 86 1860 85 86 86 1850 85 85 85 1840 84 84 84 1830 83 83 84 1820 82 83 83 1810 82 82 82 1800 81 81 81 1790 80 80 80 1780 79 79 80 1770 78 79 79 1760 77 78 78 1750 76 77 77 1740 75 76 76 1730 75 75 75 1720 74 74 74 1710 73 73 73 1700 72 72 72 1690 71 71 71 1680 70 70 70 1670 68 69 69 1660 67 68 68 1650 66 67 67 1640 65 66 66 1630 64 65 65 1620 63 64 64 1610 62 63 62 1600 61 62 61 1590 59 61 60 1580 58 59 59 1570 57 58 58 1560 56 57 57 1550 54 56 55 1540 53 55 54 1530 52 53 53 1520 51 52 52 1510 49 51 51 1500 48 50 49 1490 47 49 48 1480 46 47 47 1470 44 46 46 1460 43 45 44 1450 42 44 43 1440 41 42 42 1430 39 41 41 1420 38 40 39 1410 37 39 38 1400 36 37 37 1390 35 36 36 1380 33 35 35 1370 32 34 33 1360 31 33 32 1350 30 32 31 1340 29 30 30 1330 28 29 29 1320 26 28 28 1310 25 27 27 1300 24 26 26 1290 23 25 25 1280 22 24 24 1270 21 23 23 1260 20 22 22 1250 19 21 21 1240 18 20 19 1230 18 19 18 1220 17 18 17 1210 16 17 17 1200 15 16 16 1190 14 15 15 1180 13 14 14 1170 13 14 13 1160 12 13 13 1150 11 12 12 1140 11 11 11 1130 10 1 11 1120 9 10 10 1110 9 10 9 1100 8 9 9 1090 8 8 8 1080 7 8 8 1070 7 7 7 1060 6 7 7 1050 6 6 6 1040 5 6 6 1030 5 6 5 1020 5 5 5 1010 4 5 5 1000 4 4 4 990 4 4 4 980 3 4 4 970 3 3 3 960 3 3 3 950 3 3 3 940 3 3 3 930 2 2 2 920 2 2 2 910 2 2 2 900 2 2 2 890 2 2 2 880 1 2 1 870 1 1 1 860 1 1 1 850 1 1 1 840 1 1 1 830 1 1 1 820 1 1 1 810 1 1 1 800 1 1 1 790 1 1 1 780 1- 1- 1- 770 1- 1- 1- 760 1- 1- 1- 750 1- 1- 1- 740 1- 1- 1- 730 1- 1- 1- 720 1- 1- 1- 710 1- 1- 1- 700 1- 1- 1- 690 1- 1- 1- 680 1- 1- 1- 670 1- 1- 1- 660 1- 1- 1- 650 1- 1- 1- 640 1- 1- 1- 630 1- 1- 1- 620 1- 1- 1- 610 1- 1- 1- 600 Enokson/Flickr Section Score Percentiles Here are the percentile scores for each section for 2008-2010. Critical Reading Score 2010 Percentile 2009 Percentile 2008 Percentile 800 99 99 99 790 99 99 99 780 99 99 99 770 99 99 99 760 99 99 99 750 98 98 98 740 98 98 98 730 97 97 97 720 97 97 96 710 96 96 96 700 95 95 95 690 94 94 94 680 93 93 93 670 92 92 92 660 91 91 90 650 89 89 89 640 88 88 87 630 86 85 85 620 84 84 83 610 82 82 82 600 80 79 79 590 77 77 77 580 75 75 74 570 72 72 71 560 69 69 68 550 66 66 65 540 63 63 62 530 59 60 58 520 56 56 55 510 53 53 51 500 50 49 48 490 46 46 44 480 42 42 41 470 39 39 37 460 35 36 34 450 32 32 31 440 29 28 27 430 26 26 25 420 23 22 22 410 20 20 19 400 17 17 17 390 15 15 15 380 13 13 12 370 11 11 10 360 9 9 9 350 8 8 7 340 6 6 6 330 5 5 5 320 4 4 4 310 3 4 4 300 3 3 3 290 2 2 3 280 2 2 2 270 2 2 2 260 1 1 1 250 1 1 1 240 1 1 1 230 1 1 1 220 1 1 1 210 1 1 1 200 Mathematics Score 2010 Percentiles 2009 Percentiles 2008 Percentiles 800 99 99 99 790 99 99 99 780 99 99 99 770 98 98 99 760 98 98 98 750 97 97 98 740 97 97 97 730 96 96 97 720 95 95 96 710 94 94 95 700 93 94 93 690 92 92 92 680 90 91 91 670 89 89 89 660 87 88 88 650 85 85 86 640 84 83 83 630 82 81 81 620 80 79 79 610 77 77 76 600 75 74 74 590 72 72 71 580 70 69 68 570 66 67 66 560 64 63 63 550 61 61 60 540 58 58 56 530 54 55 53 520 51 51 50 510 48 48 47 500 45 45 43 490 41 41 40 480 38 38 36 470 35 35 33 460 31 31 30 450 28 28 27 440 26 26 25 430 23 23 22 420 20 20 19 410 17 17 16 400 15 15 14 390 13 13 12 380 11 11 11 370 9 9 9 360 8 8 7 350 6 6 6 340 5 6 5 330 4 5 4 320 4 4 4 310 3 3 3 300 2 2 3 290 2 2 2 280 1 2 2 270 1 1 1 260 1 1 1 250 1 1 1 240 1 1 1 230 1 1- 1 220 1- 1- 1 210 1- 1- 1- 200 Writing Score 2010 Percentiles 2009 Percentiles 2008 Percentiles 800 99+ 99+ 99+ 790 99 99+ 99+ 780 99 99 99 770 99 99 99 760 98 99 99 750 98 99 99 740 98 98 98 730 98 98 98 720 97 97 97 710 96 96 97 700 96 96 96 690 95 95 95 680 94 94 94 670 93 93 93 660 92 92 92 650 90 90 90 640 89 89 89 630 87 87 87 620 86 85 85 610 84 84 83 600 82 81 81 590 79 79 79 580 77 77 76 570 75 74 73 560 72 72 71 550 69 69 68 540 66 66 64 530 63 63 62 520 60 59 58 510 57 56 54 500 53 52 51 490 50 49 47 480 46 46 44 470 43 42 40 460 39 39 37 450 36 35 33 440 32 32 30 430 29 29 27 420 25 25 23 410 22 22 20 400 19 19 18 390 17 17 15 380 14 14 13 370 12 12 11 360 10 10 9 350 8 8 7 340 7 7 6 330 5 5 5 320 4 4 4 310 4 4 3 300 3 3 3 290 2 2 2 280 2 1 2 270 1 1 1 260 1 1 1 250 1 1 1 240 1 1 1 230 1 1 1 220 1- 1- 1- 210 1- 1- 1- 200 What's Next? Check out the SAT historical percentiles for 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011, and learn more about how to understand your SAT scores. Also, you may be interested in this post about whether SAT scores predict success. Finally, read this article if you're wondering if you need SAT scores to transfer colleges. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critically evaluate how the Resource based view approach to HRM can Essay
Critically evaluate how the Resource based view approach to HRM can help or fail to produce the performance outcomes an organisation requires - Essay Example isting resources within an organisation and in a new way instead of acquiring new skills for each new opportunity that presents itself in the business environment is ideal to improving organisational performance. Where organisations focus on RBV approach, resources are ideal in enabling the organisation to achieve better performance. In applying RBV approach, two types of resources are available for organisation to use to exploit opportunities in the business environment; this includes the tangible and intangible resources. However, tangible resources can be accessed easily in the market and as such; they bring little advantage for organisations when considered in the long-term basis since competitors can acquire the same resources. On the other hand, intangible resources denote resources that are not physical and those that are at the disposal of the organisation to use in improving performance. For instance, an organisation can use brand name or trademark to create uniqueness over competitors (Wright, Dunford & Snell, p.711). In essence, it is impossible for competitors to buy brand reputation of other firms in an attempt to improve their competitive nature in the business environment. Conversely, while RBV aid in improving an organisation’s competitive edge, it has to be noted that for such goal to be realised, the approach has to consider two critical assumptions that include heterogeneity and immobility (Colbert 2004, p.351). This paper examines how RBV approach to human resource management can help or fail to produce the performance outcomes that an organisation requires. RBV approach to human resource management proposes the view that various resources within an organisation are the key to realising positive outcomes and this includes human capital or resources. These internal resources are also viewed as important in providing an organisation the required competitive advantage in the business environment. This is because when resources within an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What I would do with the remaining time if found out to have only 24 Assignment
What I would do with the remaining time if found out to have only 24 hours to live - Assignment Example Despite the fact that my doctor’s pronunciation has taken me by surprise and I must die within the next 24 hours, I strongly believe that this is the time for me to focus on physical, spiritual, family and emotional issues. Knowing that I have lived my life imperfectly before my creator, I will dedicate a lot of my last moments in prayer and repentance. Although it will be difficult to praise and worship God, I will try to dedicate some moments to focus on my life and praise and worship God for the time He gave me on earth. I will also delve into scriptures for reassurance about a brighter future after death. I will as much as possible make my path straight before God so that my eternity may be spent in paradise. The reality of death is a harsh one even to the bravest of people. This being the case, I have no doubt that I feel very scared about the whole experience of dying. I imagine myself kicking and struggling to disentangle myself from the grip of death in vain. I imagine seeing my mother and close family members weeping at the news of my death. I wish I was never born in the first place so that I would not have to endure the pain of death. Stressed about having to leave my loved ones behind shortly, I will try and share my last moments in the company of my family and closest friends. I will take some time to share my goals, expectations, and concerns with them to ensure that I leave everything in order. Since most families tend to engage in a dispute over sharing of properties after their beloved ones have passed on, my first move will be to avoid such happenings by drafting a will. In the will I will direct how I would wish my property to be shared among my family members. I will also detail my debts and obligations to other people and instruct my family to repay the debts and if possible fulfill the obligations that I will not have fulfilled within the time left. In addition to the will, I will write a letter of instructions. The letter of instru ction will help my family make decisions at the end of my life, and once I am gone. In the letter of instruction, I will include a list of names and phone numbers of those I want to be contacted after my death. To ease the tension that I am feeling, I take a short walk around our garden and within town alone. As I walk about, I will focus on what life is all about and how I spent my life. I will take note of my achievements and failures and try to convince myself that I did my part in life the best I could albeit as an imperfect person. In overall, I will pray that my eternal destiny would be a good one. # 2. My Funeral Plan Funeral is one of the most important stages in a person’s â€Å"life†. Once a person is dead, the next stage is usually to organize a funeral service in accordance with the deceased’s wishes. However, in order for the funeral service to be conducted in accordance with the deceased’s desires, it is important for the deceased to live be hind a plan of funeral service, stating how he/she wants the service conducted. However, very few people normally get the chance to draft their funeral plan. I am among the lucky few who have had the opportunity to write a funeral plan. Below is a plan of how I want my funeral service conducted once I am dead and gone. I would like to be given a decent send off once I am dead. Immediately I am pronounced dead, my body should be taken to the private wing of a mortuary where my body will be well preserved. I would not wish to have my loved ones see my body in bad shape when I am gone. I wish to see my funeral attended by as many of my friends and acquaintances as possible. For this reason, I will
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay Example for Free
Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay Health and Safety play a very important role in the workplace today. Many organizations take the responsibility of their employees’ safety and health seriously due to the various affects that could stem from a lack of providing a safe work environment. During the 20th century our nation has become a world leader in setting an example for the world involving the workers right to a safe and healthy environment. Because of the various laws and research conducted in the United States, there have been countless number of accidents that have been prevented and thousands of lives saved because of awareness. I, being a Safety Coordinator and a workplace accident survivor, know firsthand the importance of safety in the workplace and the negative outcome for employees and organizations that do not practice a safe work environment. I would like to take this time to give a little information on my personal experience on workplace accidents and the importance of safety in that environment. In 2007 I was employed as a bridge carpenter working for a large construction company in Biloxi, MS. As a bridge carpenter is was exposed to many dangerous and high risk situations that put my life at risk on an everyday basis. I felt this company actually cared about the safety of their employees. We were provided with every piece of safety equipment that was needed to perform our job as safely as possible. The equipment was fairly new and OSHA approved. If it was found to be inadequate, it was immediately removed out of service and either fixed or replaced. Not to mention every morning we conducted toolbox safety meeting and equipment inspections. This particular day of my near fatal accident, we were setting rebar cages for columns maybe 30 to 40 feet in height. It was my responsibility to climb the cage, after it was set on the footer with a crane, to unhook the rigging from the crane. I had all the proper PPE (personal protective equipment) on and the cage had been secured at th e bottom by come along rigging devices. As I climbed the cage and Unhooked the rigging from the crane, the cage began to sway from side to side. Before I could start my descent, the cage and myself still attached to it with three different positioning, fell in the water, which by the way was the Gulf of Mexico. As my feet touched the bottom I began to panic and fight to free myself by unhooking myself from the cage. Several of my co workers jumped in the water to rescue me, but they were unable to locate my body. But they were able to locate the cage I was attached to. Thanks to quick thinking they were able to hook the crane cables back to the cage and hoist the cage and I out of the water successfully. But by this time I was not breathing and had no pulse. They lowered me on a crew boat and began to perform CPR. The CPR was unsuccessful so they began to take me to the dock where the ambulance was awaiting my arrival. During the time of the boat ride, I suddenly began to cough up water and slowly came to my senses. I was taken to the hospital and was blessed that I did not sustain any major injuries. During the accident investigation it was found that the cage we were setting was not the correct one for that particular footing and one of the come along holding it in place was functioning properly to catch the cage as it began to fall. This is when I actually began to take workplace safety seriously and start my career in that field. During the course of this paper it is my intent to present key components of workplace safety and health and provide new insight and personal experience that has and will affect my career and personal life and lives of those around me. The Role of Safety and Health in the Workplace Workplace safety is the practice of an employer using preventative measures to prevent hazards to the employees health and personal safety. This practice includes creating plans and procedures for employees and managers in the workplace. In addition, workplace safety involves creating policies and keeping emergency materials available for employee and manager use while at a work site. Workplace safety has caused strikes, contract negotiations and concerns among the different labor unions. These groups have negotiated union contracts and initiated lawsuits on behalf of workers who have an unsafe workplace. The Union Auto Workers created Workers Memorial Day as a day to honor workers who are killed on the job in the United States. David Micheals, the new head of OSHA, made this profound statement â€Å"these catastrophic events are powerful reminders of the risks faced by workers across the country every day. Fourteen workers die on the job each day, far from the headlines, often noted only by their families, friends, and co-workers.†(Markowitz Rosner, 2011, p.26) Manufacturing jobs are heavily mentioned on this day due to the dangers of operating machinery or equipment. Workplace safety in many businesses requires additional training for the employees and management. This can include a lecture by an expert, hand-on training or a tour of the grounds and materials. For example, an employee whose job requires the use of a machine is not only trained to use the machine, but he is typically trained on how to operate machinery to avoid injury, dismemberment or death. The employee can also be trained on what to do if a co-worker injures herself on the job. As I stated in the introduction of this paper, I know firsthand the importance of safety and health in the workplace. By understanding the role of workplace safety and its history, employers and employees are able to apply these safety concepts to their everyday work related routines. I have learned that workplace safety and health reach far beyond the OSHA Act of 1970. Safety involves adopting a way of thinking and a way of functioning in all environments. Organizations such as unions have fought for workers right to a safety and healthy work environment. The campaigns they have fought so diligently to win have proven to be effective in fighting diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, and smallpox that not only for the workplace but also for the general public. (Markowitz Rosner, 2011, p.27) Occupational Safety and Health Administration In 1970 Congress passed into law The Occupational Safety and Health Act which formed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or (OSHA). This act â€Å"declared that every worker is entitled to safe and healthful working conditions, and that employers are responsible for work being free from all recognized hazards†.(Silverstein, 2008, p.416) Even forty years later, many people still do not believe that OSHA is up holding the standard in workplace safety and health for which it was designed to do. Today a worker still becomes injured or sick from a dangerous job every 2.5 seconds plus a worker dies from a workplace injury or illness every 8 minutes. The National Institute for Occupational Safety, also known as NIOSH, has authority for workplace safety and health matters at federal workplace locations. In the federal workplace environment, NIOSH has an enforcement authority that corresponds to the authority OSHA exercises over workplaces operated by private sector emplo yers. In some instances, state-run programs supersede OSHA authority, and the Occupational and Safety and Health Act of 1970 encourages the development and operation by individual states of workplace safety and health programs. However, to qualify for this exemption to OSHA authority, a state-run program must establish standards and enforcement criteria that match or exceed the effectiveness of the federal OSHA program. As of April 2010, 26 states and U.S. territories have such programs in place with 23 of those 26 covering state and local government workplaces as well as workplaces operated by private sector employers. The Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 established mandatory health and safety standards and directed the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Secretary of Labor to create improved health and safety standards to protect the health and welfare of coal miners in the U.S. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) established a national minimum wage, guaranteed time-and-a-half for overtime in certain types of jobs, and prohibited employers from hiring minors. Today the FLSA helps to enforce and protect the rights and wages of non-exempt employees. I do not have much experience working directly with OSHA but as an OSHA outreach trainer, I have become accustom to understand the importance and impact they can and do have in a workplace environment. Working as a safety coordinator for several different contractors has given me an insight as to how some organizations adhere to OSHA regulations and how other organizations do not. With this insight and from knowledge gained from this course, I see that we still need stay focused on continuous safety awareness and to ensure OSHA enforces the laws and regulations for violators. By understanding the history and the need for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in our society, I have a greater enthusiasm to perform my job functions as a safety coordinator at a higher level and expect the people around me to adhere to the same level of faithfulness. Safety Issues In The Workplace Safety issues are an important topic in todays workplace, especially with the rise in accidents in places of work and business. Accidents may often be small, but they can also lead to life-altering results such as mutilation and even death. The most common type of safety issue in workplaces relates to tripping and falling, however, there are many other causes to be considered. An organization with a superior policy for dealing with safety issues should be considering topics such as ergonomics and the arrangement of the space so that the tasks best fit the people who complete them. In this discussion the focus will be on three in particular which are repetitive stress injuries, workplace stress, and substance abuse. In today’s society, there are many jobs that require sitting at a work station all day. Employees that perform these types of jobs run a higher risk of being injured by chronic and repetitive motion task, like typing on a keyboard, eyestrains, lifting or movement in juries, poor ergonomics or workstation accidents. (Lowe, 2012, p.104) Majority of musculoskeletal injuries and pain affecting office workers are a result of sitting for long periods in the same position performing the same or repetitive motions. I have learned that the key to prevention and treatment of these problems is reducing muscle and tendon overuse. A great method to reduce these injuries from happening would be massage therapy. Massage therapy allows the tendons to release pressure that has built up throughout the day or work hours. Another treatment method would be employees do daily stretches at their workstation. When I began working as a carpenter, every morning we would start the day out by doing a series of stretches to loosen our muscle the same way an individual would if they were preparing to exercise. Work related stress is another major safety issue that affects the workplace. Workplace stressors like interpersonal conflict and work overload can have a profound effect on the health of an organization’s employees. â€Å"Findings indicate that work overload and interpersonal conflict mediate the impact of role stress on emotional exhaustion, job attitudes, and behaviors.†(Boles, Jaramillo, Mulki, 2011, p.329) Interpersonal conflict happens due to the negative social interactions between co-workers in the workplace. Also interpersonal conflict is one of the most important stressors at work due to the effect it has on employees’ emotions and their ability to work as a team. Work overload is the employees’ perception that the job is placing excessive work demands on them. In today’s workforce employees are pressured to deliver greater output while using fewer resources. Overloaded individuals often experience feelings of impatience and being rushed, which in turn affects the quality of their interactions with co-workers. â€Å"Because of rising unemployment rates, layoff survivors are more likely to experience larger workloads because they now perform both their former workload and that of those who left.†(Boles, Jaramillo, Mulki, 2011, p.329) From my experience interpersonal conflict and work overload can have a big impact on the health of all employees with no regard to title, pay grade, or seniority. These stressors can cause emotional, mental, and physical health issues for all they affect. Through newly found knowledge, I have gained a greater understanding of the effects that workplace stress can have on an organization’s employees and how they interact with one another. Organizations can counteract these stressors by providing additional support to individuals who are being affected by these workplace stressors and conducting workload/interpersonal conflict evaluations bi annually. â€Å"Handling problems of substance use and abuse at work are some of the most challenging issue s confronting employers.†(Dwoskin, 2012, p. 32) The law requires employers to provide a safe, healthy and productive work environment to employees, but it also requires employers accommodate the needs of substance abusing employees. This could cause a conflict, because the substance abusing employees may be causing the health and safety issues in the workplace. Employers have the right to insist on a drug and alcohol free workplace and to take disciplinary action against individuals who violate the zero tolerance rules. Under the law â€Å"employers may hold alcoholics and recovering addicts to the same performance standards as other employees.†(Dwoskin, 2012, p.32) This means that employees that abuse drugs and alcohol may be discharged or held to disciplinary action based on tardiness, absenteeism, and poor job performance. But on the other hand, the ADA says they cannot be discriminated against if they are found to be disabled. The ADA defines discrimination as â€Å"not making reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability†(Dwoskin, 2012, p.34) During the course of my research of this particular issue, I learned effect that substance abuse in the workplace can have on the safety of that individual and the people around them. I also learned that in certain situations that a person abusing drugs and alcohol can be protected by the ADA if they are found to be disabled and the employer must accommodate their disability in the workplace. I have known several instances where employees have failed random drug screens and have been able to keep their jobs. But in those instances the employer required the employee to seek professional help in dealing with their addiction. Safety Programs â€Å"A safety program can best be described as a dynamic set of intervention activities implemented at a worksite where the aim is to prevent incidents and accidents at the workplace†(Bjerkan, Olsen, Naevestad, 2009, p.391) These safety programs are usually comprised of activities such as safety training, equipment and housekeeping inspections, safety meetings, and safe behavior observations. There are five key components to a properly structured safety incentive program. The first component involves using an entire campaign to promote your program by building teamwork thru interaction with the employees. The next component is establishing an award vehicle that should be handed out weekly. The third component states to award employees with merchandise rather than money. Usually when employees receive money as a reward they tend to forget the reward and wee the money went to. But when an employee is rewarded with merchandise, they can recall how they received it and this enco urages them to win again. The fourth component says to promote the program using items such as posters, caps, balloons, newsletters, flyers, parties, and company drawings. The last component states to make everyone a winner. It might seem to cost more, but it will pay off in the long run by promoting the idea that everyone that practices safety in the workplace is a winner. Wellness is a lifestyle that encourages good physical and mental health. It is a balanced lifestyle that includes an emphasis on the body, mind and spirit. Wellness Programs were created to encourage all faculty, staff, and retirees to live healthier lifestyles and create a culture of health throughout the organization. Workplace wellness includes organizational policies designed to facilitate employee health including allowing flex time for exercise, providing on-site kitchen and eating areas, offering healthy food options in vending machines, holding â€Å"walk and talk†meetings, and offering financial and other incentives for pa rticipation, among many other options. In the course of researching safety programs, I have learned new techniques that will enhance my knowledge in designing safety programs in the future. Working of several different companies has allowed me to be exposed to different types of safety incentive programs. I have seen what does work and also what does not work. During the course of this paper it was my intention to present key components of workplace safety and health and provide new insight and personal experience that has and will affect my career and personal life and lives of those around me. By exploring the role of safety and health in the workplace I have gained greater understanding of its history. I can now assist employers and employees to apply these safety concepts to their everyday work related routines. In researching OSHA, I discovered a greater knowledge of the importance of the OSHA Act of 1970 and the administrative offices that have developed from the Act. Offices such as OSHA and NIOSH were established to up hold the laws and standards set by the OSHA Act in the workplace. My knowledge has grown during the development of this paper which has allowed me to view different aspects of safety and health that I previously did not have knowledge of. References Dwoskin, L.L. (2012). Substance Abuse in the Workplace: ADA and FMLA Issues to Consider, Part II. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 66(8), 32-38 Jaramillo, F., Mulki, J., Boles, J. S. (2011). WORKPLACE STRESSORS, JOB ATTITUDE, AND JOB BEHAVIORS: IS INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT THE MISSING LINK? Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management, 31(3), 339-356 Lowe, W. (2012). Keying Into Office Worker Injuries. Massage Bodywork, 27(4), 104-107 Markowitz, G., Rosner, D. (20110. FROM THE TRIANGLE FIRE TO THE BP EXPLOSION: A Short History of the Century-Long Movement for Safety and Health. New Labor Forum (Murphy Institute), 20(1), 26-32. Doi10.4179/NLF.201.0000005 Moran, R.E. (2012). WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH: Better OSHA Guidance Needed On Safety Incentive Programs. GAO Reports, 1-46 Olsen, E., Bjerkan, A., Naevestad, T. (2009). Modeling the effects of a large-scale safety Culture programme: a combined qualitative and quantitative approach. Journal Of Risk research, 12 Silverstein, M. (2008). Getting Home Safe and Sound: Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 38: American Journal Of Public Health, 98(3), 416-423 Stanley, J. (2012). Osha’s Warning on Safety Incentive Programs Are Wide of the Mark. EHS Today; Vol. 5 Issue 10, p. 63-64
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The World of Neonatal Nursing Essay -- Nurse Medical Medicine Essays
The World of Neonatal Nursing Since neonatal nursing is my special interest and field, I chose to write about the health care options which are available to parents having children in different hospitals throughout the world. With the state of the art technological advances in the neonatal units, there are so many options available for the care of newborn babies. I reviewed the neonatal units in Australia, Saudi Arabia, New York, Tokyo, Ireland, and California, and I have learned what It takes to run a neonatal intensive care unit all around the world. There were several National Standards that apply to my research. Knows and understands that people define regions and use them to interpret the world’s changing complexity. This applies to the hospitals because where the majority of people live, determines how the world changes and grows. Knows and understands that culture and experience influence people’s perceptions of places and experiences. This applies to the way that different cultures view different procedures in a hospital setting, as well as a worldly setting. The first hospital that I reviewed was the Kirwan Hospital for Women. The KHW is located in Townsville, North Queensland, Australia. Townsville is the largest city in Queensland, with a population of more than 150,000 people. KHW is a hospital dedicated solely to the needs of women. It has maternity, gynecology, and neonatal units, whose goals are to provide the best quality care for women and their newborns. Kirwan Hospital for Women has the only Level III neonatal unit outside of Brisbane. KHW serves a diverse community in a sparsely populated area one-tenth the size of the United States, so the staff must go out and retrieve th... ...he many years to come. I have learned many things about neonatal nursing and I intend on using this information to better myself as a neonatal nurse. Works Cited (1) Carson, Vicki, "Letter From Townsville: Neonatal Nursing Tropical Style." http://www.nann.org/ctrlline/twnsvill.htm (2) Braden, Sandra, "Neonatal Nursing in Saudi Arabia." http://www.nann.org/ctrlline/nnsaudi.htm (3) "The Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder Newborn Intensive Care Unit." http://www.mssm.edu/peds/newborn.html (4) "Coombe Women’s Hospital." http://www.coombe.ie/intro/facts.html (5) "Long Beach Neonatal Intensive Care Unit." http://www.lbcommunity.com/medical/mdmcsneo.html (6) "International Neonatal Nurses Broadsheet." http://www.bizjet.com/jnn/conference.html Geography 354, Spring 1998
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mold level control devices and systems
IntroductionContinuous casting of steel is a procedure with many factors involved. If any of those factors are non controlled it can hold inauspicious effects to both the steel produced and the equipment bring forthing it. This paper will briefly travel over the demands and equipment needed to adequately command the degree of steel in a uninterrupted casting cast every bit good as jobs that arise if non decently controlled.Reason For ControlThe steel ‘s semilunar cartilage ( top of liquid ) needs to be monitored and controlled for a figure of different grounds. The most obvious grounds are to forestall the steel from overruning the cast or from the cast going drained. Both of those instances would ensue in liquefied steel falling onto the equipment below the cast, doing harm and halting of the procedure. Steel over the cast will slop out and it will besides forestall lubrication from come ining the cast pit. In the instance of excessively small steel nowadays in the cast, the s um of clip the steel is in contact with the cast will be excessively short. If the outer part of the steel does non pass adequate clip near the cast walls, a shell of equal thickness to incorporate the internally liquid steel will non be formed. This would do a jailbreak, leaking molten steel and holding production every bit good. If it was merely those two extremes mentioned above, the allowable degree in the cast would be big and merely necessitate a simple method to keep steel degree within that scope. But it has been noticed industrially that fluctuations in the semilunar cartilage degree can hold noticeable effects on the surface quality of the ensuing product1,2. The formation of laps and bleeds on the steel surface every bit good as deepened oscillation markers have been accredited to limitations on lubrication flow caused by traveling semilunar cartilages. Laps and bleeds are proposed to be caused when lubrication is blocked and the outer steel shell is allowed to touch the cast wall1. That contact bonds the two surfaces together doing cryings to organize in the steel tegument let go ofing liquefied steel. Even the cause of lubrication loss can be its ain job. If the limitation is caused by the semilunar cartilage making the scoria rim, the rim can do denting in the steel surface and can be broken off onto the steel surface through scratch ( Fig. 1 ) . The deepness of oscillation Markss formed by the cast ‘s oscillation is related to the fluctuation way of the meniscus2. Since oscillation Markss are a byproduct of the speed differences between the cast and steel during denudation, a alteration in the semilunar cartilage degree would alter the comparative speed between the two. So, when the semilunar cartilage rises, more steel progresss per oscillation shot which increases the distance between markers but besides increasing the deepness of the marker ( Fig. 2 ) . On the other manus, when the steel degree in the cast lowers, the antonym is seen and the markers are closer together but each is shallower because of it.Equipment To MonitorThe basic mold degree control systems relied merely on feeling devices at the cast to supervise the degree of the steel within it. Two chief options for the finding of steel degree are thermally supervising the cast or optical review of the meniscus1,3. The thermic method requires the installing of thermocouples within the cast above the coveted steel degree. The temperature at the thermocouples can be used to find their distance from the liquefied steel. The job with this method was complication in graduating it, since the temperature-to-distance computation would necessitate the thermocouples ‘ exact distances up the cast and within the cast every bit good as the heat transportation rate through the cast, its chilling rate and the initial temperature of the steel. A presently preferred method is an optical detector positioned above the cast that straight observes the steel degree. Other countries that require monitoring are the usher axial rotations, the tundish, and the province of the tundish-to-mold flow regulator ( either a stopper rod or a slide gate valve ) ( Fig. 3 ) 4. The set projecting velocity of the steel is monitored through the usher rolls below the cast. The tundish is monitored to find the deepness of steel in the tundish since its ensuing metallostatic force per unit area caput will impact the flow velocity into the cast. The place of the flow regulator is required so that the cross sectional country of the tundish-to-mold flow can be calculated. Many parts are needed to interact with each other to travel a flow regulator3. At the regulator itself there are motion limitation forces to see. For slide gate valves both clash with its holder and force per unit area from the fluxing steel can impact motion, while for a stopper rod clash against the liquid steel every bit good as perkiness within that liquid demand to be considered. About all flow regulators are moved by usage of a hydraulic device. The force per unit area within a hydraulic cylinder is non ever of a degree to do motion, so the hold clip to construct up equal force per unit area to travel the flow regulator should be noted. The other beginning of response hold is from the electrical detector commanding the hydraulic system. All electrical switches have a deadband value which is the minimal electromotive force signal needed to trip a response. Taken together, the holds caused from electromotive force and force per unit area build up and get the better ofing clash ca n show about half a 2nd hold between computing machine bid and physical accommodation.Computer Control MethodsAll the centripetal readings are inputted into a dynamic control system that determines what accommodations are needed to command the steel degree in the cast. The exact type of control system used presently is a closed-loop automatic control regulator ( Fig. 4 ) 5. This type of accountant does non necessitate human input, regulates the end product ( in this instance steel degree ) to a set value, and mentions prior end product readings for future determinations. The accountant is divided into two chief countries of concern: bid response and perturbation rejection3. Command response trades with doing major accommodations to the system to make the programmed steel level3. This is accomplished by executing a mass-flow balance for the mold4. This portion of the accountant modus operandi is dominate when the cast is ab initio make fulling up or when the degree of steel demands to be changed to a new set point. Once the coveted degree is reached in the cast, all that is required of this portion of the control plan is to maintain the incoming volume rate equal to the outgoing volume rate. The outgoing rate is equal to the projecting velocity from the usher axial rotations multiplied by the face country of the casting. The ingoing rate is based on the tundish-to-mold flowing velocity caused by the deepness of steel in the tundish and its corrected flow country. Adjustment is needed for computation of the ingoing volume rate since frictional forces curtailing flow alteration based on flow speed and turbulency. Disturbance rejection trades with minimising the mistake difference between the current steel degree and the mark steel level3. When the steel degree is near to the mark value, the bid response is used maintain the current mold degree while the perturbation rejection everyday Acts of the Apostless to rectify for minor fluctuations in steel degree. These fluctuations from the mark are normally the consequence of nose clogging, but can besides be caused by other things. There are two major methods for minimising mistake, through a formulated response or through an expert system. A expression modus operandi at the simplest contains a relative invariable that is multiplied by the mistake to rectify the end product system4. While this corrects for the mistake it besides can bring forth extra fluctuation in the steel degree, unless a differential invariable is besides used. By multiplying a changeless by the rate of steel degree fluctuation the rectification response is damped and will settle to the mark degree bit by bit. By utilizing this, the mark degree will non be overshoot ensuing in changeless gap and shutting of the flow regulator and seting unnecessary wear on it. Additional expression parts, like a fuzzed control term, can be used to accelerate response4,6. An expert system everyday uses pre-programmed responses for outputs7,8. It takes the input degrees, and based on anterior technology cognition, picks a predetermined action. While this everyday type is faster and simpler to make than a formula modus operandi, it does non hold the same degree of preciseness.DrumheadThe surface quality of uninterrupted dramatis personae steel can be greatly affected by motion of the steel semilunar cartilage in the cast. To acquire the best surface quality possible, the fluctuation scope of the semilunar cartilage should be minimized every bit much as possible. Through supervising the volume flow rates into and out of the cast, every bit good as the alteration in steel degree, the steel degree in the cast can be controlled. In add-on, jobs with steel flow into the cast can be corrected for by usage of computing machine modus operandis.Mentions1. S. Kumar, B. N. Walker, I. V. Samarasekera, and J. K. Brimacombe: â€Å"Chaos at the Meniscus – The Genesis of Defects in Continuously Cast Steel Billets†, 1995, 13th PTD Conference Proceedings, pp.119-141 2. B. G. Thomas, M. S. Jenkins, and R. B. Mahapatra: â€Å"Investigation of Strand Surface Defects Using Mould Instrumentation and Modelling†, 2004, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, Vol.31, No.6, pp.485-494 3. H. L. Gilles, J. A. Stofanak, I. W. Whiteman, and J. W. Brunicon: â€Å"Dynamic Modeling of Slab Caster Mold Level Control†, 1995, 13th PTD Conference Proceedings, pp.263-277 4. D. Lee, Y. Kueon, and S. Lee: â€Å"High Performance Hybrid Mold Level Controller for Thin Slab Caster†, 2004, Control Engineering Practice 12, pp.275-281 5. G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. Emami-Naeini: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 4th Ed. , 2002 6. E. J. Saarelainen, P. Lautala, M. Inkinen, and J. Johansson: â€Å"Steel Caster Mold Level Control Using Fuzzy Logic†, 1995, 13th PTD Conference Proceedings, pp397-402 7. Y. S. Kueon, and S. Y. Yoo: â€Å"Mold Level Control in Continuous Caster Via Nonlinear Control Technique†, 1997, Automation in the Steel Industry 8. T. Watanabe, K. Omura, M. Konishi, S. Watanabe, and K. Furukawa: â€Å"Mold Level Control in Continuous Caster by Neural Network Model†, 1999, ISIJ International, Vol.39, No.10, pp.1053-1060
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Retrenchment Strategies Type Essay
A retrenchment grand strategy is followed when an organization aims at a contraction of its activities through substantial reduction or the elimination of the scope of one or more of its businesses in terms of their respective customer groups, customer functions, or alternative technologies either singly or jointly in order to improve its overall performance. E.g: A corporate hospital decides to focus only on special treatment and realize higher revenues by reducing its commitment to general case which is less profitable. The growth of industries and markets are threatened by various external and internal developments (External developments – government policies, demand saturation, emergence of substitute products, or changing customer needs. Internal Developments – poor management, wrong strategies, poor quality of functional management and so on.) In these situations the industries and markets and consequently the companies face the danger of decline and will go for adopting retrenchment strategies. E.g: fountain pens, manual type writers, tele printers, steam engines, jute and jute products, slide rules, calculators and wooden toys are some products that have either disappeared or face decline. There are three types of retrenchment strategies – Turnaround Strategies, Divestment Strategies and Liquidation strategies. 1. Turnaround Strategies Turn around strategies derives their name from the action involved that is reversing a negative trend. There are certain conditions or indicators which point out that a turnaround is needed for an organization to survive. They are: Persistent Negative cash flows Negative Profits Declining market share Deterioration in Physical facilities Over manning, high turnover of employees, and low morale Uncompetitive products or services Mis management An organization which faces one or more of these issues is referred to as a ‘sick’ company. There are three ways in which turnarounds can be managed The existing chief executive and management team handles the entire turnaround strategy with the advisory support of a external consultant. In another case the existing team withdraws temporarily and an executive consultant or turnaround specialist is employed to do the job. The last method involves the replacement of the existing team specially the chief executive, or merging the sick organization with a healthy one. Before a turn around can be formulated for an Indian company, it has to be first declared as a sick company. The declaration is done on the basis of the Sick Industrial Companies Act (SICA), 1985, which provides for a quasi judicial body called the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) which acts as the corporate doctor whenever companies fall sick. 2. Divestment Strategies A divestment strategy involves the sale or liquidation of a portion of business, or a major division. Profit centre or SBU. Divestment is usually a part of rehabilitation or restructuring plan and is adopted when a turnaround has been attempted but has proved to be unsuccessful. Harvesting strategies a variant of the divestment strategies, involve a process of gradually letting a company business wither away in a carefully controlled manner Reasons for Divestment The business that has been acquired proves to be a mismatch and cannot be integrated within the company. Similarly a project that proves to be in viable in the long term is divested Persistent negative cash flows from a particular business create financial problems for the whole company, creating a need for the divestment of that business. Severity of competition and the inability of a firm to cope with it may cause it to divest. Technological up gradation is required if the business is to survive but where it is not possible for the firm to invest in it. A preferable option would be to divest Divestment may be done because by selling off a part of a business the company may be in a position to survive A better alternative may be available for investment, causing a firm to divest a part of its unprofitable business. Divestment by one firm may be a part of merger plan executed with another firm, where mutual exchange of unprofitable divisions may take place. Lastly a firm may divest in order to attract the provisions of the MRTP Act or owing to oversize and the resultant inability to manage a large business. E.g: TATA group is a highly diversified entity with a range of businesses under its fold. They identified their non – core businesses for divestment. TOMCO was divested and sold to Hindustan Levers as soaps and a detergent was not considered a core business for the Tatas. Similarly, the pharmaceuticals companies of the Tatas- Merind and Tata pharma – were divested to Wockhardt. The cosmetics company Lakme was divested and sold to Hindustan Levers, as besides being a non core business, it was found to be a non- competitive and would have required substantial investment to be sustained. 3. Liquidation Strategies A retrenchment strategy which is considered the most extreme and unattractive is the liquidation strategy, which involves closing down a firm and selling its assets. It is considered as the last resort because it leads to serious consequences such as loss of employment for workers and other employees, termination of opportunities where a firm could pursue any future activities and the stigma of failure The psychological implications The prospects of liquidation create a bad impact on the company’s reputation. For many executives who are closely associated firms, liquidation may be a traumatic experience. Legal aspects of liquidation: Under the Companies Act 1956, liquidation is termed as winding up. The Act defines winding up of a company as the process whereby its life is ended and its property administered for the benefit of its creditors and members. The Act provides for a liquidator who takes control of the company, collect its assets, pay it debts, and finally distributes any surplus among the members according to their rights.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Criminal Justice Term Paper Topics
Criminal Justice Term Paper Topics So if you are assigned a paper on a criminal justice term paper topic and you need help – we will help you with your term paper writing. A criminal justice term paper is something, where every student forced to write it, requires assistance. It differs from an average term paper, as is much serious, and in most cases completely results your grade. In order to manage to write a good criminal justice term paper – you have to be able to incorporate all your efforts as well as spend a lot of time on the research. Be ready to surf the internet just to get the idea of the criminal justice term paper topic. Actually, choosing the criminal justice term paper topic is the most important decision which you will have to make in the process of writing a criminal justice term paper. You need to define the areas of your expertise, and find out which topic you are interested in, and where would you like to share your thoughts and opinions. When choosing the criminal justice term paper topic – you have to be able to forecast the way your paper will be perceived from the professor’s point of view, and find a topic, which will be equally high interesting for the professor as well as for you. Such topics can be: Can punishment be unjust? Examples of unjust laws in various countries The impact of crime on the society The topics that you can choose for your criminal justice term paper can be various, so take some time choosing the most appropriate one. The most dangerous and crucial issue right now is plagiarism. Plagiarism can seriously harm your criminal justice term paper, so be careful if you are using some other sources. If you decide to use some sources as quotations in your criminal justice term paper – be sure to cite and reference everything. You can be accused of plagiarism if you do not cite and reference everything properly. CustomWritings.com can help you write your own criminal justice term paper for minimum money and in the shortest time. If you are seeking for professional and expert assistance in writing your criminal justice term paper – consider writers from our online term paper writing agency to assist you. We have specifically trained writers, who are experts in criminal justice, and all of them have writing talent as well as a will to help you with any of your assignments. All term papers written at CustomWritings.com are plagiarism free, and are custom written from scratch. You do not need to worry about the quality of your custom paper. We keep constant quality control and make sure that all custom criminal justice term papers are of the best quality. The process of ordering a custom paper is very easy. All you need to do is give us detailed instructions on how to write a term paper, and give clear the requirements. Our number 1 priority is your satisfaction. Our writers are ready to do anything for you to be satisfied with your criminal justice term paper. Heres a list of possible criminal justice essay topics: 1. Girls Juvenile in the Criminal Justice System 2. Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System in Jamaica as evidenced by levels of crime in Jamaica. 3. New Technology and Criminal Justice 4. The Criminal Justice System, Meeting Victims Needs 5. Crime Law and the Criminal Justice Service 6. The Youth Criminal Justice Act And The Implications For The Education System 7. Computer Science in Criminal Justice 8. Women In Criminal Justice 9. Criminal and Justice Administration 10. School Security and Criminal Justice By ordering a custom criminal justice term paper at CustomWritings.com you are doing the smart thing. You will 100% be satisfied with our quality and our performance.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Tips That Will Help You Get a Job With No Experience
5 Tips That Will Help You Get a Job With No Experience Getting a job, especially in a field that’s relatively new to you, can be fraught with confusion and contradictions. Perhaps the Catch-22-est of them all: everyone wants to hire someone with experience, but how do you get that experience if no one will hire you? You know you’re ready and qualified for these jobs, but without prior experience it’s hard to convince hiring managers glancing at a resume. It’s incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re just starting out in a new field (or trying to).  1. Get Moral SupportFirst things first: you’re not alone. Discouraged job hunters often turn to online social forums like Reddit to see if others are experiencing the same job search pain. There’s comfort in numbers, of course, but more importantly, people are able to share their own experiences and even offer solutions that ended up working. 2. Market Your ExperienceSometimes, it’s a matter of sending your cover letter and resume to 100 different places until the right job without experience comes along, especially in a tough market. But more likely, you’re unwittingly sabotaging yourself by limiting how you present your experience. Experience comes in many different forms, and although employers tend to prize paid experience above all else, look at your resume and see if you’re unintentionally selling yourself short. Maybe you don’t have three years in a paid role, but you do have a year-long internship doing much of the same role. Ditto for skills you use in a volunteer job or in an educational setting.Make sure your resume is clear on your skills that overlap with the job you want- and if that means tailoring your resume for each job opening, go for it. You can also call out this point in the cover letter, saying you have extensive experience in X skill in a similar office setting. 3. Be Open to Starting From the BottomGetting the full-time paid gig in your chosen fie ld will almost always be the gold standard. It’s likely what you’re seeking, but if you’re having trouble breaking into the industry, there might be a back door. Many companies seek temporary or part-time employees to work on short-term projects or to screen potential candidates for a permanent position. Being a â€Å"temp†can feel like a step back when you have your heart set on a full-on career-starting position, but don’t count it out.I had this experience when I moved to a new city, degree in hand, and no job. Entry-level jobs in my target field (book publishing) were hard to come by at the time, and unfortunately â€Å"career goals†can’t pay the rent. So I signed up with a local staffing agency and moved through a number of temporary positions over the next few years. Not all of them were in publishing, but every single job gave me necessary workplace skills and experience that eventually helped me get on the path I wanted.It c an seem like you’re giving up on your goals to take a temporary or part-time position, when really you’re repositioning yourself to be a better candidate for the right job. 4. Network in Your IndustryDoes your target field have a professional association or union? Dig a little deeper and start researching what the resources are in your industry. If there are public networking events or social events, go! Meet new people, and start building relationships and shoring them up via LinkedIn or other social media. You may not get a job right away, but worst case, you’ll have spent an evening learning from people who share your professional interests- and they might remember your name as that awesome person who didn’t have decades of experience but showed great initiative and knowledge at that party a few months ago. 5. Look for the needle in the haystack.Take a close look at companies in your industry- it’s possible that some do offer training o r experience-building positions for people without prior experience. You can also contact human resources departments in your industry and ask them about training and entry-level opportunities offered by the company. It will help you get a better sense of the â€Å"friendly†opportunities for your level of experience and help you focus your search accordingly.Don’t let a lack of experience daunt you. Everyone, in every industry, has to start somewhere. There are breaks available, really. And while it can be frustrating to wait, you can take proactive steps to make sure you’re ready to take advantage when opportunities do come up.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
111History of Psychology... 1st one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
111History of Psychology... 1st one - Essay Example Therefore, the strict position of empiricism states that we have no instincts and rational thinking does not, alone, allow us to reach any conclusion unless we have suitable experience to profit from. This experience can be either in one particular instance or through many different instances that have all been combined together to give that person suitable knowledge. Even small common facts such as the color of an object or the sequence of numbers are attained with experience and only with the first hand experience of these facts can these facts be justified by the individual. Notable history of empiricism includes a Renaissance philosopher Francis Bacon who emphasized that gaining knowledge of the natural world was easier and more efficient through observation than through deductive reasoning [1]. While he did not oppose the thought of prior or instinctive knowledge, he firmly believed that any knowledge that was not experienced was far less useful or important than that which was gained through experience. Experienced knowledge was so important, in fact, that without it the human species would not be able to evolve or advance. This belief helped pave the way for William Ockham, a Franciscan philosopher, to note that all knowledge of the natural world is experienced through the senses [4]. He implied that any rationalization of abstract knowledge was merely hypothetical thinking. A thought that later lead to the belief that causation is merely an observation of regularity instead of an actual conclusive connection [4]. This line of thought was taken even further by Thomas Hobbes who believed that, while all genuine knowledge was held through prior knowledge, it required deduction from definitions of experience in order to derive any conclusion [1, 4]. Perhaps the most influential philosopher on empiricism was John Locke who believed that
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